Cracking Social Media: LARGEST Popular Google+ Circle Share In History. LARGEST Popular Google+ Circle Share In History I had a contest with myself...could I beat Google and actually pass them for the most engaged circle share in the history of Google+?
The reason why I did it is because the last 14 months I more or less stopped working on my personal accts as I manage multiple corporate accounts through my company. All the methods and shares you see now I already wrote a top 25 best seller on Amazon about 2 years ago. So just for kicks wanted to see if I could do it. I sold it privately promoting it on gplus then at the end put it on Amazon sold over 600 copies and enough to hit top 25!
To be honest I thought I may be able to land 2nd as it required 444 re-shares I believe. FLICKR I received over 15,000 views by cross promoting. People discount flickr and I will tell you what. Yesterday I had 8,474 views all have links to destinations For example This photo is number 1 28,021 views This 1 14,000. Welcome to Google+ Build Your Brand on G+ What the Plus! Google+ for the Rest of Us: Guy Kawasaki: Amazon.com. Google+ How to Move Your Facebook Photos to Picasa & Google Plus. Looking for an easy way to move your photos from Facebook to Google Plus?
So were we. That's why we were happy to discover this Web application, available in the Chrome Web store, that does the work for you. Available only as a browser add-on for Google Chrome, Move2Picasa exports all your Facebook albums and photos and imports them into Picasa for you, for free. You can then share those pictures with your Circles on Google Plus. Move2Picasa Even if you're planning to maintain a social presence on both Google Plus and Facebook, it's always smart to have multiple backups of your photos. To get started, you first need to install the browser extension Move2Picasa. You can then check and uncheck which Facebook albums will be copied over to Picasa. After selecting the photos, it's just one click of the "upload button" to get the process started. Eight Google+ tools for journalists. Credit: Image by charliecurve on Flickr. Some rights reserved If you are one of those people who signed up to Google+ in the early days but find you do not use the social network on a regular basis, here are a few tools you should know about.
Several of these were discussed in a presentation given by Ian Barber, senior developer advocate at Google+, at last week's news:rewired conference. You can see his presentation slides, which illustrate several of the tools, at this link. 1. Taken from Ian Barber's presentation.
Add People from Email. Google+ Update: Share Your Favorite Circles with Others. New +1 Button Features: Sharing on Google+, and +Snippets. Google+ Statistics on SocialStatistics.com. Google Plus: The Most Under-Appreciated Must-Use Social Media Tool. I have to admit I am a skeptical Google+ user.
Coming at it from my easy, breezy Twitter perspective, I find Google+ clunky and cumbersome, particularly because I don't like staying logged into my Google account all day unless I'm using it. So one day when I found myself in a Twitter conversation with a colleague (who I met through LinkedIn, mind you) debating the merits of Google+, I got to thinking that--if nothing else--I ought to see if there are other devotees out there, and why they adore the platform. Google Plus profile template. Create your unique and awesome Google+ profile in minutes!
I have already done the facebook profile/pages timeline template and now google gave me the opportunity to offer you a Photoshop Template for your Google Plus Profile! With the Photoshop Template you may create your own "melt together" profile header with ease.The zip file there is a PS action and which creates the final images automatically for you. How Google's +1 Button Affects SEO. Since the days of Google Buzz, the +1 button has been a mystery to users and content producers alike.
It's different from Facebook's "Like" button, in that it doesn't directly share content to a user's social stream. But the cultivation of a social graph has long been the goal of Google, and its connection to search was likely inevitable. Google defines the +1 as a feature to help people discover and share relevant content from the people they already know and trust.
Users can +1 different types of content, including Google search results, websites, and advertisements. Google+ Profile Hack HOWTO (Photoshop Template) Google+ for Business: How Google's Social Network Changes Everything (9780789749147): Chris Brogan. How Do I Make the Most of Google+? What the Plus! Google+ for the Rest of Us: Guy Kawasaki: Amazon.com. Where to hang out at Google+, list of hangouts at Google+
Women of Google+ Group/as - Find people grouped by interest to circle on Google+. Lists, Trends & Statistics. How To Find Local Influencers On Google Plus. Google has been making a big deal out of privacy lately, but Google+ just launched a slew of new features designed to make people easier to find.
I am particularly intrigued by the new Ripples feature, which allows you to see who has shared a post and track it as it gets shared by others. It is, in fact, like watching a ripple. Ripples strikes me as much more of a feature for marketers than for consumers. I suppose Google+ wants to attract power users who typically have more of a marketing mindset than the average Joe. So of course the first thing I thought of was that Ripples would be an excellent tool to find local influencers on Google Plus. (Warning: The techniques described below are merely for educational purposes. 1. I am sure Google+ will eventually have some nifty ways for you to find people near you who share similar interests, but let’s say you wanted to find those people today. Go to Google and do the following search: Here are the top results of my Bay Area vegan query: 2. 3. Homepage - Who to follow on Google Plus? Google+ Suggested Users.
Google+ Search. Google Plus Directory. The Art Of Google+ Comments : The World. Guy Kawasaki offers advice on how to deal with the inundation of unproductive Google+ comments.
October 03, 2011 For awhile, Google+ was a beautiful swimming pool filled with enchanting people making substantial, supportive and serene comments. Then hell broke loose On Sept. 21, 2011 when Google+ opened for anyone to join. Overnight, posts were inundated with clueless, crass or callous comments—is it possible to be nostalgic about the good old days when those days were only a few weeks ago? On Sept. 22 I felt like I woke up feeling discouraged. This post is not meant for spammers or sociopaths—nothing will alter their behavior. Sure, you could ask the police to stop the litterers and hope that the police can enforce an effective solution.
Before we get to the art of full-fledged comments that are at least a phrase long, there are other ways to provide feedback to the authors of posts. Share You can share a post. A +1 is a like tip for the valet or bellman. One-word comments Create value. How to Optimize Your Google+ Business Page. As a new page owner, I’ve been studying hundreds of Google+ brand profiles to keep track of how pages engage people.
I’ve also been studying everything from page photo strips to how brands are utilizing hangouts and seeking to circle subscribers. Here is my growing list of optimization strategies I’m using on the Google+ circled.us page: 1. Keep your page tag line under 21 characters if you don’t want words getting cut When people roll their mouse over your page icon when searching for pages, they will see your page name and the first 31 characters of your page tag line/description. And if people click to view all pages in common with another page (or see who circled who), you’ll notice that less than 21 characters of the tag line are visible. It’s obviously okay to add more or less words, but make sure you’re happy with how it appears when done. 2.
Google+: The Complete Guide. Using Google+?
Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Guide updated January 18, 2012 Google+: It's the hot social network on the block. In just a few months, Google's competitor to Facebook and Twitter has amassed more than 40 million users, and its growth hasn't stopped. Googleplusupdates's channel. Help. Search. Closing Social Login Gap Against Facebook. Janrain's Quarterly Social Login Trend Report for Q3 2013 shows that while Google+ is still the 2nd choice for users it is closing in on Facebook.
In this quarter's social login preferences report by user management platform, Janrain, shows that Google+ is narrowing the gap against overall leader Facebook to only 12% points. Google has managed to close the gap to Facebook from 29% in the 3rd quarter of 2012.Janrain highlights that the main driver is down to the launch of Google+ Sign In, which has increased the level of applications and websites users can sign in with Google+. Google+