VDAB: Beroepenfiches. Profielen en standaarden. Skills Matcher l Careers l CareerOneStop. Free Aptitude Test for Strengths & Weaknesses [Full] Council of European Professional Informatics Societies - CEPIS e-Competence Benchmark. Discover Your Workplace Personality Type. Werken bij Merken - Ontdek je match met de mooiste werkgevers. Competentiemanagement in de social profit - Competentiemanagement. Ontdek je talent: wat kan ik? Het Talentenwerkboek (externe link) helpt je om je sterktes en zwaktes in kaart te brengen.
Door te werken vanuit je talent, focus je vooral op dingen waar je van nature goed in bent. Als je een taak uitvoert waarvoor je talent hebt, kost het je veel minder inspanning dan een andere taak. Een talent overstijgt dus het niveau van gewone vaardigheden en is net daardoor een sleutel naar succes. Zaken waar je goed in bent, kun je ook uitdrukken in competenties. Dat zijn bekwaamheden die zich uiten in gedrag. Een vragenlijst kan je helpen om je gedragscompetenties in kaart te brengen. Het gaat hier om het gedrag dat je moet stellen om een job naar behoren uit te voeren. Snapshot 'Mijn gedragscompetenties' LOC2391 Werkboek pdf interactief. Talentwerkboek. Competence Indicator. Ontdek je sterke en zwakke punten De Competentie Indicator brengt je professioneel profiel in kaart.
Deze wetenschappelijke tool verschaft je inzicht in: - hoe je omgaat met je collega's - hoe je denkt en welke invloed dit heeft op je dagelijkse werk - wat je sterke en zwakke punten zijn. Wat doet deze test? De Competence Indicator is een wetenschappelijke test die ontwikkeld werd door Vlerick Business School. Begin met de TalentenTest. Free DISC Personality Test / Quiz by DiscoveryReport.com. The Luscher color test - Take online test. Career Quiz. "Interests" describe the types of activities that you are drawn to; these will need to be present in a job or career that you are considering if you are to stay motivated.
It is important to note that interest in an activity does not necessarily indicate skill. Yellow — People with yellow Interests like job responsibilities that include organizing and systematizing, and professions that are detail-oriented, predictable, and objective. People with yellow Interests enjoy activities that include: ordering, numbering, scheduling, systematizing, preserving, maintaining, measuring, specifying details, and archiving, which often lead to work in research, banking, accounting, systems analysis, tax law, finance, government work, and engineering.
Green — People with green Interests like job responsibilities and occupations that involve persuasion, sales, promotions, and group or personal contact. Talentenwijzer - Home - VOOR 18-JARIGEN AFGESTUDEERDEN. Test Your Skills - Career Development Skills from MindTools. Test Your Skills!
Find the tools that will help you most! © iStockphoto/AndrewJohnson Here at Mind Tools, you can learn the essential skills you need to be an exceptional leader, a valued team member, and an outstanding contributor in the workplace. But, with hundreds of skills available, which ones will make the biggest difference for you? Find out with this five-minute quiz! Test Your Skills and Find the Resources That Will Help You Most Instructions For each statement, click the button in the column that best describes you. Your last quiz results are shown. You last completed this quiz on , at . Feedback door anderen. Team roles test - take this free team roles test online at 123test.com. According to team roles theory there are specific different team roles.
These roles can be functional, organizational, personal or even skillful. Each team should consist of different team roles, depending on the specific goals the team wants to achieve. A team that does not have the ideal composition may run into problems. For example, a team consisting of only creative individuals will generate many ideas, but none of them will be implemented. A team consisting of only experts may lose sight of the big picture. Essentially, roles are equal to 'persona' (masks) or specific competency profiles and have been mentioned explicitly since ancient Greek history. This free team roles test of 123test® is inspired by ideas on team roles theories, generalized competency frameworks and knowledge of the Big Five personality theory. This test determines which team roles best suit you. Belbin Team Rollen Test. Test your Learnability - ManpowerGroup. As new skill requirements emerge and grow in demand, it’s inevitable that others will become extinct.
Consequently, there’s a growing awareness that individuals who seek learning opportunities will be more employable in the long-term. Nowadays, an individual’s ability to adapt to change and own their career determines professional success. At ManpowerGroup, we call this ‘Learnability’ – the desire and ability to quickly grow and adapt one’s skill set to remain employable throughout their working life. What’s Learnability?
Learnability is less about what you already know, and more about your capacity to learn. Understanding and nurturing your Learnability creates opportunities to boost your career success. This short quiz allows you to assess your learning style, and provides resources to help you improve your learnability. Related Research: