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YouTube to Mp3 Converter. الصفحة الرئيسية - Electronic Bubble. أحوال المسلمين. The Best Free Software - Zwodnik. Free Online Schematic Drawing Tool. EasyEDA(Standard) - A Simple and Powerful Electronic Circuit Design Tool. منتدى المهندس. What is Voltage Stabilizer & How it Works? Types of Stabilizers. Introduction to Stabilizer: The embedding of microprocessor chip technology and power electronic devices in the design of intelligent AC voltage stabilizers (or automatic voltage regulators (AVR)) led to produce high-quality, stable electric power supply in the event of significant and continuous deviation of mains voltage.
As advancement to the conventional relay type voltage stabilizers, modern innovative stabilizers use high performance digital control circuits and solid state control circuitry that eliminates potentiometer adjustments and allows the user to set voltage requirements through a keypad, with output start and stop facility. This also led to make the trip timing or responsiveness of the stabilizers to a very less rate, typically less than a few milliseconds, in addition this can be adjusted with variable setting. What is a Voltage Stabilizer? The History of Radar - Edited Entry. The early history of radar is closely connected with warfare - only relatively recently have civilian applications stimulated development of radar technology and attracted some public attention.
The Very, Very Early Days The oldest known precursor to modern radar systems evolved in bats millions of years ago, and is known to us today as sonar. Bats emit a short 'cry' from their noses, receiving the echo with a set of two antennae which happen to be ears. True, a bat's radar doesn't use electromagnetic rays, but the working principle is the same as that of a modern radar, with a chirped signal, target-tracking by Doppler estimation, PRF agility, terrain avoidance function, and fine angle measurement based on the monopulse principle.
مدونة الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية: كتب الدكتور منصور أبوشريعة العبادي. الكتب متوفرة على الموقع التالي.
موقع عبد الدائم الكحيل للإعجاز العلمي في القرآن والسنة.