Андрей Кривенко, «ВкусВилл»: «Делайте классные вещи, которые нравятся, и они будут оплачены» Лариса Парфентьева Я ехала на интервью с Андреем Кривенко — основателем магазинов «ВкусВилл» и «Избёнка» — человеком, который получил премию «Предприниматель года-2016» по версии РБК.
До этого награду получали Алишер Усманов, Сергей Галицкий и другие предприниматели, имя которых на слуху. Я зашла в офис и увидела, как кто-то тащит бутылку для кулера с одного конца этажа в другой. «Завхоз?» , — подумал мозг, глядя на приближающуюся фигуру. Какие истории вы рассказываете о своей жизни? Лариса Парфентьева Ваша жизнь — это ваша история.
Ваша история — это ваша жизнь. Если вы человек, то вы рассказываете истории самому себе: позитивные и негативные, сознательно или (гораздо чаще) подсознательно. В книге «Перезагрузка» Джим Лоэр учит рассказывать правильные истории. Истории придают хаосу смысл. Факты не имеют смысла, пока вы не построите вокруг них историю. Гардероб желаний: не надо донашивать чужие желания. Как сделать популярным сообщество в Facebook? 15 правил — SMM-blogs.ru — всё о digital. 1.
Создавайте страницу, а не группуГруппы - для общения определенной группы людей и ее нельзя продвигать. Поэтому, используйте страницы. 2. Coca-cola тестЕсли вы или ваш клиент не coca-cola, а малый бизнес - делайте страницу с позиционированием по интересам 3. Каталог товаров для мыловарения в домашних условиях. Мыловарение, как хобби, пришло к нам из США в начале 2000-х.
Группа энтузиастов, варивших свои первые шедевры из подручных материалов, быстро разрасталась и сейчас, по самым скромным подсчетам, мыловаров в России насчитывается десятки тысяч: только в двух наших группах в контакте "Магазин" и "Форум" более 20 000 участников. В чем причина такой популярности мыла ручной работы? Мыло - это просто!
Для начала Вам понадобится всего лишь кусочек мыльной основы, ароматизатор или эфирное масло, краситель и симпатичная формочка (все перечисленное в ассортименте представлено в нашем каталоге продукции). Фирменное мыло с логотипом (эксклюзивно для Schmuck-i) Доброго дня мастерам и мастерицам, покупателям, интересующимся технологиями "как это делается", а также всем творческим личностям!
How to Train House Cleaning Employees. To evaluate the performance of her cleaning staff, Katie decided to do something that, to our knowledge, no one had ever tried to do before in the residential cleaning industry.
“I started a mystery shopping program,” she says. “Mystery shopper clients would get 50% off a cleaning to do an evaluation report on one of my cleaning teams.” “I would have mystery shoppers evaluate teams pretty thoroughly,” she explains. House Cleaning Supplies, Tools and Tips from Jeff Campbell's The Clean Team. The following rules are from Jeff Campbell’s best-selling book, Speed Cleaning.
They’ve been honed over many years and, if you follow them, you WILL get through your cleaning tasks faster, giving you more time to enjoy life – guaranteed. Rule One: Make Every Move Count That means work around the room once. Don’t backtrack. It also means you must carry your equipment and supplies with you, so you don’t make dozens of aggravating trips back and forth across the room. How to Train House Cleaning Employees. How to Train House Cleaning Employees. 9 Timesaving Tips From Professional House Cleaners. Hiring a house cleaner for the first time? Your etiquette questions, answered.
7 Rules of Etiquette for Cleaning Open Office Spaces. Offices today are changing.
More and more employers are moving away from individual, enclosed rooms and turning instead towards open spaces, which encourage collaboration and communication amongst employees. How to Fold A Fitted Sheet – Iza Cleaner. 5 house cleaning etiquette tips – Iza Cleaner. Prepare before the cleaner arrives If you want your cleaner to focus on cleaning, it’s smart to clear clutter that would get in the way.
Also, keep in mind that cleaners don’t usually move furniture. 5 Office Cleaning Etiquette You Should Know. Most Singapore companies have policies developed only for their employees.
But how do companies manage personnel are not considered as in-house employees? For example, service providers like cleaning staff are required to come in for some office cleaning. Many companies have written and unwritten protocols for office personnel. Development statements. How to Make a Catchy Advertising Jingle That is Too Good to Ignore. An effective jingle is one of the best advertising strategies. Catchy lines that have a peppy tune are easily remembered. People hum these tunes, share them with each other, and in some time, these tunes go viral and become popular with the masses, leading to word-of-mouth publicity of the product(s) they are made for.
Thus, a catchy jingle helps build a good customer base. Due to elements such as rhyme, melody, a set pattern of words, or repeating phrases, a jingle is easily remembered. Entering the child's world. Labelling children. Prasing children from british council. Schemas in Children’s Play - N a t u r e P l a y. Symbolic play and language development. 1. Introduction 1.1. Scientists Say Child's Play Helps Build A Better Brain : NPR Ed.
Deion Jefferson, 10, and Samuel Jefferson, 7, take turns climbing and jumping off a stack of old tires at the Berkeley Adventure Playground in California. The playground is a half-acre park with a junkyard feel where kids are encouraged to "play wild. " David Gilkey/NPR hide caption toggle caption. The cognitive benefits of play: Effects on the learning brain. © 2008 - 2014, Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved Science supports many of our intuitions about the benefits of play. Why play-based learning? (free article) - Early Childhood Australia.
Importance of play for babies & children. Play is more than just fun for babies and children. It’s how they learn best, and how they work out who they are, how the world works and where they fit into it. You can read this article in a selection of languages other than English. Apps. ZERO TO THREE. How do you speak 'Motherese'? Deb Roy: The birth of a word.
The Woman Who Changed Her Brain: Barbara Arrowsmith-Young at TEDxToronto. Listen to Your Mother. Young children face a remarkable challenge in learning to use the language of their culture. Toddlers vary widely, however, in the rate at which they learn new words.1 A team of Harvard Graduate School of Education researchers set out to ask whether and how children's language environment can impact vocabulary development.
In their study of mother-child pairs from low-income families, they found that mothers who used many different words (not just many words) had toddlers with faster growth in vocabulary use. During the toddler and preschool years, most children learn to use hundreds of words, combining them into sentences and engaging in conversation with others. From previous research, we know that variation in vocabulary growth relates to child characteristics like gender, and also to parental factors. What did they find? 1Huttenlocher, J., Haight, W., Bryk, A., Seltzer, M., & Lyons, T. (1991). 2Bauer, D.J., Goldfield, B.A., & Reznick, J.S. (2002). 3Hoff-Ginsberg, E. (1998).
Let's Talk. What do babies need in order to learn and thrive? One thing they need is conversation — responsive, back-and-forth communication with their parents and caregivers. This interactive engagement is like food for their developing brains, nurturing language acquisition, early literacy, school readiness, and social and emotional well-being. Why does my toddler love repetition? - BabyCentre. Paediatric speech and language therapist It may test your patience when your toddler demands 'Row, row, row your boat' for the 10th time.
How can I help my child to start talking? (Video) - BabyCentre. Health visitor Sara Patience describes how you can help develop your child's language skills by talking and playing with her. Show transcript Hide transcript.