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First of all I would like to point out that as Artists, we are free to paint and draw what we wish – so unless you are an architectural artist, please don’t feel that guides in drawing in perspective are RULES! They are simply powerful guides (or tricks) to use if you wish to create a 3 dimensional illusion on your flat surface. The choice is yours! First, let’s have a look at how powerful the illusion of perspective drawing can be! Hard to believe? Isn’t that amazing! SmART Class: Winter Rain Watercolor Resist. Am I the only one who is ready for this Winter to be over?
Spring Break is right around the corner and we still have freezing temperatures here!! This week we have been looking at the ugly, freezing, dark skies and rain. We wanted to turn it into something beautiful! Begin with a white crayon and draw the horizon line. there should be a big emphasis on drawing OVALS instead of circles. Moving fish. The drawings on this paper transform. Creative Artwork by Clym Evernden. INSIDER art - These drawings are all connected. Cubism with 4th and 5th. Another project in my big Art History unit with my students is finally all displayed and ready to be shared!
The two above were chosen for Youth Art Month at the Portage County Library! Creating Torn Paper Landscapes. Usually paper and scissors go hand-in-hand, but not for this project.
We’re tearing paper and layering the pieces to make colorful landscapes. Each one turns out completely unique and beautiful, and all you need is paper and a glue stick. The First Trailer for ‘Loving Vincent,’ an Animated Film Featuring 12 Oil Paintings per Second by Over 100 Painters. The first trailer for Loving Vincent (previously) was just released and it promises stunning visuals in a novel format: the film was created from a staggering 12 oil paintings per second in styles inspired by the famous Dutch painter’s brushstrokes.
The upcoming movie will detail the story of Van Gogh’s life leading up to the tumultuous time surrounding his death some 125 years ago. According to the filmmakers, over 100 painters have contributed frames to the ambitious feature-length film that is still in progress at their headquarters in Gdansk, Poland. The film is currently being produced by Oscar-winning studios BreakThru Films and Trademark Films, and you can follow their progress or even get involved yourself on their website. The Helpful Art Teacher: Drawing and painting trees: Light and shadow in an autumn landscape. Look at the trees below.
The autumn sunlight is steaming in from the side. The sun is not visible in these photographs. The sunlight creates light and shadow on the trees. The trunks of the trees get smaller as they grow higher. Pamela Holderman: our farms are ready for harvest. We made farms, colorful farms, crazy farms with rivers running through them - complete with bridges,
Color theory. Alphabet Art Project for 1st Grade - This is a great project to try at the beginning of the year or as your students are reviewing the alphabet and beginning to learn to write words and phrases.
I got this idea from the book Dynamic Art Projects for Children. Foliage Friends. Op Art "Floating Spheres" Optical illusion art like Vaserely. CITYSCAPE SILHOUETTES - A POSITIVE-NEGATIVE SPACE ART LESSON - TeachersPayTeachers.com. Great for substitutes!
This art lesson focuses on the interplay of positive and negative space. The activity can be kept very simple and basic, or it can be extended to include a comprehensive discussion about the use of space in art work. The basic lesson is simple to teach, and it can be extended in several directions. Add a writing activity or a companion art activity that reverses the design. How To Draw For Kids. Simple as Pie Scribble Creatures. Jamestown Elementary Art Blog: 4th grade Heather Galler Folk Art Landscapes. 4th grade artists are learning about the contemporary artist Heather Galler, Folk Art, and Landscapes.
Adventures of a Middle School Art Teacher: 7th Grade ~ OP Art lesson. From here, they select one of the patterns (2x2, 3x3, or 4x4) and complete their design on either graph paper, or pre-printed paper as shown below. Once finished, we cut them out, glue them on black construction paper, and laminate them. Round 1-Point Perspective City. Tree Reflection: A Pastels Tutorial - Hodgepodge. A fall favorite from 2010… We are still enjoying fall scenes around our house. With that in mind, Nana taught us a pastel lesson with trees, water and reflection. First, we gathered our colors. And, starting with the green, we drew a line for the grass. Not a very thick line, to leave plenty of space for the water. Exquisite Corpse Drawing Book. Artsonia Art Gallery. Toys from Trash. Fishy Fish. The Ming Vases. I’ve tried an effective technique to imitate the Ming Vases, the typical Chinese vases in white porcelain with blue decorations.
We begin copying the characteristic shapes of the Chinese vases from some pictures, with narrow necks and large bellies. To succeed in draw the symmetrical shape you start by median vertical line, draw a half and then you try to complete the other side, as if in a mirror. Now you color the shapes with oil pastels in various shades of blue, making sure to fill the whole surface of the vase. After that you cover the vases with a layer of white acrylic paint or white gesso primer and wait until it dries.
When the white layer is dry you engrave the surface with a toothpick copying the drawings from the Ming porcelains (dragons, ideograms, plants, flowers, clouds and birds…), thus it will appear the underlying blue! Eventually cut vases and paste them on a black background. Friday Art Feature - I Am ... We had our first official art class of the year this week. I decided to start off with an easy one so everyone could feel successful with their project. And the final results couldn't be more beautiful in our classroom!
Silhouette Art by Nacho Ormaechea. This silhouette art by Spanish designer Nacho Ormaechea is pretty unique. The images display peoples’ thoughts, desires or memories─or so they appear. Color Theory Trees. Made this icecream cone art with my students today... icecream is equal parts white glue and shaving cream. I used food colouring to colour the mix… Cassie Stephens: In the Art Room: Tree Weaving with Third Grade. Every year I do a weaving project with my students, kindergarten to fourth grade. Color It Like you MEAN it!: umbrella. Everything looks better in color, right? There's a Dragon in my Art Room: An oldie but goodie - 'Words that Describe Themselves' I've shared this in a lesson plan exchange (of lessons for substitutes) that Art Project Girl arranged a year or two ago, but I've never posted it on the blog before.
The flag image above had me thinking about our presidential inauguration, so I thought I'd share this lesson today. (By the way, did you LOVE Michelle Obama's red dress as much as I did? Spectacular color!) Back to the lesson; the idea is simple. The Helpful Art Teacher: ATMOSPHERIC PERSPECTIVE. Draw-Klimts-Tree-of-LIfe.pdf. Guilford County School's Art Educator's Blog: Caitlin Fisher, Southeast Middle School, Sub Lessons. Mr F Tesselation 1. Easy Art lessons for substitute teachers (free & printable)!
Lesson: Remixed Masterpiece. I usually do not go to blogs for lessons, as stated here. However, sometimes you find that PERFECT lesson idea that you just can’t get out of your mind. You have to try it, and it gets filed into the “I will do this someday” folder. Веселые рожицы. Рисуем смешные прически / Уроки рисования карандашом для начинающих - как научиться рисовать, учимся вместе / Ёжка - стихи, загадки, творчество и уроки рисования для детей. Life. Truth. Art.: Zendala MADNESS! A New Way to Introduce the Color Wheel.