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Adam Slatniske

"Adam Slatniske was born and raised in Carroll County and went to South Carroll High School where he was an honor student and captain of his football and lacrosse teams. Even at a young age, Adam was dedicated to community service, earning hundreds more service learning hours than needed to graduate. Asam Slatniske then went to Washington College where he graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelors in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. His community service continued in college where he participated in a program called Neighbor Ride where he drove elderly people who could no longer drive to their appointments and helped them run errands. Adam volunteered at Copper Ridge Nursing Home for dementia and Alzheimer patients. He also participated in many activities for domestic violence awareness and during the blizzard in 2010, he shoveled out the Chestertown Hospital to ensure that EMS could operate safely. After college, Adam Slatniske went to Nova Southeastern Dental School in South Florida where even his intense course load did not stop his dedication to community service. He helped run blood drives, gave blood and platelets as much as allowed and even went on the bone marrow donor list for people with blood diseases and leukemia. Adam used his newfound skills to give pro bono dental work to the HIV/AIDS and low-income communities. As a dentist, Adam moved back to Maryland and in his practice, he was one of the only dentists in the area to put the time and care into providing treatment to the mentally and physically disabled. After joining the Parkville Dental practice, Adam’s grandfather suffered a stroke that paralyzed his right side. Adam traveled twice a week from Parkville to New Windsor to help his grandfather during the week with his home physical therapy. Adam Slatniske is surrounded by close friends and family near his home in Maryland. As his past and present demonstrate, he is a passionate and dedicated public servant and dentist. "

Adam Slatniske - Hobby Jam. Adam Slatniske was born and raised in Carroll County.

Adam Slatniske - Hobby Jam

He attended South Carroll High School where he was an honor student and captain of his football and lacrosse teams. At a young age, Adam was dedicated to community service, completing hundreds more service hours than he needed to graduate. Adam Slatniske then went to Washington College where he graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelors in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. Adam’s community service continued in college where he participated in a program called Neighbor Ride where he drove elderly people to their appointments and helped them run errands. Adam Slatniske also volunteered at Copper Ridge Nursing Home for dementia and Alzheimer patients. Post college, Adam Slatniske attended Nova Southeastern Dental School in South Florida where even his intense course load did not stop his dedication to community service.

Adam Slatniske is surrounded by close friends and family near his home in Maryland. What is your hobby? Adam Slatniske Discusses the Benefits of Woodworking - EIN Presswire. Adam Slatniske Discusses the Benefits of Woodworking NEW WINDSOR, MD, USA, March 2, 2021 / -- The art of woodworking has been cultivated and refined for centuries.

Adam Slatniske Discusses the Benefits of Woodworking - EIN Presswire

Although it fell out of fashion somewhat with the advent of factory-generated furniture and particleboard projects, it’s a skill that more and more people are becoming interested in. From small whittling projects to solid oak dining tables, woodworking comes in many different forms. Alongside the beautiful fruits of your labor, woodworking also has a myriad of physical and psychological health benefits. Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media.

Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media.

Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media

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Dentist Adam Slatniske Highlights Crucial Role of Give Kids a Smile Volunteers

NEW WINDSOR, MD, UNITED STATES, February 3, 2021 / -- Give Kids a Smile provides full-service dentistry free of charge to children up to 8th grade age. Supported by a small army of volunteers, Adam Slatniske, a popular dentist from Carroll County, Maryland, highlights just some of the crucial work undertaken by these selfless individuals alongside the rest of the Give Kids a Smile team.

"Give Kids a Smile provides the highest quality of dental care to children with inadequate access to such assistance," explains Adam Slatniske, speaking from his office in New Windsor, Maryland, "whether as a result of a lack of insurance or following a period of financial hardship at home. " Full-service dentistry, free of charge, is afforded to children up to 8th grade age, Adam Slatniske goes on to report.

You just read: News Provided By. Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media.

Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media

Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Données personnelles qui peuvent être utilisées Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media Position précise Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies.

Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Adam Slatniske Proud to Volunteer at Local Senior Living Facility - EIN Presswire. Dedicated public servant Adam Slatniske provides a closer look at his volunteer work at Copper Ridge retirement community.

Adam Slatniske Proud to Volunteer at Local Senior Living Facility - EIN Presswire

NEW WINDSOR, MARYLAND, USA, December 18, 2020 / -- Copper Ridge is a retirement community and senior living facility in the Carroll County town of Sykesville, Maryland. Local man Adam Slatniske generously volunteered a significant portion of his free time to the establishment while completing his college studies in the area. A dedicated public servant and now a qualified dentist, Slatniske takes a proud look back on his time spent at Copper Ridge and as a volunteer committed to a number of other similarly important local initiatives and good causes. "Copper Ridge in Sykesville, Maryland, specializes in care for dementia patients," explains Adam Slatniske, speaking from his home in Carroll County, "with a particular focus on activities appropriate for seniors with Alzheimer's disease, developed to help keep them active and engaged.

" You just read: Adam Slatniske Reflects on Time as a Neighbor Ride Program Volunteer. Volunteer Adam Slatniske Looks Back on His Support for Neighbor Ride and Other Charitable Initiatives New Windsor, MD - ( NewMediaWire ) - December 4, 2020 - A nonprofit organization based in Columbia, Maryland, Neighbor Ride’s trusted transportation program connects Howard County seniors to the people and things that matter the most.

Adam Slatniske Reflects on Time as a Neighbor Ride Program Volunteer

A former volunteer driver for the service, Adam Slatniske provides a closer look at Neighbor Ride and a number of other charitable initiatives and good causes which he’s supported in recent years.