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Bio Oxidations Therapie. Cancer cells metabolically "fertilize" the tumor microenvironment w... Hydrogen peroxide fuels aging, inflammation, cancer metabolism and metastasis. ‎ Bio-oxidative solutions inc. - Cancer Treament . A cancer prognosis can be a devastating one to you and your family, when the diagnosis is made depending on what stage, you have limited time to get the cancer under control,cancer is the leading cause of death next to heart disease. In this section we will be discussing what are causes of some of the leading cancers, questions like what is cancer ?

How to prevent, and most of all, is the modern technique of radiation, and chemo therapy, really the most effective way in combating the disease. Modern chemo treatments does not discriminate between healthy cells and cancerous ones, a regiment of chemo can leave you and your immune system worse off before you started the regiment. Dr. Warburg the most prominent cancer researcher of the 20th century was fist to observe if you lower oxygen 35% on normal healthy cells, in a few days healthy cells will turn cancerous, and he showed the rate of glycolysis can vary over a 100-fold over normal cells in some instances. Thanks to Dr. DR. Dr. Cardiac Resuscitation with Hydrogen Peroxide - The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Levine AA Cancer H2O2.pdf. "The One Minute Cure For All Diseases" Prooxidant action of two antioxidants: ascorbic acid and gallic acid. - Abstract. Ascorbate does not act as a pro-oxidant towards lipids and proteins in human plasma exposed to redox-active transition metal ions and hydrogen peroxide.

Abstract The combination of ascorbate, transition metal ions, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an efficient hydroxyl radical generating system called “the Udenfriend system.” Although the pro-oxidant role of ascorbate in this system has been well characterized in vitro, it is uncertain whether ascorbate also acts as a pro-oxidant under physiological conditions. To address this question, human plasma, used as a representative biological fluid, was either depleted of endogenous ascorbate with ascorbate oxidase, left untreated, or supplemented with 25 μM–1 mM ascorbate. Subsequently, the plasma samples were incubated at 37°C with 50 μM–1 mM iron (from ferrous ammonium sulfate), 60 or 100 μM copper (from cupric sulfate), and/or 200 μM or 1 mM H2O2.

Keywords Ascorbate; Metal ions; Pro-oxidant; Human plasma; Oxidative damage; Free radicals Copyright © 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. H2O2 Research Library.


High-dose Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Advanced Cancer. Ascorbate in pharmacologic concentrations selectively generates ascorbate radical and hydrogen peroxide in extracellular fluid in vivo. The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide By Dr. David G. Williams. Use of intra-arterial hydrogen peroxide to promote wound healing. Sauerstoff, Magnesium, Bioflavonoide, Pro- Oxygen- Vitamin C und H2O2. Ist das stärkste natürliche Bacterizid, Fungizid und Viricid, das der Menschheit bekannt ist. Es ist bewiesen worden, daß durch Oxygen 100% der Viren in gespendeten Blutproben getötet werden. Oxydiert die Fett-Schicht ungesunder, infizierter Zellen und zerstört sie durch einen Prozeß namens Zell Lysis. Macht bestimmte Viren verwundbar, weil sie in Fetthüllen eingeschlossen sind. Diese schließen Herpes - Simplex, Herpes - Zoster, Epstein-Barr, Grippe, Mumps, Masern, HIV sowie den Cytomegalo Virus usw. ein.

Formt Peroxid und Wasserstoffperoxid, wenn es auf Wasser im Blut trifft. Krebsforscher haben Wasserstoffperoxid-Intoleranzen in Tumorzellen festgestellt. WASSERSTOFF-PEROXiD (H2O2): Wird in Muttermilch gefunden. Hilft bei der Verhinderung von Herzkrankheit und Herzrhytmusstörungen. Es hat antivirelle und antibakterielle Eigenschaften.

Helfen retinale Blutungen zu verhindern. Rechtshinweise: Bibliographie Baker, Elizabeth. Zurück. Full text of "what-program-is-right-for-me" ‎ ‎ MedicalMiracle. Internet Scientific Publications. Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy Pages | The unbiased guide to Hydrogen Peroxide Therapies. ‎ Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy (IV H2O2), medical and health care information, bio-oxidative medicine, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, (H2O2) ozone (O3) Bio-oxidative medicine is the addition of oxygen directly to the tissues of the body in the form of singlet oxygen (lone oxygen atoms) in a highly reactive state.

To more fully understand the chemistry involved, review: Bio-oxidative Medicine. In living systems oxygen (as O2) is transported by hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells. This is a highly efficient way of conducting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body and insuring it does not react with anything along the way. Because it is bound by hemoglobin, it is unable to react to anything else until it is released by the hemoglobin (which then picks up carbon dioxide and transports it to the lungs). In bio-oxidative medicine, oxygen is introduced directly into the body as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or as ozone (O3).

The chemical reaction looks like this: This is chemical shorthand to indicate that in the body, hydrogen peroxide is converted to water and singlet oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a part of normal metabolism. Pharmacologic ascorbic acid concentrations selectively kill cancer cells: Action as a pro-drug to deliver hydrogen peroxide to tissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of Author Affiliations Communicated by J. E. Rall, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, August 2, 2005 (received for review June 1, 2005) Abstract Human pharmacokinetics data indicate that i.v. ascorbic acid (ascorbate) in pharmacologic concentrations could have an unanticipated role in cancer treatment. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C, ascorbate) has a controversial history in cancer treatment (1). Given its potential safety and benefit, there is merit in investigating i.v. ascorbate as a possible novel cancer treatment modality.

We studied ascorbate at physiologic (0.1 mM) and pharmacologic (0.3-20 mM) concentrations using 1-h incubations to mimic clinical i.v. use (7-9). Materials and Methods Cells and Reagents. Cell Death. MTT was used as a screening assay and performed as described in ref. 20. Quantitative Procedures. Ascorbate was measured by HPLC with coulometric electrochemical detection (26). RAFT | Ascorbate (Vitamin C) accelerates hydrogen-peroxide induced cell death in melanoma cells: vitamin C modulates the immune system?