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Wrestling TV ( is India’s one-stop destination for news, views, reviews, images and LIVE video action of Indian and global wrestling.

Wrestling Battles Episode 3: Rahul Aware vs Ravinder: When the old meets the new - WrestlingTV. There has always been a cold war between the old and the new generation.

Wrestling Battles Episode 3: Rahul Aware vs Ravinder: When the old meets the new - WrestlingTV

Be it over the taste of music, preference of food, or style of working, it is a never-ending battle. Wrestling too has its battle of the generations. And one such battle is that of Rahul Aware and Ravinder. While the former is the flag-bearer of the senior generation, the latter is the poster boy for the next-gen. Rahul Aware: The Marathi Warrior When Khasaba Dadasaheb Jadhav won independent India’s first individual Olympic medal at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, folklore has it that he was welcomed back to his village in Maharashtra’s district with a procession of 151 bullock carts. Bajrang Punia donates one month salary to help farmer whose crop got destroyed in fire. WrestlingTV Exclusive: Vinesh Phogat still a role model to me, says Nirmala Devi - WrestlingTV.

Three-years back in 2017 after sustaining a medial collateral ligament tear, Indian wrestler Nirmala Devi had lost hope for a comeback.

WrestlingTV Exclusive: Vinesh Phogat still a role model to me, says Nirmala Devi - WrestlingTV

But Vinesh Phogat’s dedication and the hunger to become the best after returning to mat post her knee injury in 2016, inspired Nirmala to give it all and eye for the Olympics. Now at 35, she is the oldest wrestler to be in the current Indian wrestling team-bound for Tokyo Olympics. In conversation with WrestlingTV, Nirmala talks on various topics from her struggles to make comeback, current training schedule to her thoughts on the future of Indian wrestling. WrestlingTV: Where are you currently training? Nirmala: Currently, I am training Karnal. WrestlingTV: What is your schedule for a day? देखिए कैसे गुरशरण प्रीत कर रही अपने 5 साल के बच्चे के साथ ओलंपिक की ट्रेनिंग - Wrestling News India. भारतीय कुश्ती की ’सुपर मॉम’ गुरशरण प्रीत कौर को कोरोनोवायरस प्रकोप के कारण, लॉकडाउन की वजह से अपनी फैमिली के साथ ज्यादा टाइम बिताने का मौका मिला है जो की पहले उनको नहीं मिल पता था ।

देखिए कैसे गुरशरण प्रीत कर रही अपने 5 साल के बच्चे के साथ ओलंपिक की ट्रेनिंग - Wrestling News India

इन दिनों वो प्रैक्टिस और अपनी माँ को रसोई में मदद करती है साथ ही अपनी 5 साल की बेटी के साथ समय बिताती है गुरशरण दिन में दो बार प्रैक्टिस करती है लेकिन जो बात दिलचस्प है, वह है उनकी बेटी जो प्रैक्टिस में उनकी नकल करती है। The Wrestling Battle Episode 2: Snyder vs Sadulaev; the fiercest rivalry of all time - WrestlingTV. Wrestling as a sport has been part of the Olympics since ancient times.

The Wrestling Battle Episode 2: Snyder vs Sadulaev; the fiercest rivalry of all time - WrestlingTV

Be it the mythical figure Hercules or the modern time “experiment” Aleksandr Karelin, it has produced many greats from various parts of the world. But never has the race for wrestling dominance been so intense as between the US’ Kyle Snyder and Sadulaev. The duo has been at the helm of the sport for long enough to be termed as one of the greatest of all times. The Wrestling Battles Episode 1: Bajrang Punia and the Takuto Otoguro puzzle - WrestlingTV. The last decade saw the rise of wrestling in India, thanks to Sushil Kumar.

The Wrestling Battles Episode 1: Bajrang Punia and the Takuto Otoguro puzzle - WrestlingTV

His medal-winning performances at the 2008 and ’12 Olympics had set the stage for the next-gen — the target to emulate the great Sushil Kumar at the Olympics. Every kid who donned the langot (wrestling shorts) and took to mud wrestling in India looked up to Sushil as an inspiration. One such wrestler was Bajrang Punia. पवन सरोहा की बड़ी घोषणा, "दंगल गर्ल" गीता फोगाट ओलिंपिक में वापसी के लिए तैयार - Wrestling News India. पवन कुमार ने रेसलिंगटीवी को बताया, उनकी पत्नी और भारतीय पहलवान गीता फोगाट टोक्यो ओलंपिक के लिए मैट पर वापसी करेंगी।

पवन सरोहा की बड़ी घोषणा, "दंगल गर्ल" गीता फोगाट ओलिंपिक में वापसी के लिए तैयार - Wrestling News India

उन्होंने कहा कि उनकी पत्नी ने फिर से प्रशिक्षण शुरू कर दिया है और ओलंपिक में अपनी दावेदारी के लिए तैयार हो रही हैं। How supermoms of wrestling are spending time with their children amid coronavirus lockdown - WrestlingTV. India’s wrestling ‘Super Mom’ Gursharan Preet Kaur spends her time training, helping her mother in the kitchen and teaching her kid alphabets.

How supermoms of wrestling are spending time with their children amid coronavirus lockdown - WrestlingTV

“She is just three-years-old so I am teaching her alphabets, poems and numbers. After hours of teaching now she can recite alphabets up to ‘J’,” she says. Also Read: जानिए दिव्या काकरान की ज़ुबानी, कैसे 8 साल की उम्र में एक लड़के को दंगल में किया था चित Just like anyone else, Gursharan, 36, is also in self-isolation in her home in Mohanpur, Punjab due to coronavirus outbreak. The pandemic has indeed disrupted the women’s national camp which she was part of, but it has also given her a chance to see her five-year-old daughter grow and be a part of it. “Ever since my return, I have been busy with training. WrestlingTV to launch new Web-Series called “The Wrestling Battles” - Wrestling News India. After the successful launch of WrestlingTV during the UWW World Wrestling Championships, which was watched by 6.5 million Wrestling fans, WrestlingTV has now brought in the new web series on the biggest rivalries in the sport of Wrestling called “The Wrestling Rivalries” for the fans.

WrestlingTV to launch new Web-Series called “The Wrestling Battles” - Wrestling News India

The show will showcase the biggest and the most interesting 10 match-ups of the world of wrestling. Fans can catch highlights of these classic match-ups and enjoy the battles between of their favorite wrestlers through this show. The Web-Series will feature the 97kg match up between Olympic Champions AdbdulRashid Sadulaev & Kyle Snyder which have been billed up as the wrestling rivalry of the decade by the wrestling fans world over. The rivalry between the most fittest and swiftest wrestler of the wrestling i.e Bajrang Punia vs Takuto Otoguro fights for supremacy in the 65kg category. The Wrestling Battle Series will release its first web episode on Monday 20th April. Love is in air, Sangeeta Phogat writes cute message for Bajrang Punia - Wrestling News India. Welcome back to the Social Room of, the only place to catch all the inside stories in the world of wrestling.

Love is in air, Sangeeta Phogat writes cute message for Bajrang Punia - Wrestling News India

Social Room is a special series that enables you to have a peek in the lives of the wrestler outside the mat. Also Read: जानिए, कैसे बजरंग पुनिया बिता रहे हैं अपने लॉकडाउन के दिन. Crucial meet between UWW President and IOC today, fate of Olympic Qualifiers to be decided in it. The tremors of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) are now felt by United World Wrestling (UWW) too.

Crucial meet between UWW President and IOC today, fate of Olympic Qualifiers to be decided in it

The headache to organise the Olympic Qualifiers have given the world governing body multiple sleepless nights. UWW is clueless about the way forward and has decided to take help from the International Olympic Council (IOC) to find a solution to the problem. The two world bodies will meet today (Monday) to discuss the issue and try to find a cure to it. Sakshi hopeful of Olympic berth; working hard for Asian Wrestling Championships - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Olympic Bronze medallist Sakshi Malik is hopeful of getting another opportunity to contest for a berth for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

“I am hopeful for another round of trials. If I qualify in that I will have two more chances, the Asian World Olympics qualifiers and the World Olympics qualifiers. Asian Wrestling Championships 2020: U23 World Champion Goleij to lead Iran team - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. The Iran Wrestling Federation has announced their freestyle squad for the Asian Wrestling Championships scheduled to start from 18th February in Delhi. The Iranian squad will be led by young Mohammadshafie Goleij who won the U23 World Championship gold in Budapest in 97kg category. Iran has selected most of their U23 squad members in the team for the Asian Championship and none of the senior squad member that played the world championship in 2019 in Nur-Sultan has been selected for participation in Delhi.

Other than Goleij, Under 23 World bronze medallist in 57kg AliReza Sarlak is in the squad and will take on India’s Ravi Dhaiya in the category for the gold medal. Also Read: Asian Wrestling Championships 2020 to be held in New Delhi from 18-23 February, Watch Live on 2018 Senior World championship bronze winner Pervez Hadi will be making his comeback in Iran team in Delhi. The Queen of Indian wrestling Vinesh Phogat upset, questions the Padma Shri snub - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Wrestler Vinesh Phogat has questioned the selection system for the list of sportspersons who receive the Government awards every year after her name did not feature in the list, which was released on Saturday.

Phogat, who won bronze at the 2019 World Wrestling Championships, did not feature in the list of eight sportspersons who were awarded the Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri. In the year 2019, Phogat won two bronze medals (Asian and World Wrestling Championships) and two gold in Yasar Dogu International and Poland Open wrestling tournament in Warsaw. In the beginning of this year, Phogat won gold in the Rome Ranking Series event and is one of the Indian wrestlers to have qualified for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Based on her achievements, Phogat felt left out when not named for Government awards and took to Twitter to question the system. #Padmashree— Vinesh Phogat (@Phogat_Vinesh) January 26, 2020.

Pooja Gehlot recovering from injured elbow, requests WFI for final trial - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Just 2 months back Pooja Gehlot was the cynosure of all eyes as she won the historic silver medal at the Under 23 world championships in Budapest last November. So impressive was her performance at the world’s that Indian wrestling great Sushil Kumar predicted golden future for her.

But 2 months down the line Pooja is struggling to recover from an injury that she sustained during her semifinal bout in the U23 World Championship. Pooja suffered from Grade II – Elbow Ligament Tear during the bout. This has resulted in 22 year old Delhi girl missing out on first on the senior national championships in Jalandhar and then the most crucial national trials for selection of the Indian team for the Olympic Qualifiers.

Pooja was targeting a spot in the Indian team for the Olympic qualifiers in 50kg category but untimely injury has messed up her plans. In an interview with WrestlingTV Pooja said she is still not losing hope on Olympic qualification. UWW Ranking Series Day 4 : Bajrang Punia and Deepak Punia in action, Catch the action LIVE on - WrestlingTV. India’s world championship medallists Bajrang Punia, Deepak Punia and Ravi Dhaiya will be seen in action on the 4th and final day of the UWW Ranking Series wrestling in Rome. India already has won 5 medals at the season’s first UWW ranking series event and will look to pick few more on Saturday. Bajrang Punia good for gold in 65kg – Bajrang, a 2018 word silver medalist and 2019 world bronze-medal finisher will be the favorite to pick the gold medal in 65kg.

Neither the top Russians are in Rome nor Otugoro of Japan. Bajrang’s main competition will come from Iran’s reigning world bronze medalist Behnam EHSANPOOR on his road to a potential fourth career Ranking Series gold. Hassan Yazdani injured, Deepak Punia favourite in 86kg – India’s junior world champion and senior world silver medallist Deepak Punia will start as the top seed in the absence of Olympic and World Champion Hassan Yazdani of Iran in 86kg. UWW Rome Ranking Series 2020: Vinesh Phogat in action today, Watch LIVE on - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. The wrestling fraternity of India will wait with bated breath as queen of the Indian wrestling Vinesh Phogat starts her 2020 season in Rome today. Phogat has been training in Kiev, Ukraine and will be seen in action in the 53kg category. In the absence of 2019 World Champion Pak Yong Mi of North Korea and World number 2 Mayu Mukaida of Japan, Phogat will be the top seed and favorite to win gold in the category.

Watch out for Vinesh vs Qiyanu Pang today The biggest challenge for the 2018 Asian Games gold medallist Vinesh will come from World number 4 Qiyanu Pang of China. In the entire list of 17 wrestlers in fray in the 53kg, Pang is the only one who can stop Vinesh from winning the first gold at the UWW Ranking series event. Also Read: Gurpreet wins historic Gold, India ends day 2 with 3 medals in the UWW Rome Ranking Series wrestling. Gurpreet wins historic Gold, India ends day 2 with 3 medals in the UWW Rome Ranking Series wrestling - WrestlingTV. India’s Gurpreet Singh has created history by winning gold in the UWW Rome Ranking Series wrestling as he became first Indian to win Ranking Series level gold in Greco-Roman category. Gurpreet scored 8-5 victory over Burhan AKBUDAK of Turkey in the 82kg finals. It is worth noting that Gurpreet moved to 82kg non-olympic category at the very last minute of the competitions as his regular category in 77kg.

Earlier Gurpreet reached the final of the 82kg with a dominant show. He did not lose a point in the semifinal against American John Walter Stefanowicz, winning 5-0. Before that, he won by technical superiority in the high-scoring quarterfinal against Ukraine’s Dmytro Gardubei. Rome Ranking Series Day 2 : Can Indian women deliver in Rome, watch Divya, Sonam, Anshu Malik in action today LIVE on - WrestlingTV. Rome Ranking Series 2020 Day 1 : Sunil wins Silver in 87kg, Ashu, Sachin fails - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. India’s Sunil Kumar gave good account of himself but still lost out on gold medal on the day 1 of UWW Rome Ranking Series event.

Maharashtra Kesari Wrestling 2020: Final between Shelke vs Harshvardan - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. The prestigious 63rd Maharashtra Kesari Wrestling tournament will see a new champion in 2020 as favorites Abhijeet Katke (National Runner’s up) and defending champion Bala Rafiq Shaikh were stunned by their respective opponents. The finals of 2020 will now be contested between Harshvardhan Sadgir and Shailesh Shelke. Rome Ranking Series 2020: 33 world medal winners already confirmed - Wrestling (Kushti) News India.

UWW Rankings : Bajrang Punia dives to 4th, Deepak slides to number 2 in the first ranking list of 2020 - WrestlingTV. Ritu Phogat @ her stylish best in Singapore, Ravi Dhaiya reveal ‘Doston ka Dost’ in today’s Social Room of WrestlingTV - WrestlingTV. Sonam credits father’s ‘pep talk’ for her victory over Sakshi, now Tokyo 2020 Olympics is the goal - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. The match between 18year old Sonam and senior pro Sakshi Malik was nothing less than plot for hit Bollywood masala movie. A debutant girl from humble background with big dreams in her eyes stunned the followers of Indian wrestling by defeating Rio Olympic medallist Sakshi in a thriller. Indian Women Wrestling Trials 2020: 18 year old Sonam stuns Rio medallist Sakshi Malik - Wrestling (Kushti) News India.

The Tokyo 2020 dream for celebrated Indian women wrestler Sakshi Malik is all but over. Indian Wrestling Team Trials 2020 Live Streaming - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Indian Wrestling Team Trials 2020: Satyawart Kadian vs Mausam Khatri, Sumit Malik in 125kg - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Indian Greco-Roman Wrestling trials : Battle Royale between Gurpreet & Sajan, Harpreet moves up to 87kg - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Indian Wrestling Trials : 74kg Freestyle Wrestling will be Group of Death as 3 national champion - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Indian wrestling team trials 2019: Sushil Kumar unlikely to appear for the trials - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Watch the five wrestling legends who have dominated the wrestling world - Wrestling (Kushti) News India.

WrestlingTV Poll Results 2019: Check Best Wrestlers of 2019 - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Senior Asian Wrestling Championships: Know about Schedule, Date and Venue - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. SAF Games Wrestling 2019 Day 1 - Gold for Amit Kumar - Wrestling (Kushti) News and Videos. Watch Wrestling Live streaming, Videos in India - Wrestling TV. Senior National Wrestling Championships 2019 - LIVE Streaming, Squads, Videos, Results - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Senior National Wrestling: Bajrang and Deepak to miss the nationals - Wrestling News India. Senior National Wrestling Championships 2019: 5 member team announced by Nagaland - Wrestling (Kushti) News India.

India win 5 more gold to finish campaign with 28 medals: U-15 Asian Wrestling Championships - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Senior National Wrestling: Pooja Dhanda to skip nationals due to knee injury - Wrestling (Kushti) News. Bajrang Punia-Sangeeta Phogat engagement on 24th November, marriage after Tokyo Olympics - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. India start campaign at Asian U-15 Wrestling Championships with 8 medals - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Aman Gold Medal Bout FS 41 KG - U-15 Asian Wrestling Championships - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Gadzhimurad Rashidov, the biggest threat for Bajrang Punia in Tokyo 2020 Olympics - Wrestling (Kushti) News India.

YouTube. Sushil Kumar to WrestlingTV, “All my preparations and focus on Asian Olympic Qualifiers in China”, watch the exclusive interview - WrestlingTV. YouTube. Rahul Aware to WrestlingTV, “Playing Olympics my dream”, but can he make it to Tokyo ? - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. Under 15 Asian Wrestling: Indian squad leaves for Chinese Taipei with bigger targets - Wrestling (Kushti) News India. संदीप तोमर के साथ ये क्या हुआ? क्योँ गुस्से मैं कोरियन कोच पहुंचे मैट पर - कुश्ती / kushti.

ये है इंडिया की नयी विनेश फोगाट- Watch India’s biggest future hope in women wrestling कुश्ती kushti. Watch India’s biggest future hope in women wrestling (Kushti)- WrestlingTV. Ravinder first-round exit - U23 World Wrestling (Kushti) Championships. Amit Dhaiya, wonder-boy of Indian wrestling (Kushti) ready to a comeback. India's Sushil Kumar mighty impressed with talent of Wrestling (Kushti) World medallist. Women Wrestling World Cup 2019 starts from Saturday, All you want to know about Live Stream, teams, players and schedule.

Ritu Phogat’s MMA debut LIVE: when and where to watch? - WrestlingTV. WFI announces 30 member squad for Asian U-15 Wrestling championships. Ayodhya Verdict : Authorities denies hosting of state championship for U.P, wrestlers likely to miss nationals - WrestlingTV. Watch the first episode of 'Ritu’s World' on Ritu Phogat's MMA debut - Wrestling News India. Wrestling Coaches Course : Argentina hosts level 3 technical course for coaches - WrestlingTV. Ravi Dahiya sets ’Gold Target’ for himself in Tokyo 2020 - WrestlingTV. U23 World Wrestling Day5: Watch the Indian Greco-Roman men’s team in action from 3PM on - WrestlingTV. Mat A - WrestlingTV. U23 World Wrestling: Jyoti enters Semi-Finals of the 50kg, watch the last 4 bout live @ 9.30PM tonite.

Can India's Ravinder create history today at U23 World championships? U23 World Wrestling: Ravinder stuns European champ to make the finals. Watch Wrestling Live streaming, Videos in India - Wrestling TV. Watch Wrestling Live streaming, Videos in India - Wrestling TV. U23 World Wrestling Championships : India’s opening day schedule announced. पर यूडब्ल्यूडब्ल्यू अंडर -23 वर्ल्ड रेसलिंग चैंपियनशिप लाइव देखे The Rising Stars - Viky Chahar - WrestlingTV. These Six Can Win U-23 World Championship Medals for India - WrestlingTV. Wrestling TV - Wrestling Live Streaming, News, Videos in India. U23 World Championships: 30 member Indian squad announced.

Wrestling TV - Wrestling Live Streaming, News, Videos in India. World Championships: Vinesh opts to train in India instead of Kazakhstan. Sushil Kumar eyeing the elusive Olympic gold - Wrestling TV. Commemorative US women’s wrestling team poster for noble cause. UWW World Championships: Snow leopard “Namys” is the official mascot. World Wrestling Championship 2019 : First look of the medals. UWW World Championship 2019 : IRAN announces freestyle squad. गीता के आँगन में गुंजेगी किलकारी. फोटो के साथ साँझा की खबर. UWW World Wrestling Championships 2019: Bajrang Punia match Live.

UWW World Championships : Historic training camp for senior athletes. 1002 strongest wrestlers from 100 countries to compete. World Championships 2019: when and where to watch Live Streaming. Tokyo 2020 : How wrestlers can qualify for the Olympic Games. World Championship: Russia aims to win four medals in women category. Bajrang gets top billing as Indian wrestlers gear up for Tokyo 2020 berths - WrestlingTV. World Wrestling Championship: The World of Greco-Roman Wrestling.

5 wrestlers who can be roadblock for Bajrang Punia’s Gold hunt. World Championship 2019 : Inside view of USA Women wrestlers camp. UWW: India’s Seema seeded second in 50Kg weight category. Sushil Kumar Training Video in UWW World Wrestling Championship 2019. Watch Wrestling Live streaming, Videos in India - Wrestling TV. Wrestling TV - Watch Wrestling Live Streaming, Videos in India.

Indian Wrestling Team. UWW Senior World Wrestling Championships 2019. Sakshi malik and Vinesh Phogat.