T-Shirt Refashion: Jersey Necklace. Sometimes I feel like I ride on the coattails of creative people.
Back in January as I was surfing my favorite blogs, I came across this post on Ultra Vroom about cardigans and fabric necklaces. I instantly fell in love and had to have a fabric necklace for my very own. I week or so later I remembered the large stash of white jersey hanging around the basement and hap-hazardly made my own version of Annie‘s fabric necklace. If I remember correctly, I wore that necklace for 4 days in a row. I didn’t really take it off until Penelope bumped her mouth on the table and bled all over me (Penelope is ok, BTW). I love my necklace so much, I’ve been wanting to share it with you for sometime, but haven’t worked on the tutorial until just now. Materials: 1 XXL or XXXL men’s t-shirtScissors and/or rotary cutterSewing machine and or needle & thread. #58117. #57658. #57578. A Super Easy DIY Beaded Leather Bracelet.
Light Weight, Easy & Fun To Make Assorted Bracelets. The DIY: FISHTAIL FRIENDSHIP (BRACELET) If you know how to do a fishtail braid to your hair, then you pretty much know how to make this bracelet.
But for those of you who don't know about the fishtail and those of you who are curious about the logistics of my specific bracelet, well, read on! You will need embroidery/ friendship thread in various colors, some tape and a bead! Amazing DIY Rope Bracelet from a SHOPPING BAG. A few months ago, I had a conversation with myself while cleaning the apartment. It went like this. “Take a deep breath because today is the day you are finally going to start throwing away stuff you don’t need and don’t use. Steel your heart, woman!”. I went in confident, armed with a feather duster and garbage bags. Hours later, I found myself sitting in a circle of old essay papers, pebbles I found at the beach, pretty but worn-out wrapping paper, and tons of shopping bags.
Before you either condemn me severely or want to hug me out of self-identification, you should know that besides this completely valid reason why one should keep beautiful paper bags, some crafty people have even invented a way for you to use their handles to make conversation-starting jewelry. For more images and step-by-step instructions, please head to Sideoats and Scribbles.Isn’t that beautiful? So you see, hoarders are just people who won’t quit on things.
DIY Hex Nut Bracelet. DIY Braided Bead Bracelet. It’s been awhile since our last bracelet DIY.
I don’t know about you, but our wrists have been begging for another colorful addition for months now. So after playing with some materials that were already on hand, we’ve created a tutorial for a braided bead bracelet, which is a not so distant cousin of the hex nut and wrap bracelet. Because honestly, you can never have too many . . . You’ll need: Cut the waxed linen cord into a 26″ and 19″ piece. Tie a knot about half an inch down from the loops. Start braiding the strands. Push the bead against the base of the braid, and cross the left strand over the middle. Keep a finger at the base of the braid, holding the beads in their place and keeping the braid tight. Finish the bracelet with another inch of braided cord, measuring it against the wrist.
DIY Wrap Bracelet. You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists.
The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! DIY Woven Chain Bracelet. Chain link bracelets, with colorful threads woven through them, have been popping up here and there.
We adore Aurèlie Bidermann‘s Do Brazil bracelets and thought it was about time we graduate to the ultimate “grown-up” friendship bracelet. With a curb chain bracelet and some embroidery thread, we’ll teach you how to make your own woven chain bracelet. And one for your bestie too, of course. You’ll need:a curb link braceletembroidery threadtwo bobby pinsa pair of scissors Cut 2 sets of 15 strands of embroidery thread, with each strand measuring four times the length of the bracelet. Lay the second color (blue) over the first color (coral). Repeat the steps until you reach the end of the bracelet.
(top images from here and here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF) DIY Rope Bracelet. Climbing rope?
Bracelets? Count us in. Inspired by Miansai‘s colorful, stackable and adjustable rope bracelets, we were determined to add another do-it-yourself bracelet to our growing collection. With some colorful rope and an S hook from the hardware store, making this bracelet is as simple as mastering the versatile sliding knot. We must warn you though, this project is extremely easy and addicting!
Before you begin, seal the tips of the cord by burning them with a lighter. Coil the cord twice around towards the left loop.