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10 Ways to Instantly Increase Your jQuery Performance. This article will present ten easy steps that will instantly improve your script's performance. Don't worry; there isn't anything too difficult here. Everyone can apply these methods! When you're finished reading, please let us know your speed tips. jQuery is in constant development and improvement. John and his team are always researching new ways to improve program performances. As a sidenote, just a few months ago, he released Sizzle, a selector library that's said to improve program performances up to 3 times in Firefox. If you want to stay up to date without having to download the library a thousand times, GIYF (Google Is Your Friend), in this situation too. . * Editor's Note: Perhaps, the quicker and easier method is to simply link to the script directly.

The majority of browsers are not able to process more than one script concurrently so they queue them up -- and load times increase. Native functions are always faster than any helper counterparts. Instead of thus yielding. Jorgebastida/glue. Secrets to Faster HTML5. Optimize (Concatenate and Minify) RequireJS Projects - Web Development is Easy! This article will demonstrate you how to concatenate and minify projects that are based on RequireJS. In this article I’ll use several tools that require Node.js. So, if you don’t have Node.js yet, install it here.

Motivation A lot has been written already about RequireJS. This tool allows you to easily separate your JavaScript code into several modules and by this keep your code modular and easy to maintain. If you are not familiar with RequireJS or didn’t fully understand what I wrote - don’t worry. JavaScript Application Optimization In this section I will demonstrate the optimization of Addy Osmani’s TodoMVC Backbone.js + RequireJS project.

In fact, the only tag required for loading the whole project’s scripts is the require.js script tag. All the scripts marked inside the red square were loaded by RequireJS. To optimize the project we will use RequireJS Optimizer. As I mentioned earlier, we will use Node.js in order to run the optimizer. And build.js content: Overhead Good Luck! Build/ at master · jrburke/r.js. Sprite generation | Cloudinary Documentation. Overview As explained in detail in Sprite generation, sprites are a great way to improve user experience by reducing network overhead and bypassing download limitations. A sprite is a single image that contains many images you need display in your web application.

The browser downloads only a single image and your CSS code directs the browser which part of the sprite to use for display each contained image. Cloudinary can generate sprites for you and manage their update process. Managing image tags Each image resource uploaded to the cloud has a unique Public ID (assigned by you or randomly generated). Tags are used for generating sprites. You can assign tags to resources while uploading them. You can manage tag assignments using our Management Console and you can also use our Tags API for adding and removing tags of resources. Managing tags is done by sending an HTTP POST request to: For example, if your cloud name is 'demo', the POST request should be sent to: Parameters: Creating sprites. Top 10 Absolutely Free Online CSS Sprites Generators and Their Use.

CSS Sprites plays an important role in case reducing server requests by combining all background images into one image. I’ve also a guide for WordPress users regarding on the same topic that how to use CSS Sprites in WordPress? Let’s the top 15 free online CSS sprites Generators. 1. CSS Sprite Generator (by Project Fondue) Using CSS Sprites Generator we can make CSS sprites for your background images in just a few seconds. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Remember: change the URL from 2 step in the above image. 2. If want to make CSS sprites using css sprites generator, on the page just upload the image which you want to have in sprite image. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. An awesome tool specially made for making css sprites for your site, it also gives you an online live preview for the background-position css declaration to assure that the position of the image is correct. 4. Friendly, eye touching yet powerful tool in case making css sprites for your site. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tools to make CSS sprites. Qu'est-ce qu'un Sprite CSS ? | Project Fondue. Les Sprites CSS sont un moyen de réduire le nombre de requêtes HTTP faites sur les ressources images de votre site. Les images sont regroupées en une seule grande image, et sont accessibles via leurs coordonnées X et Y au sein de l'image.

En affectant l'image générée aux bons éléments de la page la propriété CSS background-position peut alors être utilisée afin de ne rendre visible que la zone cible de l'image Sprite. Cette technique est utilisée afin d'améliorer les performances d'un site, le gain de performance est significatif dans beaucoup de situations notamment dans le cas où il y a beaucoup de petites images, telles que les icônes de menus. La page d'accueil de Yahoo! Problèmes courants Il y a quelques bogues de navigateurs vraiment très ennuyeux à prendre en compte lors de la création de Sprites CSS. Opera Safari Safari a un problème avec la répétition des images de fond. Lectures Complémentaires.