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Idées de reconversion : 6 activité... Annonce. 1229209. 1200213. The Mistake 99% of LinkedIn Users Make. Last week, LinkedIn celebrated its thirteenth birthday.

The Mistake 99% of LinkedIn Users Make

It's officially a teenager. With more than 414 million users, it's the largest professional social network. And, getting bigger by the day - making it the biggest pool of talent online too. When it comes to LinkedIn, we're all little fishes in a big pond. Which means, if you want to be contacted about great business and career opportunities through LinkedIn, you need to stand out. 99% of Users Fail To Optimize Their Profile. Comment rester attractif lorsqu'on n'est plus "en poste" Je ne peux m’empêcher de rire face à une connaissance qui me fait un récit théâtralisé d’une discussion avec un chasseur de tête : « Je suis désolé, Monsieur, mais mon client veut quelqu’un en poste. » Ce à quoi il répond, après avoir laissé plané un petit silence : « Je comprends parfaitement.

Comment rester attractif lorsqu'on n'est plus "en poste"

Vous pouvez toutefois expliquer à votre client que le Laurent d’aujourd’hui est bien plus intéressant que le Laurent qui sortait de poste il y a quelques mois. Je connais mieux les besoins du marché, je suis plus en phase avec ceux-ci, j’ai renforcé mon réseau, amélioré ma communication et je suis en pleine forme. Tout cela fait de moi un candidat bien plus intéressant que je ne l’étais lorsque j’étais en poste. » Résultat, il décrochait un rendez-vous avec l’entreprise la semaine suivante. Oui, le marché de l’emploi est compliqué, cependant qu’est-ce qui est le plus utile pour vous ? 10 apps to take your job search mobile. LinkedIn is a popular resource for networking, but the company also supplies job listings and, if you're already active on the site, it offers an easy way to quickly apply to jobs.

10 apps to take your job search mobile

Your LinkedIn profile is essentially your digital resume, and some companies allow you to apply with just the click of a button. LinkedIn offers two apps, one for the networking aspect, and a separate job search app so you can focus on applying, rather than the social side of its service. The app lets you filter by location, distance, company, industry and experience, which makes it easy to find the right fit.

It also indicates which jobs let you apply directly with your LinkedIn profile, saving you a few steps in the process. How self-publishing on LinkedIn can elevate your professional profile. It’s no secret that social media and online profiles have changed the rules of the job search game in more ways than one.

How self-publishing on LinkedIn can elevate your professional profile

Data shows that 73% of millennials found their last job through a social network and 77% of organizations are using social networks for recruiting purposes. With more and more recruiters looking online to gain additional insight into who they’re hiring or to find potential employees, getting to know a job candidate no longer stops at his or her carefully crafted resume or formal interview. An employee or potential employee’s online presence has become an extension of his or her resume and portfolio, and self-publishing online, specifically on social networks, is becoming an increasingly popular way to strengthen employee profiles.

Social platforms like LinkedIn allow job seekers and ambitious professionals to build their own personal brand and can open doors to new opportunities in the workforce. Préparer un entretien d'embauche en 30 minutes. Top 10 Soft Skills for Job Hunters. Each company looks for a different mix of skills and experience depending on the business it's in.

Top 10 Soft Skills for Job Hunters

Yet it's no longer enough to be a functional expert. To complement these unique core competencies, there are certain "soft skills" every company looks for in a potential hire. "Soft skills" refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with. Companies value soft skills because research suggests and experience shows that they can be just as important an indicator of job performance as hard skills. Today's service economy and the ascendance of work teams in large organizations puts a new premium on people skills and relationship-building," Portland-based human resources expert Lori Kocon says.

Kocon advises all job candidates -- especially those who aspire to managerial positions -- to get in touch with their soft sides. 1. Are you motivated and dedicated to getting the job done, no matter what? 2. 3. 4. Six compétences-clés des leaders de l’international : les Français dépassés ? | Imprimer | Envoyer cet article More Sharing ServicesPartager | Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on viadeo Share on favorites Right Management* vient de publier une étude inédite, qui identifie six compétences-clés pour réussir dans des environnements multiculturels.

Six compétences-clés des leaders de l’international : les Français dépassés ?

Le plus grand challenge des dirigeants et responsables RH engagés à l’international, c’est de bien comprendre les autres cultures. Et à ce jeu-là, les cadres internationaux français se considèrent médiocres. Mauvais chefs, les Français? Le contraste est saisissant, en tous cas, avec des anglo-saxons qui croient fort en eux comme avec des Brésiliens qui ont confiance dans leurs atouts. Dans une économie mondialisée, les managers doivent savoir gérer des équipes aux origines diverses.