Eloquent JavaScript. In the Hills and Hollows. Prozhito. The Calvert Journal. The Calvert Journal. Russia Beyond Russia - Home. Russia Beyond Russia: The André Savine Digital Library brings together André Savine’s research on the Russian diaspora, the holdings of the André Savine Collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and full texts from the ongoing digitization of Savine Collection materials.
Russian Formalism & Digital Humanities. Topic Modeling for Humanists: A Guided Tour – the scottbot irregular. It’s that time again!
Somebody else posted a really clear and enlightening description of topic modeling on the internet. This time it was Allen Riddell, and it’s so good that it inspired me to write this post about topic modeling that includes no actual new information, but combines a lot of old information in a way that will hopefully be useful. If there’s anything I’ve missed, by all means let me know and I’ll update accordingly. Topic models represent a class of computer programs that automagically extracts topics from texts. Great Expectations. After well considering the matter while I was dressing at the Blue Boar in the morning, I resolved to tell my guardian that I doubted Orlick’s being the right sort of man to fill a post of trust at Miss Havisham’s.
“Why, of course he is not the right sort of man, Pip,” said my guardian, comfortably satisfied beforehand on the general head, “because the man who fills the post of trust never is the right sort of man.” It seemed quite to put him into spirits, to find that this particular post was not exceptionally held by the right sort of man, and he listened in a satisfied manner while I told him what knowledge I had of Orlick.
About. » About nonsite.org emerges in part out of interest in a set of theoretical topics – the ontology of the work of art, the question of intentionality, the ongoing appeal of different and sometimes competing materialisms – and in part out of opposition to the dominant accounts of those topics.
Today, the various theoretical forms of neoliberalism – from the postmodern to the posthuman, from the new historicism to the new pluralism – have become so pervasive that they are nearly invisible. nonsite.org seeks first to make them visible and then to make them less pervasive. Our goal is to criticize what is and replace it with what we think ought to be. Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Apply to Become a Translator. The OLH is keen to support the open access dissemination of high quality scholarship from around the world, published in languages other than English.
Our Internationalisation Committee has been discussing various different routes towards achieving this goal. It is crucial that we build a strong structure of academics, editors and translators who can support the peer review editorial process and translation of articles. We therefore welcome applications from any individuals or organisations interested in becoming OLH Translators – in any language. Please email a 1-2 page CV outlining your current position, translation experience and translated publications, as well as contact details to: editorial@openlibhums.org. Tablet Magazine – Jewish News and Politics, Jewish Arts and Culture, Jewish Life and Religion.
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Welcome to one of the web’s most anticipated lists of the year: The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2013. Social Business Solutions. Projects. Latest projects. Around the world, people use Elva to advocate for change. Explore their projects below. Community Safety Network Saferworld / Georgia / 2011 - now Pre-election monitoring Caucasus Research Resource Centers and CIPDD / Georgia / 2012.
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Our town: Extreme cold. Pollution. So why do locals love the Arctic city of Norilsk? Flying home over the years I have often been blown off-course and forced to land in another Siberian town.
On my most recent trip it happened again. An hour before we were due to touch down at Alykel airport, our captain announced that the plane would be landing further south in Nizhnevartovsk instead. Projects - Institute of Modern Russia. Details Contributing to political discourse is an important part of our work.
Speaking directly to policymakers, political analysts, the media, and the general public helps generate ideas and stimulate debate on a number of crucial issues regarding Russia. IMR organizes conferences, roundtables, public talks, and presentations in the United States and other countries. Since 2011, the organization has sponsored events at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University that bring prominent Russian politicians, opposition members, policy experts, and opinion leaders together to address American policymakers and the public. Off the wall: Misha Most’s street art comes to London. Moscow-based contemporary artist Misha Most brings his satirical street art to London gallery Lazarides Rathbone. Originally Posted at CalvertJournal.com on 14 August 2014 TEXT Alexis Zimberg PHOTOS Alexis Zimberg, Misha Most, Lazarides Rathbone Gallery Part of The Warning exhibition. Photograph: courtesy of Lazarides Rathbone This summer Moscow street artist Misha Most swapped his usual urban canvas for the inside of a London gallery.
Russificate. Learn Russian Online. Learn Russian via Skype. Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Blogroll. Culture Lessons in Russian. Булат Окуджава. Москва слезам не верит / Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears. Proper Russian: Why Russians Are Not Smiling. A German friend once asked me,"Why are Russian people so gloomy? Nobody smiles here”. Partners.