Munchkin Cats What You Should Know. The Scottish Fold Cat All You Need To Know. Munchkin Cats - What You Should Know. The unusual look of the Munchkin cat does not in any way affect its confidence and outgoing nature. This cat breed loves wrestling with friends and playing just like any other ordinary cat save for the short legs that are unique to it. It has been dubbed the magpie of a cat species thanks to its habit of borrowing shiny small objects that it keeps away for later play. Besides the cat’s playful nature, it does have hunter instinct and it will definitely chase up mice and any moving objects. It, however, generally prefers snuggling more than it does hunting. General appearance – These cats come in different colors and they can have short or long hair. The coats – Munchkins which are shorthaired – usually spot medium-plush coats, whereas the long haired ones will usually come with semi-long silky coats.
Legs – Their short legs are the main identifying character. Body – This breed of cats is small to medium in terms of body size. Legs – Their short legs are the main identifying character. The Scottish Fold Cat: All You Need To Know. If you’re looking for an affectionate, caring and beautiful breed of cat to add to your family, look no further than the Scottish Fold Kittens for Sale South Africa. With a prestigious heritage and a lifetime of pleasure for your family, this breed is a perfect addition to a cat-loving household and it easily provides a lifetime of enjoyment, fulfillment and affection.
Breed History The Scottish Fold, named for its peculiar yet adorable folded ears, was first noticed in 1961 by a Scottish Shepherd. He took notice of a cat on a neighboring farm because of its “folded” ears – a birth trait that is made possible by a dominant gene within the cartilage of the ears – creating a folded, shortened appearance. As the shepherd continued to investigate, he realized that the breed was not formerly known. When he adopted a “folded” cat from his neighbor’s litter and later produced two “folded” kittens himself, he attempted to gain recognition for the breed but encountered resistance.
Munchkin Cats - What You Should Know. The unusual look of the Munchkin cat does not in any way affect its confidence and outgoing nature. This cat breed loves wrestling with friends and playing just like any other ordinary cat save for the short legs that are unique to it. It has been dubbed the magpie of a cat species thanks to its habit of borrowing shiny small objects that it keeps away for later play. Besides the cat's playful nature, it does have hunter instinct and it will definitely chase up mice and any moving objects. It, however, generally prefers snuggling more than it does hunting. General appearance - These cats come in different colors and they can have short or long hair. The coats - Munchkins which are shorthaired - usually spot medium-plush coats, whereas the long haired ones will usually come with semi-long silky coats.
Legs - Their short legs are the main identifying character. Body - This breed of cats is small to medium in terms of body size. The Scottish Fold Cat: All You Need To Know. If you're looking for an affectionate, caring and beautiful breed of cat to add to your family, look no further than the Scottish Fold Kittens for Sale South Africa. With a prestigious heritage and a lifetime of pleasure for your family, this breed is a perfect addition to a cat-loving household and it easily provides a lifetime of enjoyment, fulfillment and affection.
Breed HistoryThe Scottish Fold, named for its peculiar yet adorable folded ears, was first noticed in 1961 by a Scottish Shepherd. He took notice of a cat on a neighboring farm because of its "folded" ears - a birth trait that is made possible by a dominant gene within the cartilage of the ears - creating a folded, shortened appearance. As the shepherd continued to investigate, he realized that the breed was not formerly known. When he adopted a "folded" cat from his neighbor's litter and later produced two "folded" kittens himself, he attempted to gain recognition for the breed but encountered resistance. Munchkin Cats - What You Should Know. The Scottish Fold Cat: All You Need To Know.