What it means to be Folkish : The Odinic Rite. The thoughts and beliefs of one young OR OdinistFrom a Great Moot 2259 talk by Asbrandir AOR “The Folkish person appreciates that for any community to last, the individual members must have something in common to build upon, something to bind them to one another, and as blood is the most natural and simple, it would make sense to utilise this as the foundation for a society.
Without this common blood, the people will have only superficial things to bind each other; these superficial ties will fade sooner or later, for they are fickle, whereas blood ties cannot be so easily undone or forgotten.” Recently I was engaged in a rather heated and lengthy debate with some people close to me about my Folkish beliefs and the general Folkish stance of our organisation, the Odinic Rite. After fighting my corner as well as I could when placed on the spot, I refused to let the debate go without taking something beneficial from it for the movement. This is incorrect. The Odinist Fellowship. In Memory of John Yeowell – “Stubba” : The Odinic Rite. On 25th Shedding 2260re one of our founding members, John Yeowell, better known as Stubba in Odinist society, passed from this realm at the age of 92.
Not only did he enjoy a long life, but a full one including military service which began with service in an Irish division, then a stint in the French Foreign Legion for which he was decorated by General Charles DeGaulle. From there he signed up with the British forces and was a Chindit. At the end of WWII, he returned to the Foreign Legion before leaving military service in the early 1950s and returning to his native England. Much of Yeowell’s life was rather a mystery, something he did his best to maintain, but among other interests was his leading role in the neo-Jacobite Royal Stuart Society as well as a host of other committees and societies.