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Small Arduino boards

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McThings: Tiny Wireless Bluetooth Sensors and Controlers by WestWork Technology Ltd. Share this project Done Share.

McThings: Tiny Wireless Bluetooth Sensors and Controlers by WestWork Technology Ltd.

SuperDuino: Arduino Compatible + Color Display + Acceleromtr by Mohsin Farooq. Share this project Done Share Tweet Embed Tweet Share Email.

SuperDuino: Arduino Compatible + Color Display + Acceleromtr by Mohsin Farooq

Wattuino pro mini adv 5V/16MHz. NavSpark: Arduino Compatible with GPS GNSS Receiver. English, Simplified Chinese (简体中文), Traditional Chinese (繁體中文) For viewers in some region having problem seeing the above YouTube video, the contents is here: Powerpoint (简体中文), Youku Video (简体中文).

NavSpark: Arduino Compatible with GPS GNSS Receiver

Galago: Electronics Prototyping Board to Make Things Better by Kuy Mainwaring. "...the Galago might just be the perfect ARM board for tinkerers weaning themselves off the Arduino.

Galago: Electronics Prototyping Board to Make Things Better by Kuy Mainwaring

" GestureR - Arduino-compatible Gesture Sensing Module by Grabo. GestureR is an Arduino-compatible gesture sensing module that brings you to your DIY devices, with one of the latest technologies in smartphones! GestureR will be the first gesture sensing shield you can find in the market. It is also very tiny, inexpensive and user-friendly! Inside GestureR, there is a tiny sensor. This sensor enables GestureR to do the following: MicroView: Chip-sized Arduino with built-in OLED Display! by Geek Ammo. You've never seen an Arduino™ compatible like this.

MicroView: Chip-sized Arduino with built-in OLED Display! by Geek Ammo

With a built-in OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode Display) you can see what your Arduino is thinking without having to connect it to your computer. No more cryptic "Hello World" LED blink sequences or shoehorning oversized displays onto your tiny Arduino™. Development is much easier when you can see what's going on. In addition to the built-in tutorials, we've also built a cross platform course that runs on iPad, Microsoft Surface and modern Web Browsers on Windows, Mac and Linux. The course takes you step by step through building a 11 different circuits including: Blinking LEDs and creating different colors on an RGB LED. The interactive course is included within the "Learning Kit" and "Educators Kit" rewards tier. Make your own 1x1 22 IO pin Ardunio Compatible. Tested ExtraCore boards and kits are now available for sale from Rugged Circuits.

Make your own 1x1 22 IO pin Ardunio Compatible

What is it? This Instructable will give you all the files and information you need to make your own Arduino Compatible in small surface mount package. It requires a board manufactured to about 9mil precision. Development Tools. Before you can compile and upload a sketch to the Fubarino SD, you must put it into programming mode.

Development Tools

This is very simple - simply press and hold the PRG button while you press and release the RESET button. Then release the PRG button. If programming mode was successfully entered, the green LED will rapidly blink. You can then click the Upload button (right pointing arrow) in MPIDE and if your code compiles properly, it will be uploaded. Note that the serial port that MPIDE uses to upload new code to the Fubarino SD board does not exist until you put the board into programming mode. Additional Information: EXP TECH. Microduino - Dev Boards. Trinket - Mini Microcontroller - 5V Logic ID: 1501 - $7.95. Shrunk down an Arduino to the size of a finger-tip! by Open Source RF. RFduino: A finger-tip sized, Arduino compatible, wireless enabled microcontroller, low cost enough to leave in all of your projects!

Shrunk down an Arduino to the size of a finger-tip! by Open Source RF

The RFduino has Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy built-in, which enables it to wirelessly talk to any smartphone that has Bluetooth 4.0. Currently we have several open source apps built for the iPhone which were used in our demos. Open source Android apps are next. The RFduino has a Nordic 32 bit ARM Cortex-M0 processor, so it has more power then the UNO, however it still runs the same, simple Arduino code the UNO runs, so there is no need to learn any new programming language or environment. ATtiny85 ISP! Shrink your Arduino projects with ease! by Ben Escobedo. Shipping Details: Shipping is free to the USA (all 50 states) for all reward levels.

ATtiny85 ISP! Shrink your Arduino projects with ease! by Ben Escobedo

For other countries, see description in the reward panel and add the appropriate amount. See project update #2 for full details! The ATtiny85 ISP! Is an open source, Arduino IDE compatible hardware project, that uses the ATtiny85. XBoard V2 -A bridge between home and internet (Arduino Compatible) Hello, new here.

XBoard V2 -A bridge between home and internet (Arduino Compatible)

Just bought a 3 wire LCD module an get this message compiling the example of the wiki page. Cheapduino (5Pcs) Introduction CheapDuino is the most affordable Arduino compatible processor in the world. The price for each cheapDuino is almost 1/5 price of the Arduino UNO.It's aimed to supply an extremely low cost solution for any disposable projects, such as DIY projects, workshop, gifts projects, E-Textiles and education. For those students from second or third world countries who can not afford the official Arduino, cheapduino opens the door to the physical world. The cheapDuino integrates a ATmega8 microcontroller as Arduino NG.

So it's available to program it directly with Arduino IDE via the FTDI programmer or USB Serial Light Adapter. Although the cheapduino has extremely low price tag, we do spent lots of time to consider every detail of the product. Beetle (1Pc) Hello, new here. Just bought a 3 wire LCD module an get this message compiling the example of the wiki page. I got the new libraries supporting Arduino IDE 1.0 + from another post, and tried with IDE 1.0.1 and 1.0.4 libraries from this post: [url= Ol Components Teensy 3.1. The Teensy is a breadboard-friendly development board with loads of features in a, well, teensy package. The Teensy 3.1 brings a 32 bit ARM Cortex microprocessor into the mix so you can do some serious number crunching. The Teensy 3.1 comes pre-flashed with a bootloader so you can program it using the on-board USB connection: No external programmer needed! You can program for the Teensy in your favourite program editor using C or you can install the Teensyduino add-on for the Arduino IDE and write Arduino sketches for Teensy!

The processor on the Teensy also has access to the USB and can emulate any kind of USB device you need it to be, making it great for USB-MIDI and other HID projects. The 32 bit processor brings a few other features to the table as well, such as multiple channels of Direct Memory Access, several high-resolution ADCs and even an I2S digital audio interface! Ol Components Trinket Mini Microcontroller - 3.3V. Trinket may be small, but do not be fooled by its size! It's a tiny microcontroller board, built around the Atmel ATtiny85, a little chip with a lot of power. We wanted to design a microcontroller board that was small enough to fit into any project, and low cost enough to use without hesitation.

Perfect for when you don't want to give up your expensive dev-board and you aren't willing to take apart the project you worked so hard to design. ExtraCore. Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 3.3V/8MHz [ARD05041M] - $9.95. Digispark - The tiny, Arduino enabled, usb dev board! by Erik Kettenburg. MicroFTX. The FT230X supports bitbang GPIO (general-purpose input/output) modes that allow you to set and read digital pins directly. It’s a great way to let your computer drive a simple binary output, or to read the state of a switch. For full details, see the FT230X website and datasheet. Teensy 3.1 - DEV-12646. Arduino Nano [DEP03] - $12.90. Description. Teensy USB Development Board. The Teensy is a complete USB-based microcontroller development system, in a very small footprint, capable of implementing many types of projects.

Femtoduino with USB from Femtoduino. We recognize our top users by making them a Tindarian. Tindarians have access to secret & unreleased features. Their product listings are automatically approved, and do not have to wait for our approval process. Modules. Specifications - Smallest Arduino. Freaduino Pro 328 5V/16MHz [DEP04] - $12.00. Description This is Freaduino Pro Enhancement version, which 100% compatible with the original.

We add two analog IO - A6, A7 , and Power Input side add auto recovery insurance, and be allowed USB and Power Supply at same time. FemtoduinoUSB/FemtoduinoUSB_r12 at master · aalbino/femtoduinoUSB. ITeaduino Tiny. Digispark USB Development Board - Digistump.