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Timeline of the French Revolution. Third World Traveler, third world, United States foreign policy, alternative media, travel. Sukarno. | TIME 100: Sukarno | 8/23/99-8/30/99. WWW-VL History Index. Indonesia. This site will now be edited by Eef Vermeij from the Bangkok Desk of the International Institute for Social History ( IISH ), 14th January 2005 See also WWW-VL Asian Studies.

Indonesia. Society and Culture Click here for: The World-Wide Web Virtual Library (WWW-VL) Main Catalog The WWW-VL History Central Catalogue The WWW-VL Asian Studies Network Relief [786 Kb] Political [269 Kb] Administrative Divisions [257 Kb] Collection of Maps of Indonesia [by Peter Loud] Atlas of Mutual Heritage Data Bank Perry Castanñeda Map Collection (University of Texas, Austin) Aceh Region (Tactical Pilotage Chart L-9B 1990) [419 Kb] Buru Island (Operational Navigation Chart M-12 1967)[152 Kb] Ceram and Ambon Islands (Operational Navigation Chart M-12 1967) [372 Kb] Kalimantan (South Central): Palangkaraja, Sampit, Semuda (Tactical Pilotage Chart M-11A 1974) Siberut Island (Tactical Pilotage Chart M-10A 1970)[224 Kb] Timor (Operational Navigation Chart N-13 1989) [50 Kb] Bandung Bantam and Bintam Islands Denpasar Jakarta 2 Kuta.

McGehee CIA Indonesia. By Ralph McGehee Covert Action Quarterly, Fall 1990 In my original article ( The Nation, April 11, 1981) I tried to explain, through the constraints of the secrecy agreement and the deletions by the CIA's review board, one aspect of the Agency's successful effort to manipulate events in Indonesia in late 1965 and early 1966. The article was based on a classified CIA study of which I was custodian while working in the International Communism Branch of the CIA's Counterintelligence Staff. The Nation joined with me in an unsuccessful lawsuit by the ACLU to gain release of the deleted portions of the article. The Agency claims it cannot delete unclassified lies or speculations. In a recent story in the San Francisco Examiner, researcher Kathy Kadane quotes CIA and State department officials who admit compiling lists of names of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), making those lists available to the Indonesian military, and checking names off as people were "eliminated.''

Building an Elite for Indonesia. US-Indonesia-East Timor (1965-2002) A small group of Indonesian junior military officers loyal to left-wing nationalist President Ahmed Sukarno kidnaps and kills six senior army generals and announces the creation of a revolutionary council to rule the country. The officers, led by one of Sukarno’s bodyguards, Colonel Untung, claim the killings were necessary to thwart an imminent, CIA-backed coup against the Sukarno government.

This event is known as the “September 30 Affair.” [Pacific Affairs, 1985; States News Service, 5/19/1990; Sydney Morning Herald, 7/10/1999] Interestingly, Indonesian General Suharto, who will take control of Jakarta the following day (see October 1, 1965), had foreknowledge of the attacks but did nothing to stop them. [Sydney Morning Herald, 7/9/1999 Sources: Abdul Latief] Prior to this event, tension between Indonesia and the West were on the rise. Sukarno had earlier threatened to nationalize US oil assets. Indonesia invades and occupies the former Portuguese colony of East Timor. Indonesian killings of 1965–1966. The Indonesian killings of 1965–1966 were an anti-communist purge following a failed coup of the 30 September Movement in Indonesia. The most widely accepted estimates are that more than 500,000 people were killed. The purge was a pivotal event in the transition to the "New Order"; the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was eliminated as a political force, and the upheavals led to the downfall of president Sukarno and the commencement of Suharto's thirty-year presidency.

The failed coup released pent-up communal hatreds which were fanned by the Indonesian Army, which quickly blamed the PKI. Communists were purged from political, social, and military life, and the PKI itself was banned. The massacres began in October 1965, in the weeks following the coup attempt, and reached their peak over the remainder of the year before subsiding in the early months of 1966. They started in the capital, Jakarta, and spread to Central and East Java and, later, Bali. Background[edit] Coup attempt[edit]