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Asking & giving directions

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Location. Travel, directions. How to Give Directions. Asking For and Giving Street Directions English Exercise. Introduction: Anybody who has travelled to another country or city has got lost.

Asking For and Giving Street Directions English Exercise

Sometimes maps don't help, so you have to ask somebody for directions. If you're in a country where they don't speak your language, this can be difficult. Giving directions. Asking and giving directions. English Used When Giving Directions. Listen-asking for directions. Giving directions. A Go straight on.

Giving directions

Then take the first left on to Green Street. Walk past the library and it’s the building next to the library on the left. B Go straight on. Asking and giving directions conversation English lesson. Whats the conversation on giving and asking directions about?

Asking and giving directions conversation English lesson

This conversation is between 2 people called William and Kate. William stops Kate in the street to ask for directions on how to get to the train station.