Wobbly Walk
Wobbly Walk is a leading online baby and maternity store dedicated to designing, manufacturing, and selling premium quality clothes and accessories for moms and babies.
How to Stay Comfortable & Healthy During Pregnancy. Real Moms' Experiences: 15 Things Moms Wish Someone Had Told Them. The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.
She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. - 'Osho' Contrary to the popular scenario, where a woman is portrayed as a flawless model kissing on the tip of her baby's nose, motherhood is a struggling experience for most women, especially those pregnant for the first time. Even if you're fully prepared for your motherhood journey, there are so many new experiences that sneak up on you during those initial postpartum days. We spoke to some real moms who revealed their physical and mental changes during pregnancy and after childbirth.
. #1. Successful breastfeeding takes time, courage, preparation, patience, perseverance, and support. Breastfeeding is often displayed as an easy and natural thing that hardly a woman would ever question about it. Breastfeeding is not just about shoving your nipple into the baby's mouth. . #2. . #3. . #4. . #5. . #6. . #7. . #8. . #9. . #10. . #11. . #12. . #13. . #14. . #15. How To Manage Covid-19 Stress And Anxiety During Pregnancy. Pregnancy is a life-altering journey filled with an array of varying emotions.
While expectant moms are already vulnerable to mental health risks, the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has understandably worsened the situation. Recent research shows that about 15% of pregnant women were suffering from depression pre-pandemic, but the figure is now up to 41%. The statistics are worrying but not surprising. While most women are aware of postnatal depression, depression during pregnancy is often overlooked. It is probably because many of the physical symptoms of depression are similar to the signs of pregnancy. During pregnancy, signs and symptoms of mental health issues include: Excessive anxiety about the pregnancy and deliveryNot being able to sleep and wanting to sleepChanges in appetite drasticallyFrequent mood swingsFeeling sad and hopeless most of the timeLack of concentrationContinuous lack of interest in doing your favorite thingsThoughts of suicideCrying a lot Social withdrawal.
Maternity Nighty and Feeding Nighty: Ultimate Buyers Guide. Pregnancy brings a lot of sleep-related changes.
According to the National Sleep Foundation's poll, 78% of women reported pregnancy-related insomnia. Pregnancy puts a lot of emotional and physical pressure on an expectant mother. And a good night's sleep plays a vital role in the development and delivery of the baby. Good sleep hygiene increases the chances of a healthy and full-term birth. As per some research, a healthy diet, sleeping position, regular exercise, a warm bath, and comfortable maternity nightwear are ways to get better sleep during pregnancy. During pregnancy, lightweight and breathable nightwear can improve sleep quality as they maintain optimum body temperature and keep you comfortable throughout the night. Maternity Pants – What Are They, When & How to Buy Them?
It's never too early to think about buying maternity pants.
Particularly when you enter the second trimester, your old pair of pants don't fit you anymore, and you realize that it's high time to invest in a pair of maternity pants. Well, finding a pair of perfect maternity pants is not as tricky as you think. Top 10 Websites to Buy Maternity Clothes Online in India. WobblyWalk Adds 9 New Colors to Maternity Leggings. At WobblyWalk, we design trendy and comfortable clothes for expectant and new moms.
One of our highly rated and best selling products are maternity leggings. Today we are introducing new colors expanding in our over the belly leggings collection beyond basic black and light grey to several vibrant year-round colors, including White, Brown- saturated dark warm red, dark Turquoise-blue, medium-dark shade of Grey, dark cold Blue, tall poppy- light warm Red, resene crown of thorns- dark shade of Red, Cabaret- shade of Pink, and Beige medium-light shade of brown. Our new pregnancy leggings are engineered with the same premium-quality cotton jersey with a slim-fit style, elastic-free waistband. Now, they are available in sizes up to 5XL and in various colors. Our leggings are specifically designed for pregnancy, so they expand as you grow throughout the pregnancy and provide back support.
8 Natural Ways to Effectively Boost Maternal Immunity. Pregnancy is the time to take extra special care of yourself because your immune system is compromised to accommodate a new life and nurture it, leaving you more susceptible to illnesses and viral infections.
Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping your immune system in tip-top shape is of the utmost importance for every pregnant woman. Picking the Best Maternity Jeans – Main Types & Buying Tips. Boy or Girl? Old Wives Tales + Fun Ways to Predict Baby’s Gender. From the moment you know that you're pregnant, you're curious to figure out if you're going to have a girl or boy.
While predicting the baby's gender before birth through ultrasound is illegal in India, playing a little guessing game with some prevalent old wives' tales won't hurt, and it can indeed be a lot of fun. "I just want a healthy, happy baby, so the whether it's a boy or a girl really doesn't matter. " - Jamie Lynn Spears Whether you're patiently awaiting your little one or want to play the guessing game, here are some of the wackiest pregnancy old wives' tales to help you reveal the gender of your little bundle of joy. In This Article Fun Ways to Predict the Sex of Your Baby #1. Maternity Nightwear – Main Types & Buying Tips. Getting a good night's sleep can be quite challenging when you've got another little life growing and kicking around inside you.
Particularly during the last trimester, sleeping becomes a thing of the past because of your rapidly growing bump. You want to wear something that could keep you in the utmost comfort, and then soft, breathable, and stretchy maternity nightwear come to your rescue. Types of Maternity Nightwear Like other maternity clothes, maternity nightwear are available to buy in a variety of types and styles, including but not limited to:
15 Things You Shouldn’t Say to an Expecting Mom – Wobbly Walk – Online Baby & Maternity Store. Having a baby is undoubtedly one of the joyous times in a woman’s life, but it brings a roller coaster of emotions and new experiences.
That’s why it’s even more important to be respectful and sensitive about what you say to those expecting a baby. Whether you’re a family member, friend, colleague, or even stranger, here are fifteen of the worst things you should never say, ask or do with a pregnant woman. 1 – “Was It Planned or a Surprise?” It’s none of your business whether the child was planned or not. Unless you have a close relationship with the expectant mom, you should avoid asking such an awkward personal question. 10 Typical Bodily Changes to Expect During Pregnancy - Pregnancy. Hygiene During Pregnancy – Importance & Tips to Maintain. It's no doubt that hygiene is an integral part of healthy living, but this mundane routine is under the spotlight during pregnancy.
When you're pregnant, your body undergoes several hormonal changes, causing you extra sweating, vaginal discharge, bacterial growth, bad breath, and more. All these things can lead to severe allergies and infections that can endanger both you and your unborn baby. Given that only a healthy woman can deliver a healthy baby, you need to take special care of your hygiene during pregnancy to ensure your baby's well-being.
Even the slightest of infection you catch during pregnancy can put your baby at a higher risk of contracting severe diseases. Especially if you have been prone to minor infections in the past, hygiene during pregnancy is a must. 8 Winter Mistakes New Parents Make With Their Baby. Winter is here and there is no doubt you would be taking special care of your baby to make him less vulnerable to a cough, cold or flu. While you’re trying your best to keep your little one warm and cozy, there are some serious health blunders you could be making with your little one, albeit unknowingly. Find out what they are and how to avoid them!
8 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Toddlers. As the temperature falls, you and your toddler start spending more and more time inside the home rather than playing outdoors for hours. While keeping your wee one cooped up indoors makes him less prone to a cough, cold and flu, it makes him go a little bit stir-crazy too. Meanwhile, it becomes imperative for you to have some pre-planned indoor winter activities to keep your child entertained and your sanity intact. So to help you get prepared in advance, here are a few incredibly pleasurable indoor winter activities for toddlers, which you can try to beat their winter boredom. Baby Drool Rash: Treatment and Prevention. Baby drool rash is a very common problem in babies and toddlers, which requires mothers to be extra cautious and peculiar. Especially during the time of teething, when your infant drools a little more than usual, you should be familiar with all the ways you can prevent and treat baby drool rash!
5 Effective Ways to Treat Baby Drool Rash Baby drool rash is generally harmless, except causing a minor discomfort or pain to your little one. However, if not treated immediately, it can result in impetigo – a contagious bacterial skin infection. 6 Monsoon Care Tips to Protect Your baby in The Rainy Season. After the hot sticky summer season, the cool monsoon brings a lot of fun and frolic to your little bundle of joy. At the same time, however, it also puts him at the risk of developing seasonal diseases such as malaria, dengue, conjunctivitis, etc. Thus, you need to be extra careful on how to keep your toddler safe and healthy during the rainy season. Below given are some practical tips which we hope will help your babe cope with the monsoon. 5 Strange Pregnancy Symptoms Nobody Tells You About.
While a missed period and tender breasts are the classic signs of pregnancy, there are plenty of other strange pregnancy symptoms that are perfectly normal. Listed here are five weird pregnancy symptoms you may not have even thought about. #Linea Nigra Linea Nigra, often referred to as a pregnancy line, is a dark line that runs vertically down from your belly button to the pubis when you're pregnant. It often starts appearing during the second trimester, remains throughout pregnancy, and fades away a couple of months after delivery. Breastfeeding on a Plane: 7 Helpful Tips for New Moms. While you're out of your home, breastfeeding in public can be a stressful experience for you. Baby Flat Head Syndrome: What is it & How to Prevent It. Babies are born with a very soft and malleable skull to help the brain grow rapidly during the first few months of life.
It’s a marvel of nature that a baby’s head is able to change its shape while passing through the birth canal, but it also puts infants at the risk of developing Flat Head Syndrome. 6 Important Things to Consider When Buying a Baby Bedding Set. Traveling with Baby - 7 Items You Must Have. As a new mum, traveling with baby may seem out of the question to you at first as it requires a lot of advance planning. Top 10 Pregnancy Apps to Track Your Progress. Visual Storytelling is the process of telling a story by way of visual media, which can be Still Photography, Illustration or Video. The process can be augmented with the help of graphics, music, human voice and other types of audio. This way of telling a story removes the monotony from the minds of the listeners and the listeners are attracted more towards the story.
So this visual storytelling can be used in marketing as well since the potential customers can be approached in a fresh glamorous way which will attract them and they will listen with interest. Baby Sleep Mistakes – 8 Things You Must Avoid. 23 Weird Pregnancy Symptoms You Might Not Know About. Everyone is familiar with the classic signs of pregnancy.
Missed period, tender breasts, food cravings, and feeling tired are just a few of them. 8 Natural Ways to Effectively Boost Maternal Immunity. 8 Helpful Pregnancy Tips for a Normal Delivery – Wobbly Walk – Online Baby & Maternity Store. Childbirth is a very natural process, and most pregnant women wish to have a natural childbirth. However, statistically, one out of every three pregnant women goes through a C-section. 7 Proven Tips on How to Achieve a Good Breastfeeding Latch. 8 Simple Rules to Survive the First Month of Breastfeeding. Baby Care: Must Have Baby Products for the 1st Year. Breastfeeding Guide: Benefits, Tips, Myths and Facts. 10 Proven Ways to Make Labor and Delivery Easier for New Moms. The Best Breastfeeding Positions and Tips for Nursing Moms.
Important Baby milestones during 0-6 months. Baby Sleeping Tips: Get Your Baby Sleep Through the Night. Nursing Covers: Everything You Need to Know About. Pregnancy Acne and Pimples: 6 Best Natural Home Remedies. 10 Easy DIY Homemade Pregnancy Tests of 2020. Godh Bharai- Virtual Baby Shower Ideas and Planning Tips. Nursing Pillow for Breastfeeding - An Ultimate Buying Guide for 2020. Maternity Clothes Size Guide: Find Your Right Fit During Pregnancy. Plus Size Maternity Clothes: Buying Guide with Fashion Tips. Sleep During Pregnancy: Problems, Solutions & Tips. 10 Incredibly Easy Ways to Avoid Boredom during Pregnancy. 8 Awesome Tips to Make Baby Bottle-feeding Quicker and Easier.
Baby Diaper Bag Essentials - 11 Must-haves for Every Mother. 8 Valuable Tips to Have a Great Maternity Photo Shoot. Baby Girl Fashion Tips: How to Dress a Stylish Baby Girl. Baby Bicycles - Buy Cycles For Baby & Kids Online in India. Baby Tops: Buy Baby Tops, Tees & T-shirts Online in India. Baby Frocks : Buy Baby Girl Frocks, Dresses Online in India. Baby Clothes Online India: Buy Dresses for Baby Boys & Girls. Maternity Tops : Buy Maternity Tops & Ponchos Online in India. Maternity Bra: Buy Maternity Bras Online in India - Maternity Leggings: Buy Maternity Leggings & Jeggings Online in India. Maternity Pads: Buy Maternity Pads Online in India.
How to Bathe a Newborn Baby: 9 Tips for a Better & Calmer Bath Time. 10 Easy Ways to Deal with Loneliness When You Are a Single Mom. 8 Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy - Wobbly Walk. She Writes. She Writes. 12 easy ways to develop Reading habit in Kids - Parenting for U. Infant Massage: How It Is Beneficial for Both Mom & Baby. 10 Useful Pregnancy Tips to Help You Have a Normal Delivery - Inspiring MeMe. 10 Surefire Ways to Beat the Summer Heat during Pregnancy. 8 Ways to Get More Energy during Pregnancy (Without Any Energy Drink)
How Does Breasfeeding Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer? 7 Feeding Products You Must Have for Your Little One. 8 Serious Breastfeeding Mistakes to Avoid For First Time Moms. 8 Tips on How to Reduce Belly Fat after Pregnancy. Breastfeeding Guide: Benefits, Tips, Myths and Facts. Nursing Covers: Everything You Need to Know About. Baby Care: Must Have Baby Products for the 1st Year. Important Baby milestones during 0-6 months. Baby Sleeping Tips: Get Your Baby Sleep Through the Night. Baby Bibs: Everything You Need to Know About - Wobbly Walk. Baby Mattress Protector: Key Benefits and Buying Tips. Fun Activities For Toddlers During Summer - Wobbly Walk. Baby Sleep Safety: Keep Your Baby Safe While Sleeping. Traveling with Baby - 7 Items You Must Have. 6 Crucial Things to Consider When Buying a Baby Bedding Set. Baby Flat Head Syndrome: What is it & How to Prevent It. Breastfeeding on a Plane: 7 Helpful Tips for New Mums.
Baby Breastfeeding: 8 Things You Might Not Know About. 6 Common Breastfeeding Problems and Their Solutions - Wobbly Walk. Maternity Wear Buying: 6 Do's and Don'ts for a New Mom. 6 Monsoon Care Tips to Protect Your baby in The Rainy Season. Baby Drool Rash: Treatment and Prevention - Wobbly Walk. Baby Hygiene Tips: Keep Your Little One Clean and Healthy - Wobbly Walk. 8 Baby Playtime Activities to Help Your Child Grow Better. Advantages of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby - Wobbly Walk. 8 Trendy Diwali Gift Ideas for Babies - Wobbly Walk.
Winter Safety Tips: How to Keep Your Baby Warm in Winter - Wobbly Walk. Baby Sleeping Bag: A Great Alternative to A Baby Blanket. Breastfeeding in Public : Do's and Don'ts for Nursing Moms. Baby Skin Care - 7 Tips to Protect Baby Skin in Winter. Breastfeeding at Night: 9 Survival Skills for New Moms - Wobbly Walk. 8 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Toddlers - Wobbly Walk.