再也不怕做出醜PPT!讓簡報專業感破表的軟體Canva,上手度簡單到嚇人. 【為什麼我們要推薦這篇文章】做簡報對我這種零設計美感的人來說「超級難」。
對,我就是那種不論用啥簡報軟體都覺得苦手的人,但是一看到Canva這種只要拉放的懶人簡報製作軟體,瞬間就覺得我是小當家專業設計師啊! (By責任編輯鄒昀倢) 優質的工具往往要錢,而這次介紹的工具實在太優質,所以在使用上也需要一些金錢,但其實他們也都有很多免費的服務,只是若你使用的圖太美或太精緻就需要用到錢,所以說它是半免費也算合適。 這個工具是這樣的,它提供你一個砌圖的工具,而上面本來就有很多工具,若你想要使用的話便可以直接拼砌一張圖出來,然後配上文字就可以下載使用。 說實話這個工具有點複雜,簡單的看一下就覺得它選擇很多,所以要完全模清也許要好好的花上半天時間,因此大家若有需要可以慢慢的花時間去學習,不然像石先生這樣光介紹,只是用上十多分鐘來了解的話,肯定不會明白它的真正能力在何處。 上面這個是石先生簡單做出來的效果,在選擇預設的模版後,還可以選擇加上不同的標誌,而這個新增的方法就跟我們用 Photoshop 那個 Layer 一樣,你可以一層又一層的加入各種圖檔來豐富圖片的吸引力,而各種圖案等等又有顏色可以選擇,例如石先生用上的這些都是比較簡單的,所以就免費,但如果你要用一些特定的例如某品牌的標誌等等就要額外付錢,而大多價錢都是 US$1,這也是網站的收入來源。 How to Organize Your Entire Life with Trello. RescueTime : Time management software for staying productive and happy in the modern workplace. Best Free Reminder and To-do List for Android. Just a quick note Astrid was our top pick but it has had to be removed because it is no longer available.
When I downloaded and opened To-Do Calendar Planner also known as IsoTimer I really was impressed at how quickly it loaded and how the app synchronized with Google calendar by itself without me having to anything. As Android devices are connected to a Google account to enable downloading apps in the Playstore, the app instantly connected to my Google account and therefore my calendar. If you don't have a Google calendar account you will have to add your events and tasks manually or import via CSV file which is the only file type you can import into the app.
Also be aware that backup and export data to file are both only available in the pay version. Must Have Collaboration Apps for Android. Collaborating with co-workers used to be a real chore.
Ever try to get everyone together in the same room at the right time? The 50 Essential Android Apps. The Google Play Store has come a long way since its humble beginnings.
It’s no longer known solely for apps with viruses in them and illegal emulators—some of the best apps in the world live on the Google Play Store. We’ve put together a list of the apps that we think pretty much everyone needs to have on their Android devices. The range is wide—these apps cover everything from social media and productivity to custom launchers and podcasts. The only thing we’ve left are games, which is an entirely different kind of list. 硬是要學 - 最貼近您的專業 3C 資訊、手機評測網站. 「掃描全能王」可以讓我們的智慧手機搖身一變成為隨身攜帶的掃描器,以往我們都只能用手機的照相功能來拍文件,拍起來的效果很差,艾倫使用「掃描全能王」後,效果真不是蓋的,就跟使用掃描器掃描的圖檔一樣,圖片清晰又工整,口說無憑,艾倫馬上給大家一張比較圖,一樣都是透過手機的鏡頭拍攝,但最後的效果差異很大。
APP名稱 : CamScanner - 掃描全能王 Android 下載網址: iOS 下載網址: Office Lens for Android is ready to scan your documents. Adobe Acrobat DC and Document Cloud review. Adobe's new Document Cloud and the reworking of its Acrobat products a isn't a terribly sexy story, but it's one with something for everyone.
From the new free Fill & Sign app, which should appeal to everyone still filling out paper forms, to enterprise verticals and print designers, these products still fill a variety of needs. Given the myriad uses for the Acrobat ecosystem, I suspect my review will barely scratch the surface. But here goes. How much? Adobe has broken out its Acrobat product line into two tracks: Perpetual license, which corresponds with what people think of as software you buy, and Continuous, which applies to subscriptions.
Acrobat DC Pro subscription: $180 annually (which comes out to $15/month) or $25/month. Based on the pricing, I'd say Adobe really, really, ( really!) Amazing presentations in minutes. Examples - Gingko App. Gingko's structure makes it ideal for studying difficult texts.
While reading the dialog, we can immediately see the scene summary at the left. If this were organized differently, we could also see commentary and further details to the right. Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. Timeglider: web-based timeline software. Preceden: Timeline Maker & Timeline Generator. Mint - Personal financial planning. If you don't have a Mint.com account (free), you're missing out on the best personal finance tool on the market.
Mint tracks your spending, lets you set up budgets in different categories, and helps you plan for your financial future. And, to keep tabs on your cash when you're on the go, you'll want to install the Mint mobile app (free); reviewed here is the Mint app for Android phones. Mint is one of those solutions that instantly made sense as a mobile app. At its most basic, Mint gives you real-time access to all your financial account balances and transactions.
This is the same data you can likely get from your bank's own app and your credit cards' apps, only, with Mint, they're all in one place. You can add to your Mint account the value of assets you own, such as a home, so that Mint can calculate your true net worth. Hate the New Google Alerts? Here Are 6 Alternatives. Just when everyone thought Google Alerts was on its way to extinction, Google obliterated all speculation by giving the free Web monitoring service a surprise makeover. As Search Engine Land reports, the hip new look flaunts a card-style design complete with larger headlines, featured images, and social sharing buttons for Google+, Facebook and Twitter. The service also now indicates alert frequencies and contains a "Flag as irrelevant" link for each story to help refine alert results. The new layout is cleaner, fresher and very much in line with that of other Google products. But not everyone is happy with the change. Despite being an already very basic monitoring tool, Google Alerts' new design came with several sacrifices. 1.
For those who love the simplicity and bare-bones appeal of the Google Alerts of yore, Talkwalker Alerts is the next best thing. 2.