Neofreko. Design. Tech. Giants. Google. Slashdot - News for nerds, stuff that matters. Social Media News and Web Tips – Mashable – The Social Media Gui. Web 2.0 Tools and Applications - Go2web20. TechCrunch. Business et Technologies - Boing Boing. Techdirt. Wired News. Engadget. GigaOM. Social Media Marketing - Search Engine Watch (SEW) Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the umbrella term for all the methods you can use to ensure the visibility of your website and its content on search engine results pages (SERPs).
The methods vary from technical practices you can achieve behind the scenes on your website (we tend to refer to this as ‘on-page SEO’) to all the promotional ’off-page’ approaches you can use to raise your site’s visibility (link-building, social media marketing). When we talk about visibility, we mean how high up the SERP your website appears for certain search terms in the ‘organic’ results.
Organic results refer to those that appear naturally on the page, rather than in the paid-for sections. Scobleizer — Exploring the 2010 Web. Techmeme. The Register: Sci/Tech News for the World. ReadWriteWeb - Web Apps, Web Technology Trends, Social Networkin. Ars Technica.
Wiku baskoro (wikupedia) Private. Screencasts. Help. Indonesia. My working blog. DailySocial - Berita IT, Teknologi Web dan Internet. Geekylabs. Pandu.padmanegara. International tech media i like. Logo image - A real-world test of Google Goggles visual search ( Closing the gap between Enterprise 2.0 and. The user interface isn't that important you know.
It's just an internal intranet application that will be only used by our employees. Just focus on the business logic and make sure that everything is locked down for security. " It's unfortunately something that I heard over and over again in my previous client engagements as a systems integrator and solutions architect. Somehow, when we are talking about IT applications for employees, all of a sudden user interface and user experience don't matter.
A recent tweet from Rena Patel, from Capgemini's UK PR team, states the obvious: "Internal employees are also clients. "