New look Healthy Eating Pyramid to help tackle nutrition confusion. Nutrition Australia has updated its iconic Healthy Eating Pyramid for the first time in 15 years in an effort to combat growing nutrition confusion and risky fad diets.
The new pyramid provides clearer advice on the five core food groups we should aim to eat every day for a healthy balanced diet, consistent with the latest Australian Dietary Guidelines. Nutrition Australia Vic Division, Executive Officer Lucinda Hancock said health professionals are concerned about the overwhelming amount of conflicting and confusing information about food and nutrition. “The new Pyramid cuts through the misleading information and fad diets that are getting so much attention, and provides Australians with a credible, flexible and realistic guide to eating well,” said Ms Hancock. “Unfortunately we know that most Australians don’t eat what is recommended by the Pyramid and the Dietary Guidelines, and this is why we’re seeing such high rates of diet-related diseases. --Ends-- Smart choices. Ticked Off: The Heart Foundation Row. Australian Dietary Guidelines unpacked. Traffic Light Food Selection. The WA Health Traffic Light System Healthy choices WA: Food and Nutrition Policy for WA Health Services uses a ‘traffic light’ colour system of food categorisation to identify and promote foods and drinks supplied to WA Health staff, visitors and the general public through food outlets, vending machines, catered events and fundraising activities at WA Health facilities.
Green Light, Eat Right. The City of Melbourne and Nutrition Australia have been working with participating food outlets in the QV Urban Market to help improve the nutritional quality of their menus and enable consumers to make better food choices.
This initiative has included the introduction of a traffic light colour coded system to help consumers quickly and easily recognise what menu items have maximum, average, or poor nutritional value. Green Light, Eat Right is the first pilot program of its kind in Australia, and introduces the traffic light colour coding system into the public food domain. The City of Melbourne’s long-term goal is that program be introduced into every food outlet in the Melbourne CBD, and then into the wider Melbourne community. To help you make healthier choices, Green Light, Eat Right classifies foods according to their nutritional value: Red foods are generally the least suitable option as they: : Essentially, consumption of these foods should be restricted. Weight for Height Table. Waist to Hip Ratio Table. Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator. The Healthy Living Pyramid. A new version of the Healthy Living Pyramid is on its way in early 2015.
Click here to subscribe to our mailing list to be alerted when it's launched. The Healthy Living Pyramid (HLP) was developed to provide a simple guide to planning the types of foods we should eat and in what proportions different foods should be consumed. The pyramid represents food from the core food groups only. That is, it shows meat, fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, bread, cereals, vegetables, legumes, fruit, milk, etc. We all know though that during meals we do not eat core food groups alone - we combine several of them together to create a meal. The Healthy Living Pyramid encourages food variety and a diet of minimum fat, adequate fibre, limited salt and sufficient water that is balanced with physical activity.
Move More Every time we move we use up some of the kilojoules (or calories) that are in the food that we eat. Eat Most Eat Moderately Eat in Small Amounts Sugars and fats are in this layer. Australian Dietary Guidelines. Different Health Pyramids. ATSI_guide_to_healthy_eating_educators_resource. Shape Up Australia. 2010 National Healthy School Canteens Guidelines. Heart Foundation Tick. 25 years of Heart Foundation Tick 2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the Heart Foundation Tick Program - a pioneering public health initiative undertaken to help consumers make healthier food choices and to drive critically important changes to the food supply.
The Tick is designed to help guide consumers towards a healthier product, when compared to similar products, while they’re standing in the supermarket aisle. Tick works with food manufacturers to make foods healthier. We do this by setting strict nutrient standards for foods which manufacturers are encouraged to meet by changing their product recipes. Once a food has met these standards, the manufacturer can apply to carry the Tick logo. This means that all Australians when shopping can easily identify foods that are lower in saturated fat, trans fat, sodium (salt), kilojoules (energy), and which contain more beneficial ingredients like fibre, calcium, wholegrains and vegetables. Some Tick milestones: Quick Links:
Go for 2 & 5. Asian Diet Pyramid - What is the Asian Food Pyramid? Anaemia (ADW) Diverticular Disease. Diabetes (ADW) Obesity. Cardiovascular Disease Nutrition Yr 12 (ADW) How coronary heart disease (atherosclerosis) develops. MEDICAL - How cholesterol clogs your arteries (atherosclerosis) Insulin, Glucose and you. Diabetes Risk Assessment. Diabetes. Diabetes - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. Diverticulosis. What is the Best Treatment for Diverticulitis? We Have the Answer! You Won't Believe It! BMI Poster. Understanding Cholesterol Numbers. Underwater weighing and skin folds test.