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Reflections from Nepal. By Paul Farmer Photography by bec rollins On a map of the world and to a doctor’s eye, Nepal is a rib-shaped slice of a country stretched laterally between two giants, hemmed in to the north by the Himalayas and to the south by India. It’s a place of stunning social complexity, in part because of developments over the past few decades during which Nepal has seen civil war and also a transition from a monarchy to a struggling democracy. View of the Himalayas by plane, en route to Achham, Nepal. It’s also complex because this region, even the forbidding higher elevations, has been settled for so long and by so many different, if often related, groups. In much of the country, and among the poor, precisely such risks are faced every day. Some recent estimates peg the fraction of Nepalis who live on less than $2 a day as high as 80 percent.

First-time visitors to Nepal see little evidence of the conflict, but much of the conditions that generated it. Their work isn’t easy. Drs. Dr. Dr. 'Himalayan Viagra' taking its toll on Nepal. Himalayan caterpillar fungus -- known as yartsa gunbu , and Himalayan Viagra -- is prized in traditional medicine. Its value draws thousands of people to high-altitude meadows in Nepal's Dolpa district each year in search of it. A harvesters' camp in Dolpa, at 4,300 meters elevation. Harvesters' eyes must be extremely sharp in order to find the tiny fungus head sticking out of the ground. A single, tiny piece of yartsa gunbu can earn a harvester between $3 to $5.50, and then sell for three times that amount overseas.

In order to harvest the small tubules, a pick or shovel is used to dig the earth surrounding it, leaving fields pock marked with holes. Women harvesting together rush over when one spots a piece of yartsa gunbu protruding from the soil. A harvester holds up his tax receipt. Himalayan gold rush Dolpa, Nepal (CNN) -- Ram Bahadur Jafra and his two brothers crouch on a field, picking through blades of grass and staring at the soil.

We've been here for nearly a week. Nepal - The Panchayat System. Nepal Table of Contents For centuries the government had been run by a number of interrelated aristocratic families. Despite the limitations of a royal ban on political parties and other impediments, political parties did exist and operated clandestinely. To escape harassment or imprisonment, many political leaders went to India, where they also received logistical and other support. Under the panchayat system, there were six government- sponsored class and professional organizations for peasants, laborers, students, women, former military personnel, and college graduates.

The king also launched an independent national student association, the National Independent Student Council (Rashtriya Swatantra Vidyarthi Parishad), to control the political activities of the students. King Birendra devised the Back-to-the-Village National Campaign (BVNC) in 1975. Each zonal committee had a BVNC structure, with a secretary nominated by the king.

More about the Government of Nepal. Custom Search. Nepal - Nepal Country Overview 2012. Maoïsme et lutte armée en Inde contemporaine. Le 3 mars 1967 un groupe de militants issus du Parti Communiste Indien (CPI) et réunis autour de Charu Mazumdar, Kanu Sanyal et Jangal Santhal fomente une révolte violente contre des grands propriétaires terriens dans le village de Naxalbari au Bengale-Occidental. Le choix de se dissocier radicalement du CPI institutionnel, l’ambition de propager la révolution armée dans les campagnes indiennes et la référence au maoïsme donnent naissance au naxalisme, du nom du village où eut lieu ce premier soulèvement. Quarante-trois ans plus tard, après de nombreux déboires et d’incessantes recompositions, le mouvement naxalite en Inde est aujourd’hui unifié. Quelle est son histoire ? Qu’en est-il aujourd’hui de son impact et quelles sont les raisons qui expliquent l’attrait de ce mouvement dans les campagnes ?

L’Inde est un pays où la violence politique prospère. Une histoire du communisme sud asiatique : « all land to the tiller ! Un factionnalisme incessant Les enjeux forestiers du naxalisme.

Nepal dispatch

Nepal people, culture and information about sherpas, thakali, kumal, magar, drokpa, brahmin and chhetris, kirati, tamang - Nepal's People and Ethnic Groups Nepal has a population of more than 26 million people, made up of over 40 different races and tribes. The country offers such diversity that the visitor may experience any lifestyle from the stone age, in far west and high hills, to the jet age of Kathmandu. When you're ready to come and visit, contact our Sponsors, Kathmandu Travels & Tours , to be guaranteed immersion in the culture and heritage of Nepal. nepal cultural groups by altitude The two major groups in Nepalese society are Tibeto-Burmans, or Mongoloids from the north, and Indo-Aryans from the south.

Many customs are inherited from both sides and have been developed by the influences of the land, climate and available resources. The largest groups can be divided on the basis of geographical locations by altitude. Alpine Based Cultural Groups High Himalayas sherpas Sherpa, in literal terms, means people of the east in the Tibetan language. Manang bas The people of Manang are called Manang Bas.

Nepal - Caste and Ethnicity. Country Listing Nepal Table of Contents Caste and Ethnicity Ethnic Groups Figure 7. Nepal: Distribution of Principal Ethnic Groups, 1990 Nepalese society was ethnically diverse and complex in the early 1990s, ranging in phenotype (physical characteristics) and culture from the Indian to the Tibetan. Political scientists Joshi and Rose broadly classify the Nepalese population into three major ethnic groups in terms of their origin: Indo-Nepalese, Tibeto-Nepalese, and indigenous Nepalese.

Even though Indo-Nepalese migrants were latecomers to Nepal relative to the migrants from the north, they have come to dominate the country not only numerically, but also socially, politically, and economically. Within the Indo-Nepalese group, at least two distinct categories can be discerned. The second group of Indo-Nepalese migrants includes the inhabitants of the Tarai. An extraordinarily complex terrain also affected the geographic distribution and interaction among various ethnic groups (see fig. 7). Nepal. Nepal Development Academy. Nepal en haar bevolking Etnische groepen Nepal kent een grote verscheidenheid aan etnische bevolkingsgroepen (59!) Met elk hun eigen karakteristieke uiterlijk, kledingstijl, taal en liederen.

De Newar, Gurung, Magar, Rai en Limbu, Tharu en Tamang zijn hier enkele voorbeelden van. Een unieke groep binnen de Nepalese samenleving vormen de Newars, die worden beschouwd als de oorspronkelijke bewoners van de Kathmanduvallei. Ze leven in grote aaneengesloten huizen rondom een binnenplein waar meestal een tempel staat. De Newar-boeren zijn te herkennen aan de manier waarop ze hun waren dragen, namelijk op traditionele wijze aan een bamboestok die op de schouder rust, met aan weerszijden twee manden.

De Newars hebben los van het hindoe kastensysteem een geheel eigen kastensysteem, waarin zowel hindoeïstische als boeddhistische elementen zijn opgenomen. De Magars behoren ook tot de Tibeto-Birmese bevolkingsgroep. De Rai en Limbu vormen na de Tamangs de belangrijkste etnische groepen in Nepal. The Sampange Rai of Nepal. Prayer Profile The Sampange Rai of Nepal The small independent kingdom of Nepal is located along the southern slopes of the Himalayas, between India and Tibet.

It is home to approximately 110 different tribal groups, each one with its own cultural distinctions. The country is primarily agricultural, and most of the population is dependent upon farming for survival. Unfortunately, it is still poor and undeveloped. The Sampange Rai belong to a cluster of people known as the Rai, the largest ethnic group in eastern Nepal. Although their facial features are clearly Mongoloid, the Sampange claim no relation to the Mongolian race.

What are their lives like? The Sampange Rai typically live in stone or wooden houses made with thatched roofs. Collectively, the Rai are known as very courageous, daring, and fearless people. Among the Rai, weddings are very festive occasions. What are their beliefs? What are their needs? The Sampange Rai have neither the Bible nor the Jesus film in their language. Buddhism. About Buddhism Some 2,500 years ago, an Indian prince, Siddhartha Gautama, sat quietly in a place known as Deer Park at Sarnath and began to offer simple teachings, based on his own experience. These teachings, referred to as the dharma, meaning simply "truth," were practical instructions on how to free oneself from suffering by relating to the everyday experience of life and mind. Because his realization was profound, he became known as the Buddha, which means "the awakened one. " The teachings he offered came to be known as the buddhadharma, and these form the core of Buddhism still today.

Buddhist is a living tradition, passed from teacher to student, as a set of pragmatic instructions and techniques for cultivating sanity and brilliance in ourselves and our world. Historical Overview The historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, was born around 560 B.C. at Lumbini, in present-day Nepal. The Buddha's discovery cannot adequately be described as a religion, a philosophy, or a psychology.