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The Video Game Museum - SNES Scans

The Let's Play Archive. Yocreoqueno – Videojuegos, tontás y cultura pop. Reverse Design: Final Fantasy 7. If you're interested in more research like this, most of it is going to be in video format over on the Forum's YouTube Channel.

Reverse Design: Final Fantasy 7

You can also support future work through the new Patreon campaign. Also, you can now get the entire Reverse Design Series in print! The print editions are the definitive versions of the books. First Queen IV. 10 Melodías de juegos que nunca olvidaré – PixFans. ¿Qué sería de los videojuegos sin la música?

10 Melodías de juegos que nunca olvidaré – PixFans

, ¿qué sería de esa dramática muerte de un personaje sin una emotiva melodía que nos quiera hacer llorar? , ¿qué de esa batalla contra un colosal enemigo sin la épica composición que nos acelere el corazón? , ¿qué de ese mágico bosque sin una misteriosa música que parece silbada por el viento? , ¿qué de ese aterrador y oscuro pasillo sin un atronador sonido que da miedo por sí solo?

… se nos pueden quedar muchas cosas de un videojuego, pero una magnífica composición en el momento adecuado puede lograr alzar nuestro espíritu, de un modo que difícilmente podrán conseguir unos gráficos de primer nivel… y eso amigos, nunca se olvida. Great Super Nintendo Soundtracks. **Please use headphones to squeeze the maximum enjoyment out of the music tracks.

Great Super Nintendo Soundtracks

. ** NINTENDO CLASSIC MINI Nintendo ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM™ NES Classic Edition Manuals. Super Nintendo Entertainment System™ Super NES Classic Edition Manuals. Xenogears: Guía argumental. Retro Gamer - Classic Video Game Info - Spectrum, Commodore, Atari, Amiga, Handhelds, Arcade Games. Main Index page. Currently Online: 40738 Guests, 59 Members, and 18 Members Browsing Privately.MurkinUP, PoloZ, Simple239, DarkHarvest, Ledum, GreaterThenLife, daikon, minion206, Gohanks, plerp, foreverLFC, overthetop2, Oogity_Boogity_Boo, Saeglopur, Marcdon, Lednev, Dasher21, Stu, IndiaHawker, CowBoy23, Cloyphish, team groin, ic3s3ll3r, Justin, thurlow, Dagon, mahimaro2, Almaz, Cloud909, SuperSaiyanGod, Skorn, stephenmills1972, Bri, Darth Poo, Jeremy, Ditnopota, BloodyRoses, futuristicfenrir, Amirite, YoursTruly, EpicRaptorMan Today's Birthdays: Kuduros, cycoclash25, fitted, shent306, cmd17, privatecaller, xx2liu, MarchtheBurg, laxman.

Main Index page

Felipe Pepe's Blog - 1975-2015 - Building a timeline of computer and video game history. Just Beat the Game: Time for Lore!? : darksouls. PS2 Emulation with PCSX2 - share your game configs! The Cutting Room Floor. The Cutting Room Floor is a site dedicated to unearthing and researching unused and cut content from video games.

The Cutting Room Floor

From debug menus, to unused music, graphics, enemies, or levels, many games have content never meant to be seen by anybody but the developers — or even meant for everybody, but cut due to time/budget constraints. Feel free to browse our collection of games and start reading. Up for research? Try looking at some stubs and see if you can help us out. Just have some faint memory of some unused menu/level you saw years ago but can't remember how to access it? Featured Article Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Released: 1990, SNES It contains a wealth of unused levels, some of which are from extremely early in development. All this, combined with a lot of interesting early graphics from the SNES Test Program, the SNES Burn-In Test Cart, and magazine preview screenshots, reveals that Super Mario World was originally intended to be a very different game: Super Mario Bros. 4. Screenshots. Game Design Forum: Home.

ZAM. GTA V - Graphics Study - Adrian Courrèges. The Grand Theft Auto series has come a long way since the first opus came out back in 1997. About 2 years ago, Rockstar released GTA V. The game was an instant success, selling 11 million units over the first 24 hours and instantly smashing 7 world records. Having played it on PS3 I was quite impressed by the level of polish and the technical quality of the game. Nothing kills immersion more than a loading screen: in GTA V you can play for hours, drive hundreds of kilometers into a huge open-world without a single interruption.

Considering the heavy streaming of assets going on and the specs of the PS3 (256MB RAM and 256MB of video memory) I’m amazed the game doesn’t crash after 20 minutes, it’s a real technical prowess. Here I will be talking about the PC version in DirectX 11 mode, which eats up several GBs of memory from both the RAM and the GPU. So here is the frame we’ll examine: Michael, in front of his fancy Rapid GT, the beautiful city of Los Santos in the background.

Shadows Water. Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Graphics Study - Adrian Courrèges. 2015/03/12: Back online after Reddit and Slashdot killed my bandwidth with 30,000 visits in the last hours.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Graphics Study - Adrian Courrèges

Followed by HN. 2015/03/11: Update with comments from Matthijs De Smedt. The original Deus Ex is among the most critically acclaimed PC games of its time and I spent countless hours helping JC Denton fend off the conspiracies of UNATCO or the Illuminati. I never had the chance to play the second opus “Invisible War”, but I gave a shot to “Human Revolution” when it was released. All I can say is: it lived up to the expectations! Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a game released in 2011 by Square Enix, and developed by Eidos Montréal and Nixxes for the PC version.

NGEmu Pagina emuladores. Videojuegos, cultura y sociedad. Diverse Voices in Gaming. Games for Change. The Video Game Atlas - PSX Maps. Index of /psx/ JUNKER HQ (.net) Retro Gamer - Classic Video Game Info - Spectrum, Commodore, Atari, Amiga, Handhelds, Arcade Games. 1001 Videojuegos que debes jugar - Nivel Oculto.

Hardcore Gaming 101: Promoting the rich history of video game culture throughout the ages. Feature Chest Archival Thread. Pixel Art Feature Chest. Video Game History Timeline. This Year in Video Game Criticism: The Games That Shaped 2014. This week, our partnership with game criticism site Critical Distance brings us picks from Eric Swain from the entirety of 2014.

This Year in Video Game Criticism: The Games That Shaped 2014

From the year's biggest releases to social and cultural issues affecting games, let's see what had the critics talking! We at Critical Distance have gone back over the last year and put together a compilation of what we feel best represents what has passed year. We compiled the most important, most memorable and most representative critical pieces of the year to give an idea of what 2014 was all about. Now, Critical Distance is proud to present the 2014 edition of This Year In Video Game Blogging! Every year, we have a section devoted to pieces that focused on the community that surrounds our medium. Anita Sarkeesian also released her two part dissection of the Background Decoration trope, which should be considered essential viewing.

Shivam Bhatt tackled the Far Cry 4 cover art controversy using it to explain how South Asians are represented and treated. Feature: Top 10 Cyberpunk Video Games of All Times. (Continuation) 2.

Feature: Top 10 Cyberpunk Video Games of All Times

System Shock 2, PC (1999) Ken Levine may have his claim to fame with BioShock, but it was System Shock which ran the groundwork for that later series. Gaming Intelligence Agency. Scoring for games. RetroGaming with Racketboy. Old PC Games - homepage. En Directo Desde el Frente, blog de LoganKeller. Castlevania Retrospective: Part I: Road Into Darkness. All Your History. [Tutorial] How to Play MAME Roms in Windows. This tutorial is dedicated to underground user Wolf13.

[Tutorial] How to Play MAME Roms in Windows

Without his request, this tutorial would not have been written. Revisions: 4-7-09: Added youtube videos for XP and Vista. 1-31-10: Removed youtube video links so I can redo them. Added a new screenshot to clarify putting the ROM into the roms folder. I was looking at this other thread, where I showed the game ending for the Arcade classic X-men 4 players. Check out this super easy tutorial, that will have you playing any kind of MAME roms on your computer! Assumptions: 1) You know how to use a computer. 2) You have an unzipping program.

Tutorial: 1) Go to They have a great selection for roms. 2) Now you need a game. 3) Unzip your Mame emulator into its own folder on the desktop, or anywhere else you choose. Below is a screenshot of what the content of the roms folder looks like. 4) Go to File -> Audit all games. Feature: Top 10 Cyberpunk Video Games of All Times. Game Guides, Walkthroughs, Solutions, Maps, Codes and game FAQs for PC and Video Games. PCGW - an encyclopedia of PC game fixes. Paginas de emuladores, entre otros. Video Game Writers: Industry News, Opinions and Game Reviews. Metroid Story Part 2. Other M doesn't exactly match up with Fusion as well as you think, and even its creator Sakamoto admitted he had no plan to tell the story of Other M in advance because he wanted things like Ridley's body to just be mysteries for fans to speculate about (along with the history of Adam), but changed his mind.

The problem is, however, he decided that he didn't like the Prime games and selectively removed all four of them from the continuity, retconning the story to claim that Other M, not the Prime games, were the first time she had worked under the Federation after leaving. Similarly, Other M alters the events of Super Metroid, retconning the events of Samus's defeat of Mother Brain to better fit the motifs of Other M by changing what happened. Even Fusion doesn't line up with Other M. Even then, the way Samus describes Adam in Fusion doesn't line up with the Adam in Other M (unless she's delusional). We could have done without Other M. The Spectacular Story Of Metroid, One Of Gaming's Richest Universes.

You can play it that way. But with all the optional scanning of lore in the 3 Metroid Prime games, and added in cutscenes in Metroid Fusion, and the Metroid Zero Mission remake, you get a whole lot of story if you look for it. never knew that was possible, thanks for the tip That's because it's subtle. Rock, Paper, Shotgun: the year 1436. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011. Adam Jensen is dying. The blinding lights of an operating theater melt away in a mechanical fever dream of pleading voices, surgical tools, and rent flesh. Memories of lost love flash between images of a broken and dissected form, while shattered limbs and failing organs — the embodiment of Jensen’s flawed humanity — are replaced with the cold perfection of carbon fiber and silicon. A body restored, a soul fractured — but what remains of the man? A corporate thrall bound to unseen masters or a transcendent being gifted with the power to change everything?

Echoing the central motif of Eidos-Montreal’s video game — the merging of the real and artificial — Goldtooth Creative’s stunning title sequence for Deus Ex: Human Revolution seamlessly blends both live-action and computer-generated imagery to introduce players to a world at the dawn of a cybernetic renaissance. Could you tell us about the original concept for the title sequence and how it was developed? View 3 images View 8 images. Los misterios de Aperture Science (Portal), (Half Life) El Timeline de Aperture Science, por el usuario Sajuukkhar en los Steam Forums. 1943 - Aperture Fixtures es como se llama por esta fecha. Computerandvideogames. Portal Videos. Gamer? 42 curiosidades y teorías sobre Portal. Hola amigos les comparto este gran aporte de un grande como Manz Román Hernández Espero les guste saludos 1. El final de Portal 1 Originalmente, se nos mostraba la superficie del complejo Aperture Science ardiendo, con pedazos de GLaDOS cayendo mientras se fundía a negro.

Poco antes de que Valve anunciara la segunda parte, publicó una actualización (3/3/2010) en el que realizaba algunas modificaciones en el juego. Uno de esos cambios fue la ampliación de la secuencia final, donde antes del fundido se escucha una voz robótica masculina decir Gracias por su participación adoptando la «posición de sumisión». y comienza a arrastrarnos sin poder ver de quien se trata: Recordemos que, en la primera parte, GLaDOS nos pedía soltar el arma y colocarnos en una determinada posición, o de lo contrario nos perderíamos la fiesta (¡y el pastel!).

2. Esto es arte. Si nos fijamos bien, la segunda vez muestra un paisaje nocturno diferente al de la primera ocasión. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Análisis de Chrono Cross (PSX) - Imperio Hyuga. 23 videojuegos basados en novelas y personajes literarios: de DUNE a The Witcher, pasando por Los Pilares de la Tierra.