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DIC Corporation

We are a leading chemicals company in Singapore with over more than 60 countries and territories around the world today. We help to create a society that adds rich colour and comfort to people's lives.

The Best Offset Printing Ink Suppliers in the Industry. Optimizing Print Quality with Advanced Water Based Gravure Inks. Business Product Singapore– DIC. Developed Products/New Business Singapore– DIC. New Business / Developed Products | DIC Products | DIC Corporation. Color and Display Materials– DIC. Functional Products Singapore – DIC. Gravure Printing Inks – DIC. Flexo Inks in Singapore - DIC. Packaging Adhesives - DIC. Metal Decorative Inks - DIC. Singapore Best News Inks - DIC. Functional Coatings products - DIC. Ink for Metal Print- DIC. Chemicals Company Singapore.