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Nos Gestes Climat. Wifi public - La Fibre64. Afin que les effets positifs du numérique ne soient pas annulés par les effets rebond induits, il est important de mesurer son empreinte et de mettre en place une démarche d’un numérique plus responsable. C’est l’un des axes du programme RESPIR’64 initié par La Fibre64. En quoi ce site Internet de démonstration est-il éco-conçu ? Si on résume en quelques mots l’approche “numérique responsable” pour l’usage d’un service, il s’agit principalement de : réduire l’usage de la bande passante, réduire le nombre de requêtes, réduire la complexité de la page Il existe plusieurs types de sites Internet : les sites “statiques”, les CMS “classiques”, les CMS “flat file”. Un CMS est un système de gestion de contenu, un logiciel destiné à la conception et à la mise à jour de sites web dynamiques. Le site dédié au wifi public fonctionne avec un CMS “flat files”, il est donc essentiellement composé de fichiers texte et n’a pas besoin de base de données.

Quel CMS pour un site éco-responsable ? Partie 2 | Mes petits outils. Après avoir évoqué le côté client dans un précédent billet, parlons du pendant “serveur” de la consommation énergétique d’un site web. Comme je le disais dans mon billet précédent, on trouve beaucoup moins d’informations sur ce sujet, ce qui le rend beaucoup plus intéressant ! :) Côté “serveur” L’outil Websitecarbon prend en compte un autre aspect, qui relève du côté serveur : le choix de l’hébergeur. Un aspect qui n’est pas du tout pris en compte par les outils que nous avons évoqués, en revanche, est celui du coût de génération de la page avant transmission au client.

Rappel concernant les sites web Nous considérerons trois types de sites : Sites statiques : chaque page du site est stockée sous la forme d’un fichier HTML, qui est simplement envoyé lorsqu’un utilisateur souhaite y accéder. Comparaison entre les différents CMS concernant la consommation d’énergie Il n’est guère aisé de trouver des informations sur ce type de comparaisons dans la littérature. Description du protocole Grav. Quel CMS pour un site éco-responsable ? Partie 1 | Mes petits outils. A la suite d’une récente conversation avec une amie, je me suis demandé comment il est possible de rendre un site web plus éco-responsable, et en particulier s’il est possible d’améliorer ses performances énergétiques en choisissant opportunément le CMS (content manager system, le logiciel qui gère le site, comme Wordpress, Drupal, Grav…) utilisé. J’ai trouvé peu d’informations sur ce sujet particulier.

Ce billet et le suivant (les suivants ?) Sont destinés à faire une rapide synthèse de ces recherches et des petits tests que j’ai pu réaliser. J’ai en tout cas trouvé des informations intéressantes dans l’article de Cyrielle Willerval Measure the server-side impact of your application with PowerAPI. En outre, j’ai enregistré un certain nombre de ressources sur Pearltrees. On peut considérer que deux dimensions sont à prendre en compte pour estimer la consommation d’énergie induite par un site web : Outils Plusieurs outils peuvent être utilisés pour estimer ce coût côté client. Website carbon. Greensoftwarelab/Energy-Languages: The complete set of tools for energy consumption analysis of programming languages, using Computer Language Benchmark Game. Accueil - The Shift Project. Noureddine thesis 2014. Regret Bounds 1 43 1. Estimation of energy consumption in machine learning. Eva Garcia-Martin is a Ph.D. student in Machine Learning at Blekinge Institute of Technology, in Sweden.

She is working under the project Scalable resource- efficient systems for big data analytics funded by the Knowledge Foundation, advised by Niklas Lavesson and Håkan Grahn. The main focus of her thesis is on making machine learning algorithms more energy efficient. In particular, she has studied the energy consumption patterns of streaming algorithms, and then proposed new algorithm extensions that reduce their energy consumption. Personal website: Crefeda Faviola Rodrigues is a Ph.D. student in Advanced Processor Technology (APT) group at The University of Manchester and she is supervised by Mr.

Graham Riley and Dr. Mikel Lujan. Graham Riley is a Lecturer in the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester and hold a part-time position in the Scientific Computing Department (SCD) at STFC, Daresbury. Analysis of the Energy Consumption of JavaScript Based Mobile Web Applications. Thinking About Power Usage and Websites. Gerry McGovern asked if I had any insight into energy consumption and websites. He has a book, after all, about the digital costs on the planet. He was wondering about the specifics of web tech, like… If you do this in HTML it will consume 3× energy but if you do it in JavaScript it will consume 10×.

I would think if you really looked, and knew exactly how to measure it, you could find examples like that. Say I wanted to move an element across the screen. If I wrote a setInterval loop in JavaScript that incremented the left position on the relative-positioned element by one millisecond, I’m 99% sure that takes more literal electricity to do than if you were to do a CSS @keyframes animation over the same time where you changed the transform: translateX() value. Researches have looked into this. They were testing mobile web apps on Android using Lighthouse scores. I’m glad the research so far maps to what I would logically expect to be true. We know that CDNs are good for performance too. Power Test Cloud: how to measure the energy consumption of a web or mobile app when you're not an expert - Greenspector. Reading Time: 4 minutes Are you an Android Developer? A Web Designer? Or a non-Developer, just like me? Do you know how much energy is consumed by your website or mobile application?

More importantly, do you know how to optimize them to be more efficient? GREENSPECTOR integrates a functionality which, in just a few clicks, allows you to launch a test and measure energy consumption, hence audit your app: the Power Test Cloud. Power Test Cloud, you said ? The Power Test Cloud allows to easily program a scenario of standardized or automated tests for your Internet site or Android application.

Standardized and automated tests The advantage with automated standardized tests is that they enable a very quick launch of a consumption analysis, without having to develop elaborated functional tests. Let’s talk websites now Just with the website’s URL, the Power Test Cloud is capable of measuring the energy consumption on a platform you get to choose: an Android smartphone or a PC. It’s your turn now ! CVPR 2018 Open Access Repository. Learning Time/Memory-Efficient Deep Architectures With Budgeted Super Networks Tom Véniat, Ludovic Denoyer; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018, pp. 3492-3500 Abstract We propose to focus on the problem of discovering neural network architectures efficient in terms of both prediction quality and cost.

For instance, our approach is able to solve the following tasks: learn a neural network able to predict well in less than 100 milliseconds or learn an efficient model that fits in a 50 Mb memory. Related Material [pdf] [supp] [arXiv] Greensoftwarelab/Energy-Languages: The complete set of tools for energy consumption analysis of programming languages, using Computer Language Benchmark Game. Measuring Your Application Power and Carbon Impact (Part 1) | Sustainable Software. Scott The first step in minimizing the carbon impact of an application is understanding what the impact is. In this post I’m going to walk through the steps to measure the total power consumed by your application using the built in Windows Energy Estimation Engine (E3).

This is the first in a series of posts about measuring energy and carbon impact of Windows client applications. My colleague Sara will be following up next with a higher level post about how to more generally think about client and service power consumption. E3 Data Today the E3 measurement capability is subject to one important constraint: it needs to be executed on a device which contains a battery.

To get a sense of the type of data which you can view first open an admin command prompt and type powercfg.exe /srumutil If you ran this correctly you should get exit code 0. By default this will dump a csv file to the directory where you executed it from called srumutil.csv. Resetting the Local Db Running the App. How to measure the power consumption of your backend service | Sustainable Software. Sara The second principle of Sustainable Software Engineering is to build energy efficient applications.

The very first steppingstone in that direction is to measure the energy your application consumes. Being able to measure or estimate the energy cost of your application will allow you to start reason over how your application can become more energy efficient. It will also allow you to observe when you are improving or when you are regressing. Which automatically leads us to the question, what is the best way to measure the energy consumption of your backend service? My colleague Scott Chamberlin is writing a series of how to measure energy and carbon impact of Windows client applications.

The most reliable way is also the simplest way. There are tricks to remember for reliable data. The server will consume power when idle. There are a range of reasons why measuring directly from the socket might not work. What do FLOPs have to do with energy, you wonder? How To Measure The Power Consumption of Your Frontend Application | Sustainable Software. Sara The second principle of Sustainable Software Engineering is to build energy efficient applications. The very first step in that direction is to measure the energy your application consumes, also known as its energy cost.

Once you measure or estimate the energy cost of your application, you can start to reason over how your application can become more energy efficient. Measuring your energy cost will also allow you to observe whether your changes are improving your energy cost over time. This approach leads us to the question, what is the best way to measure the energy consumption of your application? This blog post focuses on measuring energy cost for applications running client-side on a computer, such as web-applications and native applications. Measuring power consumption directly from the wall socket is the same approach as for backend applications.

Any hardware will consume power when idle. What do we need to measure? For Windows devices there are different options. Cloud Jewels: Estimating kWh in the Cloud. Image: Lightning Storm Earrings, GojoDesign on Etsy Etsy has been increasingly enjoying the perks of public cloud infrastructure for a few years, but has been missing a crucial feature: we’ve been unable to measure our progress against one of our key impact goals for 2025 — to reduce our energy intensity by 25%. Cloud providers generally do not disclose to customers how much energy their services consume. To make up for this lack of data, we created a set of conversion factors called Cloud Jewels to help us roughly convert our cloud usage information (like Google Cloud usage data) into approximate energy used. We are publishing this research to begin a conversation and a collaboration that we hope you’ll join, especially if you share our concerns about climate change. This isn’t meant as a replacement for energy use data or guidance from Google, Amazon or another provider.

A little background We are calling this set of estimated conversion factors Cloud Jewels. Methodology On confidence. Noureddine thesis 2014. Measure the server-side impact of your application with PowerAPI | Theodo. According to a report made by The Shift Project, the carbon footprint of the digital is estimated to exceed air travel with more than 4% of the total greenhouse gas emissions. This number is expected to double in the next five years! Green IT principles aims to reduce the impact of the digital. As a developer, I wondered how these principles could be used for the web applications I worked on, and what could be improved. I first looked at the definition of digital.

It includes: Networks (for instance wifi and 4G)Data centers (used to host the servers and the data)Terminals (smartphones, computers, TVs)IoT (connected objects like a home assistant or a smart thermostat) In this chart, the Shift Project shows that the energy consumption can be divided in two factors: 45% of the total emissions is dedicated to the production of digital equipment. So how can we measure the impact of a web application on our user’s device? Example of a web application PowerAPI Install PowerAPI Start measuring PowerAPI. Software-based CPU power consumption using PowerApi | Theodo. The ICT sectors carbon footprint represents now around 4% of the global CO2 emissions.

To minimize that, one of our goals at Theodo is to design sustainable web applications with minimal carbon footprint. And in order to know how performant we are at this, we need to be able to evaluate the power consumption of our applications and more specifically the power consumption of the VMs we use in the cloud. Unfortunately, at the moment no cloud provider is able to provide such a data. So we had to look for a solution. Our research led us to PowerApi, an open-source project developed by the Spirals research group from University of Lille 1 and Inria in France. The magic formula From the documentation, we can read that PowerApi collects with a sensor raw data from the hardware of the server.

After reading this I asked myself two questions : what is this “raw data” and how did they build this magic formula ? A Power Model is used to approximate the power consumption With e1 and e2 two HPC events. 2016 BechirBani. Argos: Measure The Carbon Footprint Of Software, Improve Developer Practices. I'm super excited to share a preview of Argos, a tool that measures the environmental footprint of software. We've been working on building Argos for the past 6 months. We believe we've reached a point where Argos provides actionable metrics to improve development practices and help developers fight climate change. We're releasing the Argos code with an Open-Source license. This article will describe our journey in detail: Let's dive in!

Metrics: The Key to Reducing The Environmental Impact of Digital Activity As we've explained in our series Developers Can Save The Planet, we're deeply concerned by the impact of our job on global warming. But what does "improve our practices" means? We can only improve what we measure, so we need better measuring tools for digital services. Existing Measurement Tools Aren't Enough Here are the tools we've found to estimate the environmental footprint of a digital system: Unverified Assumptions None of these services actually measure Greenhouse Gas emissions.

DAMON17 MemPower. Processeur Intel® Core™ i7-7500U (4 Mo de cache, jusqu'à 3,5 GHz) Caractéristiques techniques. Date de lancement Date à laquelle le produit a été commercialisé pour la première fois. Lithographie La lithographie fait référence à la technologie de gravure utilisée pour fabriquer un circuit intégré et exprimée en nanomètres (nm). Elle indique la taille des fonctions intégrées sur le semi-conducteur. Nb. de cœurs Le terme « Cœurs », qui appartient au vocabulaire du matériel informatique, désigne le nombre d'unités de traitement central indépendantes sur un composant de calcul (matrice ou puce).

Nb. de threads Un thread, ou thread d'exécution, désigne la séquence ordonnée de base comprenant les instructions logicielles qui peuvent être transmises à un cœur de processeur ou être traitées par celui-ci. Fréquence de base La fréquence de base décrit la fréquence à laquelle les transistors du processeur s'ouvrent et se ferment. Fréquence Turbo maxi Cache Le cache du processeur est une zone de mémoire haut débit située sur le processeur. Vitesse du bus Fréquence PDT-up configurable PDT-up configurable. PowerAPI. Comment mesurer l'empreinte carbone d'un site web ? Mesurer l'impact environnemental des algorithmes ? Avec CodeCarbon, c'est désormais possible. Livre vert vol.6 eco conception des logiciels et services numeriques. Comment être écolo et avoir un site web en 2021 ? Website Carbon Calculator | How is your website impacting the planet?

Comparatif Hébergements web écologiques [Hébergeurs verts] L'éco-conception web, entre marketing et nécessité - Scopika.