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O Arco-íris de Feynman. O Arco-íris de Feynman. New book: Begin to Code with Python – Microsoft Press blog. We’re pleased to announce the availability of Begin to Code with Python (ISBN 9781509304523), by Rob Miles.
Purchase from these online retailers: Microsoft Press StoreAmazonBarnes & NobleIndependent booksellers – Shop local Become a Python programmer—and have fun doing it! Start writing software that solves real problems, even if you have absolutely no programming experience! This friendly, easy, full-color book puts you in total control of your own learning, empowering you to build unique and useful programs. Easy, friendly, and you’re in control! About This Book For absolute beginners who’ve never written a line of code For anyone who’s been frustrated with other beginning programming books or courses For people who’ve started out with other languages and now want to learn Python Works with Windows PC, Apple Mac, Linux PC, or Raspberry Pi Includes mapping of MTA exam objectives that are covered in this book, as well as an appendix with further explanation of some of the topics on the exam.
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Programming With Blocks. Syntax is a royal pain in the neck for beginning programmers. For a lot of kids learning computing or programming syntax is the single largest hurtle. It’s hard to teach both a new (programming) language and a new way of thinking and problem solving at the same time. This tends to be a big stumbling block for teaching a lot of basic computing concepts. For years there have been tools developed that remove syntax from the equation. Alice and Scratch are probably the most well-known and popular of these tools. What I find is that tastes are different. This book gives about a 32 page comprehensive introduction to developing programs in C#.NET ( mostly for a Linux platform ).And Netdruino is new and not for everyone due to price and configuration complexity, but it has a solid future in IoT for several reasons.ProsOne: The base card is, of course, pricier than an Arduino card but it is cheaper than a Due if you need the computational clock rate( 166 MHz ) or if you attach a NIC expansion board and increase the cost of a single module by three times.
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