PCOD stands for Polycystic Ovarian Disease. It is a health condition where the woman's ovaries release partial or immature eggs. When this happens over time, then in the ovaries, these immature-produced eggs become cysts. As the condition persists, the ovary becomes larger. Also, there might be the production of male hormones, leading to irregular menstrual, infertility, abnormal weight gain, hair loss, and other harmful health condition. However, if you are suffering from this condition, you have nothing to worry about since it has medication. Now let's look at the identification of PCOD problems and solutions.
PCOD: Diagnosis
Identifying the PCOD problems and solution is not definitive. Before the doctor can do anything, he must check your medical history or information about your weight changes or menstrual periods. Since there are a lot of health conditions that have to be checked, like acne, insulin resistance, excess hair growth, and others, then different diagnoses have to be done to establish if you have PCOD.
Here are some of the PCOD diagnoses to determine if you are free from PCOD or not:
A pelvic examination
In this test, the doctor has to examine your pelvic area and check your reproductive organs to see if they are correct or if there are some abnormalities like growths.
A Blood tests
The test is used to determine the level of hormones and not what causes the abnormalities or excess hormones like androgen. Also, the doctor can check the glucose tolerance in your body in this test.
An ultrasound
Once you have PCOD, your ovaries become larger, and you might have cysts on your ovary or the uterus lining; then, an ultrasound test has to be done by the doctor to determine the appearance or the thickness of your uterus wall.
PCOD: Treatment
You can modify your lifestyle, and you might see changes in your condition. However, the most recommended way of dealing with the PCOD is treatment. With PCOD treatment in the hospital, it focuses on the issues like infertility, obesity, acne, or hirsutism. Here are some of the medications that you can use.
Below are some recommendations from a doctor's point of view that you can use to treat the problem by regulating the menstrual cycle.
When you take pills that have progestin and estrogen, then you will be able to reduce the level of androgen production and, at the same time, regulate the level of estrogen. Once you can regulate the level of these hormones, then you reduce the probability of you getting health conditions like abnormal bleeding, acne, excessive hair growth, endometrial cancer, and other health conditions.
It is a treatment where you will be able to regulate the menstrual cycle and protect yourself from endometrial cancer.
To ovulate then, the doctors usual recommends medication like:
You have to take an anti-estrogen in the first part of the menstrual cycle.
It is a medication whose main function is to stimulate your ovaries, and also it can help in treating breast cancer.
It is an oral medication that can improve your insulin resistance or lower your insulin levels. So if the medication like clomiphene did not help you get pregnant, then Metformin would help. However, it is good for those who have type 2 diabetes.
PCDO affects a woman's reproductive health; that's why your body might start producing the incorrect amount of hormones. If you have this condition, you must seek help from your doctor and get treatment.