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Gyan Chand Rangwala Memorial Hospital

Gyan Chand Rangwala Memorial Hospital and Asha Test Tube Baby Centre is the leading IVF Centre in Moga. Having specialization in the fertility areas like IVF, ICSI, IUI, we provide excellent care and treatment for childless couples.

Laparoscopy Surgery in Moga, Punjab. Before recommending the female patients for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Treatment, our experienced surgeon examines the overall health and medical condition of the patient.

Laparoscopy Surgery in Moga, Punjab

In the preoperative appointment blood samples, complete information about medical history and physical examination has been taken so that accordingly patient can be recommended for the surgery. Even the surgeon takes care that the patient should not have a certain medical condition that can cause complications during the surgery. On a surgical day, the patient has been given general anesthesia for proper sedation so that the patient could not feel any pain or discomfort during the uterus removal. During the surgery, small incisions are made to lower the belly button and the small camera has been inserted to see the bigger image of the uterus on the projector.

Then with the specialized instruments uterus of the patient has been removed. Laparoscopy Surgery in Moga, Punjab. Laparoscopy Surgery in Moga, Punjab. IUI Treatment Cost in Punjab, India. IUI Treatment Cost in Punjab, India. Cost in Moga, Punjab, India. Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling in PCOS –PCO Drilling Procedure & Working. It is the effective and minimally invasive treatment option for Women with PCO syndrome due to which their doors for being mother get opened.

Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling in PCOS –PCO Drilling Procedure & Working

It is the laparoscopic procedure so it is performed under the general anesthesia so that patient could have comfortable and painless delivery. This surgery is the outpatient procedure with the less recovery time so the patients can get back to their home on the same or next day of the surgery. This surgery has been done under the three steps as follows The small incision has been made below the belly button for drillingIn the next step carbon dioxide filled tube is inserted in the abdomen through the small incision. This tube inflates the abdomen without damaging the internal organsThe surgeon inserts the special tools and with the help of electric current, small holes are made in the ovaries. ICSI Treatment Cost & Centre in Moga, Punjab.

Gcr memorial hospital - Best IVF Centre in Moga,Punjab. In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Procedure, Preparation & Risks - GCR Hospital. Isn’t science a wonderful thing?

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Procedure, Preparation & Risks - GCR Hospital

Many years of advancements in infertility treatments, and IVF in particular, pregnancy is possible for many women who otherwise might never have thought that they could also conceive. Infertility affects around 6.7 million women in childbearing age, all across the globe, advanced reproductive technologies are innovative. Coming to IVF, it is the most common and very effective type of assisted reproduction technology. But, don’t think it is very easy. IVF involves a lot of dedication, persistence, along with roadblocks. IVF is very laborious A patient who starts going to IVF will have to get it done for around two months, it mostly depends on how the body reacts to medicines. The first part of IVF consists of blocking out the natural menstrual cycle. Then comes ovarian stimulation, which is given in self- administered shots for nearly 1-2 days.

Stressing out is not going to make it hard for you to conceive Getting mood swings is a part and parcel of treatment. Things to Avoid If You Are Suffering From PCOS. Polycystic ovary syndrome is common among teenagers and young females.

Things to Avoid If You Are Suffering From PCOS

It is a condition that affects women hormonal levels. In PCOS women start producing the higher amount of male hormones. Effects of PCOS:- 1. Hair growth on face and body. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The things to avoid if you are suffering from PCOS:- IVF Centre in Moga.