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Solarworld:前途何在? | 经济纵横 | DW.DE | 08.08. (德国之声中文网)波恩的上空挂着厚厚的云层。 只有弗兰克·阿斯贝克(Frank Asbeck),风雨飘摇中的“太阳能世界”(Solarworld)公司的老板,在抵达决定他毕生心血的公司命运的股东大会时,面带微笑。 “我把今天的雨看作是一个积极的信号,因为它能洗干净太阳能模板”,他说,然后指着铅灰色的天空,“之后,就尘埃落定”。 弗兰克·阿斯贝克(Frank Asbeck) 穿着短大衣的老板希望有一个新的开始,他更让人想到巴伐利亚的旅店店主,而非拥有两个可以俯瞰莱茵河的城堡和私人猎场的、腰缠万贯的大企业家。 鼎盛时期,阿斯贝克的企业市值高达50亿欧元;今天,几乎一文不值。 债权人在过去数天放弃了一半的金钱,股票市场上,公司的股票已贬值95%。 “我们拥有股权才一年”,一位年长的女股东说。 德国的光伏产业目前正在走下坡路 没有人生气,只有“失望”。 繁荣过后,竟是破产潮 “太阳能世界公司兴起的时候,正处于一个许多太阳能企业都在发展的阶段”,行业杂志《光子》(Photon)的主编菲利普·维尔特(Philippe Welter)说。 对德国公司Q-Cells,Solon或者Conergy来说,这种“成长快,衰退也快”的过程已经随着破产、分拆,或者部分出售给外国公司而宣告结束。 太阳能产业仍是朝阳产业? 不过,即使是能源专家也无法肯定,太阳能产业在德国是否还有未来。 弗劳恩霍夫太阳能系统研究所(Fraunhofer ISE)的负责人埃克·韦伯(Eicke Weber)也持类似的看法。 但是也有不同的意见。

因此,在那些工资水平远远低于德国的国家,公司就会迅速扩大,然后再把太阳能模板以较低的价格出售。 “我们都陷了进来”,“太阳能世界”的一位股东叹气说道。 作者:Schmeller, Johanna 编译:简如 责编:苗子. 全球暖化的速度在北極加快一倍. Nuclear power? Yes please... - Green Living - Environment. The one-time opponents of nuclear power, who include the former head of Greenpeace, have told The Independent that they have now changed their minds over atomic energy because of the urgent need to curb emissions of carbon dioxide. They all take the view that the building of nuclear power stations is now imperative and that to delay the process with time-consuming public inquiries and legal challenges would seriously undermine Britain’s promise to cut its carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. The volte-face has come at a time when the Government has lifted its self-imposed moratorium on the construction of the next generation of nuclear power stations and is actively seeking public support in the selection of the strategically important sites where they will be built by 2025.

The intervention is important as it is the first time that senior environmental campaigners have broken cover and publicly backed nuclear power. “It was kind of like a religious conversion. PSI: Nuclear power: for and against: Stephen Tindale. The primary role of PSI is to inform and influence public policy through research. In 2009, PSI joined the University of Westminster and is located within the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. PSI is politically neutral and is not affiliated to any political party, commercial interest or pressure group. Our main source of income is derived from grants and commissions for individual research projects received from a variety of sources, including: government departments such as Defra and DECC; government agencies such as ACAS and the Environment Agency; charitable trusts such as the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Nuffield Foundation; research councils such as the Economic and Social Research Council and NERC; the European Commission; and companies.

PSI's principal current focus is on the environment and sustainable development. Policy research often addresses issues requiring interdisciplinary approaches and we frequently undertake collaborative projects. Stephen Tindale. Stephen Tindale was the Executive Director of Greenpeace in the United Kingdom until 2005.[1] He is the co-founder of the organisation Climate Answers, and Associate Fellow at the Centre for European Reform. Career[edit] His past roles have included Senior Research Fellow on environment and energy at the Institute for Public Policy Research. References[edit] External links[edit] Greenpeace UK. 人間異語:總統請聽我的良心諫言(上) Climate change: The measure of global warming. 福島媽媽的母親節呼籲:台灣不要成為下一個充滿謊言的福島 | 主婦聯盟環境保護基金會. 遷台避難日籍媽媽呼籲:台灣不要成為下一個充滿謊言的福島 主婦聯盟台中分會5/10下午在主婦聯盟合作社惠來站所舉辦「福島媽媽的廢核願望」座談會,邀請從遷居來台中的上前 昌子和上前 萬由子母女分享日本核災的親身經歷及災後現況,提供第一手資訊,包括東北居民面對災難的心情、日本政府欺騙人民的手段及食材遭受汙染的情形,呼籲台灣人引以為鑑,藉由核災風險思考能源問題。

現場參與者踴躍交流提問,關切輻射食材防範方式,並有多位同樣避居台灣的日籍人士出席,同樣期待台灣人民提高對核災的警覺,保衛自己與孩子的安全。 日前一遷居台中的福島媽媽上前昌子在中台灣廢核行動聯盟粉絲頁留言,主婦聯盟台中分會得知後主動聯繫,了解昌子一家遷居台中的緣由和其所知道的核災後續情況,並力邀在母親節其間辦分享會現身跟台灣媽媽說明,希望藉由日人的現身說法,讓更多人知道核災後的真相。 揭露日本政府連篇謊言 分享會由主婦聯盟台中分會執委/中台灣廢核行動聯盟副召集人楊淑慧主持,並由主婦聯盟合作社社員李欣婷協助翻譯。 日本政府於核災初期公佈福島各地輻射數值,最高值為13.7μSv,看似安全,其實是挖去表面土壤並鋪上塑料覆蓋物後的測量結果。 居住環境完全淪陷 除了核災產生的外部輻射之外,上前 昌子認為透過媒介進入人體的內部汙染更加可怕,如受遭殃的水、食材、每秒呼吸的空氣,以及雨水落下後的毒化土壤,為造成死亡人數驟升的主因。

飲食問題為大宗,農民因經濟壓力被迫生產輻射農作物,可藉由無法銷出的產品向政府申請補助,或自行食用;東北農牧水產輾轉運送其他縣市,泯除消費者對產地的疑慮,或一律標註「國產」、「日本製」字眼,混淆日本或鄰近國家之判斷力,也有輻射數值較高的牛奶與較低者混合銷售,以降低汙染程度的不當現象發生。 無知災民深信政府資訊 少數敏銳度極高、具備基本核災概念的民眾,因無法接受政府傳達的錯誤資訊而避走他鄉。 民眾關切輻射食材問題 與會民眾踴躍發言交流,關切日本輻射食材問題,上前 昌子建議購買台灣在地食材,避開風險來源及罹患心肌疾病、甲狀腺癌機率。 相關報導. Greenhouse gas levels pass symbolic 400ppm CO2 milestone | Environment. The world's air has reached what scientists call a troubling new milestone for carbon dioxide, the main global warming pollutant.

Monitoring stations across the Arctic this spring are measuring more than 400 parts per million of the heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere. The number isn't quite a surprise, because it's been rising at an accelerating pace. Years ago, it passed the 350ppm mark that many scientists say is the highest safe level for carbon dioxide. It now stands globally at 395. So far, only the Arctic has reached that 400 level, but the rest of the world will follow soon.

"The fact that it's 400 is significant," said Jim Butler, the global monitoring director at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Earth System Research Lab. "It's just a reminder to everybody that we haven't fixed this, and we're still in trouble. " Carbon dioxide is the chief greenhouse gas and stays in the atmosphere for 100 years. Readings are coming in at 400 and higher all over the Arctic. [新聞] 科學家總結即使是最低量的輻射也有害 - 看板 Ecophilia. 海平面升高就在眼前 索羅門島民面臨搬遷抉擇. 朗加朗加(Langa Langa)潟湖位於馬萊塔島(隸屬索羅門群島)的西海岸,幾個世紀來有數千人住在這看似平靜水域裡的人工島嶼。 這個太平洋西南方島國的島民憑藉著韌性與創造力,世代在窄小又低窪、缺乏淡水和耕地的人造環礁上生活。 然而,氣候變遷已成他們生存最大的威脅。 Raolo島民Alphonsus Waleronoa表示,「海水很洶湧,而且潮汐越來越高。 在雨季,有時海浪會衝入島嶼裡。」 Waleronoa的房子蓋在島的邊緣,這種傳統屋舍有四根樑木,兩根固定在潟湖裡,另外兩根固定在島上。 Raolo島的地基由人工堆疊的珊瑚礁、石頭和沙子構成,1945年的氣旋摧毀他們以前在Rarata人工島的家,之後Waleronoa的父親才在Raolo島重建家園。 目前這裡的幾間房子住了5個家庭,共約26人。 索羅門群島位於巴布亞新幾內亞東部,由900多個島嶼構成,人民大多沿著群島共4023公里長的海岸線居住。

如今,氣候變遷是「小島嶼發展中國家」(SIDS)和「低度開發國家」(LDCs)想要永續發展所要面臨最艱鉅的挑戰,惡化的氣候深深威脅脆弱的沿海社區。 「太平洋氣候變遷科學計畫」(Pacific Climate Change Science Programme)指出自1993年以來,索羅門群島附近的海平面每年上升8公釐,而全球的平均是2.8~3.6公釐。 蘇帕(Caspar Supa)是「太平洋適應氣候變遷計畫」(PACC)的協調人員,對IPS記者指出,最危急的地方是人工島嶼、低窪的環礁和大島嶼上的低窪處,那兒也是「糧食安全最低、缺乏發展、資源少和氣候變遷資訊不足的地方」。 在馬萊塔島,西海岸的朗加朗加潟湖和東北海岸劉潟湖(Lau Lagoon)的人工島上,大約住了1萬2000人。 這裡的社區以漁業、造獨木舟和製造傳統的「貝珠錢」聞名,雖然有口述歷史的傳承,但很多島民並不清楚為何祖先會創造這樣獨特的環境,有些人認為可能是與內地村莊分歧和疏遠的結果。

Thomas Dakero的祖先在500年前,從馬萊塔島西槐歐(West Kwaio)地區遷移到布蘇島(Busu Island)這個半人工島。 如今,Dakero幾乎每個月都目睹潮漲時的海浪覆滿將近整個島嶼。 Dakero提到,「我一直告訴島民不要砍紅樹林,但我們需要燒柴做飯。 日常生活中還有許多其他挑戰。


Legacy Danger: Old Nuclear Waste Found in English Channel. Some 28,500 containers of radioactive waste were dropped into the English Channel between 1950 and 1963. Experts have assumed that the containers had long since rusted open, spreading the radioactivity throughout the ocean and thus rendering it innocuous. But a new investigative report from the joint French-German public broadcaster ARTE has concluded that the waste is still intact at the bottom of the sea. As part of an investigative report set to air on April 23, affiliated German public broadcaster SWR sent an unmanned, remote-controlled submarine into the canal's depths, where they discovered two nuclear waste barrels at a depth of 124 meters (406 feet) just kilometers from the French coast.

"We think that there are still many more undamaged barrels below," SWR journalist Thomas Reutter told SPIEGEL ONLINE, adding that it was very unlikely that the broadcaster's expedition uncovered the only intact containers in existence. 'High Potential for Danger' Why is there radioactive waste in the English Channel?

It looks like the English Channel is more than just polluted -- in a sense, it's also radioactive. On Friday, Der Speigel reported that a team of German journalists has discovered barrels of radioactive waste at the bottom of the waterway, just a few miles off the French coast. Apparently, the British and the Belgians threw 28,500 such barrels into the English Channel between 1950 and 1963 -- the year that the British Radioactive Substances Act of 1960 came into effect. The existence of the barrels isn't a secret, but experts had assumed that the containers rusted open years ago, allowing the nuclear material to dissipate to harmless concentrations. Instead, photos from an unmanned submarine showed that at least some of the tens of thousands of barrels are very much intact -- prompting German environmentalists to call for their removal.

We've come a long way since barrels of radioactive waste could be dumped by the thousands in the English Channel. Andreas Rentz/Getty Images. Wood: The fuel of the future. 科技視野 @ 小亨利的綠色森林 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: Posted by imhenry at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(255) 在核能議題的爭論中,常見被反對者引用的例子是奧地利。 奧地利是個非核化運動的前輩,早在1979年美國三浬島核電廠事故之前,就以全民公投方式停止核能的開發應用,並將非核完成立法。 因此這個例子被拿來作範例來看,甚至當作追求非核的標竿,把當時成功阻止興建完成Zwentendorf核電廠營運的公民行動,視作我們應該群起覺醒的前例。 當然,公民意識的價值,能強化大家對共同問題的關心,監督關係社會不適當的作為。

然而,奧地利的非核化,不能僅僅解釋成做與不做的決定,以及公民意識的覺醒那麼簡單,它有環境條件甚至文化層面的結構基礎。 所以我們在看這個案例,不能選擇性的引申,更不能以管窺豹,只關心看到的顏色! Posted by imhenry at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(165) 來談談核能發電吧。 這個最近具爭議的議題,其實我是不想碰的。 Posted by imhenry at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(137) Posted by imhenry at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(19) 聯合國氣候變遷架構公約(UNFCCC, UN Framework of Climate Change Convention)前秘書長Yvo De Boer 於02/28在英國智庫Chatham House談氣候變遷問題。 Posted by imhenry at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(44) 我常被問到的一個問題就是:核能電廠究竟安不安全。 這是個很難回答的問題,因為它沒有肯定的答案。 Posted by imhenry at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(1) 引用(0) 人氣(20) (3) 偵測 / 除污 Posted by imhenry at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(31) Posted by imhenry at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(29) 羅馬老將似乎認為我在維也納就只有風花雪月,對我宛如蜜蜂看到花就忘我的行徑有些不以為然。 況且,人家說:40歲以上的男人只剩一張嘴。 三月十一日,得知日本發生大地震,而且規模不小。 美國愛達荷國家實驗室是核子研究的重鎮。


重要參考網站. 臺灣能源、核四與核安. 全球趨勢、觀察. 各國核能與能源觀察. 日本能源政策. 福島核災. 日本脫原發. 小出裕章:核電幻想破滅,走向對抗 | 今周刊 | 雜誌櫃 | NOWnews 今日新聞網.