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Importance of Accessible Tourism. Enjoying tourist spots can help reduce stress.

Importance of Accessible Tourism

What Are the Challenges Faced by NEMT Providers? Nowadays, the healthcare industry has seen the importance of NEMT in Louisiana, and more private companies are providing medical transportation services, partnering with various healthcare organizations to help patients get to their appointments on time.

What Are the Challenges Faced by NEMT Providers?

But of course, any emerging industry will have its fair share of challenges. Many NEMT providers will face some of these challenges when they venture into the business: How Using Technology Can Improve NEMT Services. According to a report by Hughes-Cromwich & Wallace, an estimated 3.6 million adults miss or delay their health consultations or treatment annually because of transportation issues.

How Using Technology Can Improve NEMT Services

That is why healthcare organizations and even families now turn to Medicaid Transportation to help patients with health conditions reach their health appointments safely and on time. It is also important that these transportation providers, especially NEMT in Louisiana, use up-to-date tools to maintain their operation and serve clients better. Here’s how: Protecting Clients from the Spread of Corona Virus. Currently, our country is undergoing a health crisis due to the COVID-19 virus.

Protecting Clients from the Spread of Corona Virus

How to Make Flights More Comfortable for People on a Wheelchair? Air travel is the fastest way to visit far, new places.

How to Make Flights More Comfortable for People on a Wheelchair?

But, sometimes flights can be uncomfortable, especially for people with disabilities. Whether be it a 40-minute flight or a long haul flight, there’s just a lot that can make wheelchair users disconcerted. All things considered, WE LIFT LLC Wheelchair Rideshare Service, an NEMT in Louisiana, listed three practical pieces of advice that will make every flight of people traveling in a wheelchair more comfortable. Plan and Reserve Tickets in Advance Make the proper preparations long before your flight. Make sure to provide your details and condition, so that necessary adjustments can be prepared beforehand and assistance will be ready when you board. 4 Ways to Make a Parent’s Hospital Discharge Easier.

Getting your loved one discharged from the hospital is one of the most joyous moments in life.

4 Ways to Make a Parent’s Hospital Discharge Easier

However, before all that, you first have to plan for their hospital discharge. Sounds complicated? Don’t worry about it. Exciting Opportunities for NEMT Providers. Providers of non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) are dependable partners of wheelchair users.

Exciting Opportunities for NEMT Providers

Consider this fact: According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, an estimated 3.6 million American wheelchair users choose not to leave their homes because of their disability. In their survey, a significant 7 out of 10 wheelchair users don’t travel every day due to their disability. Isn’t this disheartening? Wheelchair users cannot take advantage of the health benefits of outdoor activities because their disability keeps them from doing so.

Yet, this is a need that NEMT providers can meet. Top 5 Recreation Options for Wheelchair Users. While mobility problems can pose real challenges for people in wheelchairs, these should still not keep them from having a quality life.

Top 5 Recreation Options for Wheelchair Users

In fact, quality recreation is recommended for every person, no matter what age, regardless of gender or economic status, or with or without mobility disability. 5 Smart Travel Tips for Wheelchair Users. Limited mobility shouldn’t stop you from going where you want to need to be.

5 Smart Travel Tips for Wheelchair Users

If others can travel with a wheelchair, you can most absolutely do, too! Staying Independent: Wheelchair Transportation. Using a wheelchair does not have to limit your independence.

Staying Independent: Wheelchair Transportation

Through our personalized wheelchair transportation in New Orleans, Louisiana, we are committed to helping you get where you need to be, with ease, comfort, and affordability. We understand the challenges of traveling with a wheelchair but these are challenges we offer a solution to. Here are a few ways we can help you stay independent: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation and Its Benefits.

The more fragile members of our communities face transportation challenges on a daily basis. Many of these individuals have to rely on other people to transport them to and from their medical appointments and social engagements. When these options become limited, however, non-emergency medical transportation agencies like WE LIFT LLC Wheelchair Rideshare Service fill the gap. WE LIFT LLC Wheelchair Rideshare Service was founded upon the desire to provide for the recreational transport needs of the disabled population.

We accomplish this through a variety of quality non-emergency medical transport services, including wheelchair transportation in New Orleans, Louisiana. Who Does NEMT Benefit? Post-surgical patientsIndividuals recovering from injuryElderly members of the communityPeople whose health conditions keep them from getting around safely Friends and family members of the above Why Choose NEMT for Your Family? People seek NEMT services because they want safety and comfort on the road. Why You Should Attend Family Gatherings. …Because mobility disabilities should not be a reason to stop you from living a quality life How often have you heard of sad stories about people unable to visit their loved ones on special occasions simply because they have mobility difficulties?

As a leading provider of wheelchair transportation in New Orleans, Louisiana, we believe that everyone deserves to enjoy the time with their families even when they have mobility issues. We established a ride-sharing platform for individuals who need wheelchairs, and their families, so that no matter which part of the country they want to go, they can travel with convenience, safety, and comfort. Nothing fulfills us than knowing that what used to be limitations are now limitless.

More than this, however, we recognize that family events can also be very productive for the person’s emotional and mental well-being. Wheelchair Transportation and Courier Services in LA. What makes our company stand out from the rest. We Lift is an NEMT Rideshare platform, specializing in wheelchair transportation and courier services. Our vast network of providers allows for competitive pricing in both industries.

Mission Our mission is to unite NEMT providers in all U.S. markets in order to provide the most affordable, comprehensive wheelchair transportation service to the public. Our mission is to affirm NEMT services as the standard for rideshare platforms. Vision Our vision is to address the need for affordable qualified ON-DEMAND wheelchair transportation throughout the U.S. Goals What makes us unique from other providers is the fact that we have specific goals which drive us to provide high-quality services. Partnering with trained, licensed, insured NEMT providers creates the safest transportation rideshare platform.

Providers can negotiate larger contracts to service hospitals and other facilities directly. Wheelchair Transportation and Courier Services in LA.