Let The Network Do The Work. One of the most striking things I see when watching organizations make the transition from legacy industrial models of working to new network-based models, is that we keep trying to employ the new tools and ideas in the same old ways. Certainly, it’s quite hard to unlearn the old methods, so deeply instilled are they by prior experience, history, and momentum. But as businesses, even today, we largely still try to create all the ideas, try to control everything, and focus on doing all the work to produce outcomes within the organization, team, or enterprise, with a little help of perhaps a few closely held suppliers and business partners.
In short, most organizations still have an out-dated and overly centralized model for working, and it’s turned out to be a very difficult habit to break. If I have a single key lesson that every organization seeking to digitally transform must learn it’s this: You must let the network do the work. Additional Reading: What Is the Future of Work?
A Taste of Systemics. A Special Integration Group (SIG) of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) originally SGSR, Society for General Systems Research. By Bela Banathy The second half of the twentieth century is marked by massive changes affecting all aspects of our lives. We are experiencing the major societal TRANSFORMATION from the industrial machine age to the post-industrial information/knowledge age. These changes and transformations are reshaping our thinking and recasting the way we view ourselves, the systems of which we are part, the environments in which we live, and THE WAY WE VIEW the world. A world-view (window to the world) is like a lens through which we perceive the landscape of life that becomes our reality.
This "view of the world" (world-view) has many dimensions: the socio-cultural, the socio-technical, the socio-economic, the organizational, and the scientific just to name a few. This change from one era to another is often called "PARADIGM SHIFT. " What is a Social System?: Systemics Archive: Nagai Toshiya. A social system is not just a gathering of people. It does not consist in the interaction between people either. You can find a mere causal interaction between things. 1.
The double contingency I defined a system as function to reduce indeterminacy. What makes social systems different from other systems is a special character of the indeterminacy for them to reduce. In order to understand what indeterminacy they must reduce, you have only to imagine how inconvenient it would be without social systems. Suppose you run into a stranger in an anarchic jungle. Whether I abandon my gun or not depends on whether the opponent abandons his gun or not, and whether he abandons his gun or not depends on whether I abandon my gun or not. 2.
It is the best for both to abandon the weapons and coexist peacefully. The combination of payoff in possible four cases is as follows: My reasoning is " Whether the opponent will abandon or keep his gun is indeterminate. This is the so-called prisoners' dilemma. 3. Theories, definitions and principles. “It works in practice. But does it work in theory?” Check it out here!
Choosing from the list alongside this page, we suggest you start with the fishtank metaphor, with the tank representing the organisation, and the fish as managers and other employees. Follow this by reading the short synopsis on systemic leadership. You’ll find more detail after that in the point-by-point overview. At a more practical level, at different times and to a different extent, managers need to be able both to manage and lead according to their position in the organisation.
Those with a more academic interest can read how systemic leadership draws on the management discipline of systems thinking in basic principles of systems thinking as applied to management and leadership. And if you are interested in how the discipline of systems thinking has developed and which aspects are particularly relevant to systemic leadership today, then read the historical link between systems thinking and leadership.
Systemic Competitiveness. Systemic Competitiveness An analytical concept formulated by a group of researchers (Klaus Esser, Wolfgang Hillebrand, Dirk Messner, Jörg Meyer-Stamer) at German Development Institute since the early 1990s. The main messages: Dynamic economic development is not only based on functioning markets and individual entrepreneurship but also on collective efforts to shape a supportive environment for business development. To understand the dynamics of industrial development it is crucial to analyze not only the micro- and the macro-level, i.e. markets and macro-economic framework conditions.
We introduce two further analytical levels: The meso- and the meta-level. At the meso-level we address specific policies (such as technology policy, industrial policy, regional policy, etc.) and the institutional and organizational environment which supports firms. Publications: Systemic Competitiveness Benchmarking Table (PDF, 70 kB) Making market systems work? Systemic Competitiveness Revisited. Systemic competitiveness: a new challenge for firms and for government. This article analyses the concept of systemic competitiveness by examining its determining factors and the way in which they interrelate. Academy for Systemic Change.