The very first action get your password recovered is to click on ‘Forgot Password’ page and get directed to the link that it provides. It would ask you the necessary information as: your email address and last name. You need to enter your email address and last name and when click on ‘Next’ followed by ‘Ok’ to fix sbcglobal login password. There you will find the ‘Password Recovery’ option if you click on the drop down menu. From here you will get the option of ‘Security Questions’ and then you need to answer them correctly. These are the questions that you only selected at the time of creating the account. So, most of the times, people answer the questions correctly. The next steps would be displayed on the screen and you will get an option of ‘Create a New Password’. It would ask you to re
enter the password for confirmation. Now click on ‘Yes’ and do not forget to save the changes. This is how you will fix sbcglobal login password issues. In case there are problems further, we suggest you to make a call to us so that we can help you better.