One thing to remember is that until you patent it, your Eureka moment is open to intellectual property theft. The minute you tell someone about it, they could claim it was their idea and you have nothing to say otherwise. However, if you have it patented that’s a different story. That’s where the experts come in as they have the knowledge and expertise to ensure your idea or product is properly patented for your protection and to protect against this sort of theft.
Another thing to remember is that in order to become a success, you concept or product needs to be seen by the right people at the right time. This is something that can be difficult to gauge or deal with if you have no experience with this type of thing. Experienced professionals, however, will know exactly how to put your concept or product in front of the right people at the perfect time, which boosts the chances of investment and commercial success across the world.
So, next time that light bulb switches on in your head and you have a great idea, note it down before you put it out of your head, as it might just make you rich one day! https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBusinessDirectory/comments/ah1j4e/bringing_an_idea_to_market/