How to Take Beta Mannan | eHow UK. Beta Mannan is a dietary supplement created by Dr. Joe Glickman Jr., containing concentrated elements derived from the aloe vera plant. Manufactured by the Alotek Supplement company, the product is only available for purchase online. Use of the supplement, according to the official website, aids normal immune system function. Past claims of the supplement stated it helped diminish or dissolve traces of warts produced by both genital herpes and the human papaloma virus (HPV), but such statements have since been removed from the official website by direction of the FDA.
Beta Mannan is a dietary supplement created by Dr. Decide if you want or need to take the supplement Beta Mannan. Visit the website to order the product. Take one pill four times daily. Use a Beta Mannan capsule as a suppository twice daily (morning and evening) unless menstruating to coat the cervix and vaginal walls. Take one pill four times daily.