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About Face. Haegue Yang / Sonic Rotating Geometries #20 - #24. Ludicart l'art interactif de Jean-Robert Sedano et Solveig de Ory. Outstanding Installations by Sakir Gokcebag. Sculptural Art by Antony Gormley. The artist Antony Gormley combined the shape of the human body with different geometric shapes.
Sculptural Art of Geometric Human Body Shapes by Antony Gormley Art Sculpture of Geometric Human Body Shapes by Antony Gormley source: About the author, Dirk Petzold. Dirk is the owner and founder of WE AND THE COLOR. You can follow WE AND THE COLOR on:
Sculptural Art by Antony Gormley. Kris Kuksi, où l’art de transformer de vieux objets en chef d’œuvres. Kris Kuksi, où l’art de transformer de vieux objets en chef d’œuvres Peintre, dessinateur mais surtout sculpteur, Kris Kuksi possède plus d’une corde à son arc de talents.
L’artiste Américain, dont les sculptures impressionnent par la complexité de l’assemblage, tente à travers ses créations d’éveiller un niveau de conscience nouveau chez le spectateur. Il estime en effet le monde d’aujourd’hui fragilisé par la cupidité et le matérialisme, et souhaite exposer les erreurs de l’Homme par ce biais artistique. Un travail d’orfèvre, soigné à la précision chirurgicale. Jugez plutôt.
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Layered Books Sculptures with a Tunnel. L’illustratrice Isobelle Ouzman utilise beaucoup de colle, un couteau X-Acto et de l’aquarelle pour ses illustrations en creux qui se nichent dans des livres comme un tunnel ou un portail vers un imaginaire merveilleux.
Elle retravaille ces livres abandonnés qu’elle trouve dans des poubelles de recyclage pour leur donner une nouvelle vie. Vous pouvez en commander sur son shop Etsy.
Hypnotic Kinetic Sculptures by Jennifer Townley Fuse Mathematics and Art. Although powered by simple rotary engines, these kinetic sculptures by Netherlands-based sculptor Jennifer Townley are dizzying in complexity.
Repetitive patterns twist, merge, and cascade as individually sculpted elements rotate on a single axis, an intricate fusion of art and mathematics. From Townley’s artist statement: The works derive from her fascination with science, with an emphasis on physics, engineering and mathematics.
The Sound of Empty Space - Everyday Listening - Sound Art, Sound Installations, Sonic Inspiration. Feedback is a phenomenon which is not uncommon in sound art.
Steve Reich’s Pendulum Music used swinging microphones over speakers to create different tones in a certain rhythm, already back in 1968. There is something primeval about feedback, the way it can run out of control and become chaotic. Because of that, it’s no wonder there are still a lot of artists working with it. (all photos by Emily Gan) With his new series of works called The Sound of Empty Space, composer & media artist Adam Basanta explores relationships between microphones, speakers, and surrounding acoustic environments through controlled, self-generating microphone feedback. In The loudest sound in the room experienced very quietly, an endless feedback loop between microphone, public address system amplifier, and speaker cone is enclosed within a soundproof aquarium.
The notion of amplification systems as self-generating sound producers is further developed in the piece Pirouette.
Perdez-vous dans un immense labyrinthe cosmique. Images de l'artiste Osmo, A beginners guide to constructing the cosmos, est la nouvelle installation du “laboratoire spatial du collectif Loop.pH.
15 sculptures animales signées Kendra Haste. BOOKS – 30 incroyables Livres sculptés de Brian Dettmer. Reflets et géométrie du verre - Christine Wood - Blog MyProfilArt. Portée/ — Interactive unfold of a music score in space. Skip Traffic, Traverse Space and Time in a Roadside Mini-Universe. Images courtesy the artists Osmo, A beginners guide to constructing the cosmos, the new installation from self-described “spatial laboratory” Loop.pH, lets you travel through space and time in a wholly unlikely public place.
Beneath the hulking concrete and rumbling traffic of London’s bustling A13 flyover, the London-based studio has fabricated a miniature recreation of the cosmos. Created for the second annual Light Night Canning Town, a Yorkshire festival whose theme this year, “The Fire and The Stars,” is dedicated to man’s age-old fascination with flames and the intergalactic furnaces fueled by them, the silver sphere that comprises Osmo inflates to a breadth of 29.5 ft, forming a crystalline honeycomb that envelops visitors in a world lightyears away from concrete and car horns.
Inside, mirrored inner walls glitter with pinpoints of light from hundreds of lasers, reflected through layers of film. Related: This Is the Most Accurate Simulation Of The Universe Ever. More "Playable Art" from John Edmark: Interactive Kinetic Sculptures. You've seen John Edmark's trippy Fibonacci Zoetrope Sculptures, which bring animation to 3D-printed pieces via a turntable.
For those of you who've read up on multicreative, multi-hyphenate Edmark's background, it'll come as no surprise that he's got more tricks up his sleeve than those. Check out other examples of his "playable art," this time made with a laser cutter: That's the Helicone, which is now carried by the MoMA Store and the Guggenheim. Maybe one day, someone will make a spiral staircase that unfurls on-site like Edmark's Nautilus Column: The previous two were in wood and MDF, respectively.
Mirrored Light Sculpture Probes The Cosmic Mysteries Of Geometry. Images courtesy of the artist When it comes to sculpture, Gaspar Battha thinks big.
His artworks address concepts including the limitations of the mind (envisioned as a physics-defying robotic bird), and humankind's relationship with tools (realized through custom-made screws and screwdrivers). Patterns of Harmony, his Master-project at UdK Berlin, takes this line of inquiry one step further, using a projection-mapped light box to explore the geometric nature of the universe.
A series of angled two-way mirrors forms the bulk of the lightbox, which Battha calls a "fractal of cubes.
" He maps and projects graphics into the back of the hexagonal sculpture, where "the light gets 'trapped inside' the object," bouncing off the reflective surfaces to form the 3D geometric shapes that viewers experience.
Project: Spannungsfeld - CODAworx.
Digital Artist Giuseppe Randazzo Creates Elaborate Arrays of 3D-Printed Stones. Stone Field 00 / exp00 – simple attractor exponential field.
Digital rendering. Stone Field 05 / three attractors field. Digital rendering. Stone Field 04 / field based on vert dist from horizontal axis. Digital rendering. StoneFields 02 / polar 2d Perlin field. 3D-printed sculpture.
Stefan Tiefengraber. 2013 - interactive installation exhibited: from 30.01.2014 - at the TIME OUT .01 exhibition ARS ELECTRONICA CENTER Linz/Austria. from 21.11. to 24.11.2013 - PIKSEL Festival 2013 - Bergen/Norway. A 96 channel audio installation. Vocal Vibrations: Expressive Performance for Body-Mind Wellbeing.
Tod Machover, Charles Holbrow, Elena Jessop, and Rebecca Kleinberger. Vocal Vibrations explores the relationships between human physiology and the resonant vibrations of the voice. The voice is an instrument everyone possesses. It is incredibly individual, infinitely expressive, and intimately linked to the physical form.
Takeshi Murata Made An Animated Sculpture That Melts Into Itself. Sound Looking. Lost in the forest- art installation. Naziha MESTAOUI. Lawrence Malstaf - Nemo Observatorium. Top 18 des plus belles réalisations de shadow art (aka. les Maîtres des Ombres…)
Faire d'un amas de ferraille a priori informe un bateau ou un couple, en projection sur un mur, c'est possible. Cela demande juste un peu plus de temps que de faire un lapin avec ses mains. Vous aussi vous avez mis 25 ans à maîtriser la forme du lapin en ombres chinoises ?
A Super-Sized Cocoon Made of Packing Tape That You Can Curl Up In. Numen/For Use's tape installations are like a massive cocoon humans can crawl through. Numen/For Use They create the pieces by wrapping tape around pre-existing architectural elements. From there, it’s really just a matter of following the natural pattern of the space.
Intersections par Anila Quayyum Agha. L’artiste américaine Anila Quayyum Agha, qui est née et a grandi au Pakistan, nous livre cette magnifique oeuvre baptisée « Intersections » ayant le pouvoir de transformer une simple pièce en un palais féérique. Cette oeuvre réalisée avec des panneaux de bois sculpté est inspirée de l’Alhambra, qui est pour l’artiste, un vrai symbole de mixité entre l’art, la culture orientale et occidentale.
THE ARK. Anthony Howe's Otherworldly Kinetic Sculptures. Variable 4. Variable 4 is an outdoor sound installation that translates weather conditions into musical patterns in real time. Using meteorological sensors connected to a custom software environment, the weather itself acts as conductor, navigating through a map of twenty-four specifically-written movements. Every aspect of the piece, from broad harmonic progressions down to individual notes and timbres, is influenced by changes in the environment: wind speed, rainfall, solar radiation, humidity, tropospheric variance, temperature, and more.
The resultant composition is performed over an indeterminate duration through eight loudspeakers integrated into the landscape.
Des ronds de fumées avec du son. 7,83 HZ de Véronique Béland. Cette oeuvre cherche à reproduire les résonances de Schumann, un phénomène atmosphérique naturel et permanent fait de pics spectraux dans le domaine des extrêmement basses fréquences (ELF) du champ électromagnétique terrestre.
Les installations étranges de Myeongbeom Kim. CATEN . David Letellier. Yann kersalé. Michael Hansmeyer - Computational Architecture: Platonic Solids. [Exclusive Video] Behind The Scenes Of Box By Bot & Dolly.
Anthony Howe's Kinetic Wind Sculptures Pulse And Hypnotize. The Creators Project linked up with Anthony Howe, an Eastsound, WA-based painter and sculpture artist to highlight his work in the medium of surreal kinetic wind sculpture that are initially designed in 3D software. "I was bored with everything being static in my visual world," Howe told us. In other words, he believes sculptures don't have to be stoic designs that are lifeless.
Découvrir l'alginate. Antony Gormley. Mihoko Ogaki Installations. Sacred Space: New Technological Mandalas by Leonardo Ulian. London-based artist Leonardo Ulian (previously) has completed a new body of work titled Sacred Space. Inspired by Hindu and Buddhist symbolism, Ulian continues his exploration of technology and spiritualism with these carefully sculpted mandalas created with soldered computer and radio components.
Via Beers.Lambert:
Cache-cache, installation interactive développée par Manuel Deneu au Artlab. Gilles AZZARO - Sculpteur de Voix. Chiharu Shiota. Waves. Forms in Nature. Forms in Nature The Light sculpture Forms in Nature resembles Darwinist Ernst Haeckel’s drawings . Using a simple action, such as intensifying the brightness at the center of the artwork, the light transforms the space and adds character, as the work throws oversized shadows onto walls and ceilings in the space in which it hangs. The light sculpture Forms in Nature is partly inspired by Ernst Haeckel’s (1834- 1919) detailed plots from nature and is a further development of Hilden & Diaz’ fascination with mirrorings, as they have previously applied in other artworks. Forms in Nature is a artwork with a light source surrounded by a dense and unruly tree and root system created in minature sculpture.
The forest is mirrored around it’s horizontal central axis and forms a circle 360 degrees around the light source and thereby leads one onto the notion of a real world versus an underworld. Interestingly, the roots are those elements of the forest that are the most visible.
Kymapetra singing stones from scenocosme. Sculptures Made from Suspended Sewing Buttons by Augusto Esquivel. Herzfassen. Compressorhead Ace of Spades. James turrell. Magic Carpet - Daniel Wurtzel. David Letellier & LAb[au] - Tessel, Kinetic Sound Installation 2010. Antonio Paucar’s Figurative Installations Made From Dead Flies.
Dianne Harris at the Kinetica Art Fair 2011. Seo, young Deok. Root Sculptures by Kim Sun Hyuk.
Art cinétique