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The Best Animated Films of All Time, According to Terry Gilliam. Terry Gilliam knows something about animation.
For years, he produced wonderful animations for Monty Python (watch his cutout animation primer here) , creating the opening credits and distinctive buffers that linked together the offbeat comedy sketches. Given these bona fides, you don’t want to miss Gilliam’s list, The 10 Best Animated Films of All Time. It was published in The Guardian back in 2001, before the advent of YouTube, which makes things feel a little spare. So, today, we’re reviving Gilliam’s list and adding some videos to the mix. Above, we start with The Mascot, a 1934 film by the Russian animator Wladyslaw Starewicz. Itinérant du métro - Quang Truong Phan.
Le Père-Lachaise comme vous ne l'avez jamais vu. Histoire, magazine et patrimoine. Les Journées du patrimoine auraient-elles données l’idée à Mathieu Stern de mettre en ligne cette singulière visite guidée du cimetière du Père Lachaise ?
En tout cas, graves, les statues se succèdent, yeux clos, le visage dissimulé derrière une main ébréchée. On pénètre à l’intérieur des chapelles funéraires une à une, avant de courir entre les tombes, dévaler les escaliers, s’arrêter devant une sépulture et errer à nouveau sur le pavé du cimetière. Toujours en accéléré. Équipé de son appareil photo, le producteur de Web séries Mathieu Stern a réalisé un « Timelapse » au cœur du Père-Lachaise, cimetière le plus visité du monde.
La pratique consiste en une série de photographies prises à des moments différents. . « J’ai tout de suite vu que ce cimetière n’était pas comme les autres », raconte Antoine Blondin dans L’Humeur vagabonde à propos du Père-Lachaise. En deux minutes de film, on est saisi par l’atmosphère particulière du Père-Lachaise. Pierre AdrianLe Figaro.
An Animated Introduction to Michel Foucault, "Philosopher of Power" Do you still need a working knowledge of the ideas of Michel Foucault to hold your own on the cocktail party circuit?
Probably not, but the ideas themselves, should you bring them up there, remain as fascinating as ever. But how, apart from entering (or re-entering) grad school, to get started learning about them? Just look above: Alain de Botton’s School of Life has produced a handy eight-minute primer on the life and thought of the controversial “20th-century French philosopher and historian who spent his career forensically criticizing the power of the modern bourgeois capitalist state.” Perhaps that sounds like a parody of the activity of a French philosopher, but if you watch, you’ll find highlighted elements of Foucault’s grand intellectual project still relevant to us today.
“His goal was nothing less than to figure out how power worked,” as de Botton puts it, “and then to change it in the direction of a Marxist-anarchist utopia.” Related Content: L’arazzo di Bayeux prende vita! L’arazzo di Bayeux, noto anche come Telle du Conquest, è stato realizzato nella seconda metà dell’XI secolo.
Lungo poco meno di 70 m, e alto circa 50 cm, illustra le vicende che hanno portato Guglielmo il Conquistatore alla vittoria sugli Anglosassoni e alla conquista dell’Inghilterra, nel 1066. Dall’incoronazione di Edoardo il Confessore, all’usurpazione del trono da parte di Harold, fino alla famosa battaglia di Hastings, questa animazione della tela rende tutto più divertente. Potrete infatti sentire le urla della battaglia, vedere le vele delle navi muoversi spinte dal vento ed essere trasportati indietro di qualche secolo, in uno dei momenti più celebri della storia. Una curiosità: la cometa che appare all’inizio è la famosa Cometa di Halley, che proprio nel 1066 fu visibile nei cieli inglesi. Se ne consiglia la visione con l’audio…ne vale la pena!
Mi piace: Mi piace Caricamento... Tour the Amphipolis tomb with stunning animation. Video shows how the Amphipolis tomb in Serres, Greece may have looked Huge burial site is said to date back to between 325 and 300 BCThis means it could have been built during the reign of Alexander the GreatAn underground vault, or fourth chamber was discovered in November Bones of an unidentified woman, a newborn baby and two men, as well as fragments of a cremated person, were unearthed in the vaultResearch shows the woman was over 60, while the men were aged 35 to 45Olympias died aged 59, Alexander the Great died of a fever at the age of 33Height of the skeletons also matches with reports of Alexander's statureOne of the men had cut marks in his left chest that were most likely from mortal injuries inflicted by a knife or small sword By Sarah Griffiths and Victoria Woollaston for MailOnline Published: 09:17 GMT, 13 February 2015 | Updated: 13:39 GMT, 13 February 2015 Scroll down for video This led him to be known as Alexander the Great.
Alexander was buried in Egypt. Loaded: 0% Four Charles Bukowski Poems Animated. The poetry of Charles Bukowski deeply inspires many of its readers.
Sometimes it just inspires them to lead the dissolute lifestyle they think they see glorified in it, but other times it leads them to create something compelling of their own. The quality and variety of the Bukowski-inspired animation now available on the internet, for instance, has certainly surprised me. At the top of the post, we have Jonathan Hodgson’s adaptation of “The Man with the Beautiful Eyes,” which puts vivid, colorful imagery to Bukowski’s late poem that draws from his childhood memories of a mysterious, untamed young man in a run-down house whose very existence reminded him “that nobody wanted anybody to be strong and beautiful like that, that others would never allow it.”
Below, you can watch Monika Umba’s even more unconventional animation of “Bluebird“: At the bottom the post, you will find “Roll the Dice,” an animation suggested by one of our readers, Mark. Écoutez Paris au XVIIIe siècle !