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El hombre más viejo del mundo 256 años rompe el silencio antes de su muerte y revela sus secretos para el mundo. Llegar a los 100 años es un gran hito, pero imagina que si alguien viviese hasta los 250 … Parece imposible, ¿verdad?

El hombre más viejo del mundo 256 años rompe el silencio antes de su muerte y revela sus secretos para el mundo

Pero la verdad es que Li Ching Yuen, un maestro taoísta chino, llegó a los 256 años, Ching Yuen vivió mucho tiempo y se ha convertido en una referencia en el mundo de las prácticas espirituales. Los chinos bicentenario, nacidos en 1677 y muertos en 1933 de causas naturales, era un practicante de Qigong herbolario. Aunque parece imposible que un ser humano pueda vivir durante tanto tiempo, hay documentos que demuestran que algunas de las técnicas espirituales practicadas por Li Ching Yuen son reconocidas como válidas para prolongar y mejorar la calidad de vida.

No hay ningún registro de cualquier otra persona que haya alcanzado o superado la edad de Li Ching Yuen en la historia de la humanidad. Las prácticas espirituales tales como el taoísmo son una tradición china que se basa en vivir en armonía con el Tao, es decir, con la forma o la vida. “Mantener el corazón en calma. Immortal Life. Radical Life Extension and the Spirit at the Core of a Human Rights Movement - Home > Articles > Radical Life Extension and the Spirit at the Core of a Human Rights Movement.

Radical Life Extension and the Spirit at the Core of a Human Rights Movement -

Tick tock goes the clock - is aging the biggest illness of all? It’s an uncomfortable truth that aging is the single biggest risk factor for many chronic diseases.

Tick tock goes the clock - is aging the biggest illness of all?

It’s also completely out of our control. (The alternative is, well, not so fun to contemplate.) But although we all think we’d like to live longer, longevity in and of itself is not necessarily a good thing. Living longer rapidly loses its appeal if you’re too sick or feeble to really enjoy your extra “golden” years. But researchers from many scientific disciplines are now working to understand how and why our bodies tend to break down as time passes. Now the group, which includes Stanford geneticist Anne Brunet, PhD; neurologist Tony Wyss-Coray, PhD; and Thomas Rando, MD, PhD, has released the conclusions of the summit and outlined a plan for the work that lies ahead.

While life expectancy continues to rise, healthspan is not keeping pace because current disease treatment often decreases mortality without preventing or reversing the decline in overall health. The authors conclude: Doctor's Best, Best Energy Featuring Niagen, 75 mg, 60 Veggie Caps. The Youth Restoring Benefits Of NAD+ Since the year 2001, Life Extension® has been seeking a way to reverse a mechanism of aging that may not be adequately addressed by the healthy lifestyle choices most members currently follow.

The Youth Restoring Benefits Of NAD+

Normal aging is accompanied by a noticeable increase in fatigue and loss of motivation. The tiredness we outwardly feel reflects inward impairment of cellular functions critical to sustaining life. NAD+ is the term used in the scientific literature to describe a cellular compound called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. NAD+ is found in every cell in the body and is essential to life.1,2 NAD+ enables the transfer of energy from the foods we eat to vital cell functions. Anti-ageing compound set for human trials after turning clock back for mice. Australian and US researchers hope an anti-ageing compound could be trialled on humans as early as next year, following a key breakthrough that saw the ageing process reversed in mice.

Anti-ageing compound set for human trials after turning clock back for mice

The study, involving Harvard University and the University of NSW, discovered a way of restoring the efficiency of cells, completely reversing the ageing process in muscles. Two-year-old mice were given a compound over a week, moving back the key indicators of ageing to that of a six-month-old mouse. Researchers said this was the equivalent of making a 60-year-old person feel like a 20-year-old.

It’s hoped the research, published in Cell, will be expanded to humans as early as next year, with scientists set to look at how the theory of age reversal can be used to treat diseases such as cancer, dementia and diabetes. The research focused on an area of cells, called mitochondria, which produce energy. “We know that this cell communication breaks down in diseases such as dementia, cancer and type-two diabetes.

Is DHEA a Veritable 'Fountain of Youth' in a Bottle? By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World A seeming miracle, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is known for its ability to turn back the hands of time, decrease fat storage, ease coronary heart disease and osteoporosis, alleviate depression and improve fertility and sexual arousal.

Is DHEA a Veritable 'Fountain of Youth' in a Bottle?

But can supplementing with this natural steroid really provide a magical cure-all as many headlines claim? Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP, takes a look at the enthusiasm surrounding DHEA and separates fact from fiction. What exactly is DHEA? A precursor to all major sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone), DHEA is a steroid hormone synthesized from cholesterol and released by the adrenal glands. The link between adrenal fatigue and low DHEA In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to deplete the adrenals.