Centre for Teaching Excellence. What are microteaching sessions?
How do microteaching sessions work? What are the topics of the mini-lesson? How do I make my mini-lesson interactive? How do I begin to prepare for my mini-lesson? How do I sign up for a microteaching session?
Curriculum Innovation in Higher Education Teaching & Learning: Sam Mndzebele: 9783659172984: Books - Amazon.ca. NCSU Office of Faculty Development. NC State provides resources and professional development opportunities to enable faculty to enhance the use of technology in teaching to enable effective learning for students.
Archived workshops on teaching with technology can be found here. Basic Information About Teaching with Technology at NC State Distance Learning and Technology Applications (DELTA) assistance with Producing Courses Learning Management Systems (LMS) at NC State University Migration to Moodle – Announcement.
Competency-based education may get a boost. Competency-based education could be a game-changer for adult students, probably more so than MOOCs.
Yet despite the backing of powerful supporters, colleges have been reluctant to go all-in because they are unsure whether accreditors and the federal government will give the nod to degree programs that look nothing like the traditional college model. The logjam may be breaking, however. Southern New Hampshire University is poised to launch a $5,000 online, competency-based associate degree that would be the first to blow up the credit hour -- the connection between college credit and the time students spend learning. Writing Spaces Open Textbook Chapters. Council of Writing Program Administrators.
See also The ACE Journal Abstracts from the Assembly on Computers in English's print journal.Across the Disciplines Lots of resources, including journals and books.
The primary emphasis is writing across the curriculum. Academic.Writing and Language and Learning Across the Disciplines merged in 2004 to create this journal. " Across the Disciplines provides CAC researchers, program designers, and teachers interested in using communication assignments and activities in their courses with a venue for scholarly debate about issues of disciplinarity and writing across the curriculum. " 2.13.06Assessing Writing Welcomes submissions that address writing assessment issues from diverse perspectives: classroom research, institutional, professional, and administrative. *Basic Writing e- journal An electronic peer-reviewed journal designed to be an electronic forum to broaden conversations about Basic Writing.
*CCC Online College Composition and Communication website. Other Sites of Interest. MOOCs. VLE, CMS, LMS or LCMS? An important aspect of an e-learning project it the rollout.
Once your learning material is produced, you have to make it available to the learners. The question to be asked is the following: how to display your resource online? To answer this question, you will have to assess your needs of course administration, resource sharing, communication and collaboration. This will help you to choose what system is right for you: VLE, CMS, LMS or LCMS. But what is the difference between these strange acronyms? (Virtual Learning Environments) A VLE is a software system designed to help tutors or teachers in the management of educational courses for their students.
Examples: Blackboard, WebCT, Moodle,… (Content Management System) What Is the Difference Between Learning Management Systems & Course Management Systems? WhatIf Networks, LLC - FirstClass FAQs. ContentManagementNews. People often get confused regarding the actual functions of a CMS and an LMS.
The source of this confusion lies in the similarities of the two systems. Both perform the functions of enrolling learners, communicating with them, assessing performances, and activating learning materials. Lets have a detailed look at both the systems. CMS demystified A CMS or a Content Management System is basically designed to support educative or academic courses. Mooc Resources. Massive List of MOOC Resources, Lit and Literati. MOOC MOOC. Class2Go. Debmorrison. Apps for training professionals. Welcome to ds106. Open Online Courses : Home : Catalogue. Advance Your Education With Free College Courses Online - Udacity.
Your Courses. Reflection on the ‘eLearning and Digital Cultures’ MOOC, Wk.1 #edcmooc. Here are some notes, links, conversations, thoughts, and reflections on the first week of the University of Edinburgh / Cousera ‘eLearning and Digital Cultures’ MOOC.
This reflection will form part of the work required by the MOOC as well as reflections on the processes and Coursera system itself. Open2Study. Topics & Schedule. The 2013 tentative schedule of topics is found below.
More detailed information will be provided soon, including exact dates and connection information. Each topic is 2 weeks long so that there is adequate attention and depth. Welcome (Jan 13-19): Welcome Event & Orientation to #etmoocTopic 1 (Jan 20-Feb. 2): Connected Learning – Tools, Processes & PedagogyTopic 2 (Feb 3-16): Digital Storytelling – Multimedia, Remixes & MashupsTopic 3 (Feb 17-Mar 2): Digital Literacy – Information, Memes & AttentionTopic 4 (Mar 3-16): The Open Movement – Open Access, OERs & Future of Ed.Topic 5 (Mar 17-30): Digital Citizenship – Identity, Footprint, & Social Activism.