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Denzel Freeman

Bonfire Training is a customer service and leadership training company serving clients as their customer service training partner across the company.

Refresh Training | Refresh Customer Service | Bonfire Training. When was the last time your team participated in customer service training? If it’s been a year or more, you’re likely due for a refresh. It’s no secret that the customer service landscape continues to shift, and it’s essential for businesses to pivot in order to meet this moment. We know what you’re thinking: “I’ve taken customer service training in the past; do I really need to take a refresher course?” The answer is a resounding YES. Today’s consumers are increasingly using customer experience to differentiate between brands. This means that many of your customers may judge the integrity of your business based on the quality of your customer service.

While no business starts out intending to offer subpar customer service, it’s not uncommon for attentive customer care to slip into comfortable mediocrity without the proper support. Increased Cohesiveness of Company Standards Improved Reputation Through Consistency of Service Enhanced Best Practices Decreased Employee Turnover. Customer Service Training Services | Electric Utility Training Courses. Emotional Intelligence Training Courses | Bonfire Training. There’s a lot of hype about Emotional Intelligence (EI) - is there substance behind the hype? In a word…YES! The definition of EI starts the journey to seeing its value. Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships. And there it is… the word “relationships”. Emotional Intelligence shows up every day.

Control of thoughts – when negative emotions are felt, are these visible or are we aware enough to control our thoughts to help manage our outward appearance? Using concepts from the book “Emotional Intelligence 2.0” and an online assessment, we focus on key topics and strategies to improve these four areas: Self-Awareness Self-Management Social Awareness Relationship Management Understanding Emotional Intelligence in ourselves and others is a crucial differentiator in a fruitful career and productive relationships. Online Conflict Resolution Course | Conflict Management - Bonfire Training. Managing confrontation is the key to productively engaging in conflict resolution conversations in the workplace. By understanding the influences of conflict and reducing the potential for conflict, conversations will go more smoothly, and moving forward will be more attainable. In this course, leaders will discover how to get to the real cause of the problem, defuse tense situations, and how to have a productive conversation that leads to resolution.

They will also learn “what to say when” tools for difficult situations that arise at work and will be equipped with the right words and approach. We will examine conflict by covering: Basic causes of conflict Proven strategies for minimizing causes of conflict to prevent disagreements from occurring in the first place How fear of conflict can hold people back personally and professionally Why avoidance, power plays, pouting, and manipulation never resolve conflict The positive side of conflict. Customer Service Leadership | Customer Service Training in Person | Bonfire Training. Employee Recognition Training for Managers | Bonfire Training. When you were little, remember the teacher saying, “Good Job!” And remember how you felt when your test came back with a BIG GOLD STAR?

WOW! Recognition! It’s one of the most powerful motivators we have. Your employees may have certificates, trophies, and plaques all over their desks and walls. Why are there are people with no ‘goodies’ hanging on their walls? You say, “But wait a minute, the reason they have no awards is because they aren’t doing well. I learned a lot about the power of recognition from my high school English teacher. There are people in your organization that rarely get positive feedback regarding their work – they never get to enjoy the spotlight! If you’re in management, you are in a position, just like my English teacher, to motivate people by finding something – anything – that they do well and publicly recognizing them for it.

No matter that it may have been something fairly small. This type of recognition doesn’t cost a thing. Ready to recognize and empower? Compassion in Customer Service | Bonfire Training. At Bonfire Training, we’ve delivered customer service training to our fair share of companies and organizations. (And by “fair share,” we mean, A LOT.) While it’s true that the products and services differ across customer service organizations and call centers, we’ve seen variables and constants that cross all industries. The most common and obvious constant is that customer service representatives are interacting with customers, clients, patients, consumers, members, or end-users. The most significant variable is, of course, the products and services being discussed. We’re sure you have a plethora of happy, satisfied customers—but they likely aren’t the ones reaching out. It’s Not About the Fries A few years back, one of our trainers was delivering customer service training to a popular fast-food company.

Rest assured, the staff person handling the call took care of everything as best they could. You know I was amazed too. What if we looked at this call from a different perspective? Customer Service on the Phone | Customer Service Training for Employees. Unleash Excellence on the Phone: Elevate Customer Service Training for Employees Mastering the art of Customer Service can be challenging; it is not merely ‘common sense’ it’s a learned skill that your employees must master in order for your company to succeed.

Solid and effective communication is the foundation of customer service: the words we use, voice tone, active listening, and non-verbal cues like eye contact and body language convey the messages that we send. But, when we communicate via telephone, we can’t rely on non-verbal cues; that is why Customer Service Phone Training is so important. One of the most common ways customers communicate with employees is through the telephone and how your team handles those calls can have a huge impact on your reputation and your bottom line. Why Customer Service Phone Training Matters Customer Service Phone Training can teach your team how to: Guide a phone conversation from the beginning and stay in control.

Handling Difficult Customers Training | Bonfire Training. If you’ve ever worked in the realm of customer service, you’ve likely encountered a “difficult” customer. You know the ones: demanding, impatient, indecisive, aggressive, and critical (to name a few). While dealing with unhappy customers every once in a while is a normal part of customer care, it can still be emotionally taxing. Whether you’re speaking with customers face-to-face, over the phone, or by chat, negative customer interactions can really add to our mental strain. So, what’s the solution? Like most things we teach here at Bonfire, it calls for a slight shift in mindset. 3 Steps To Survival When faced with an upset customer, it can feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, where every move you make seems to wedge you tighter.

Chances are, the customer is being “difficult” because their needs have not been met, putting a divide between their expectations and their experience. You’ve likely heard the saying “the customer is always right.” Exceptional Customer Service Training | Bonfire Training. This training increases the confidence of your team members so that they can consistently deliver an exceptional customer experience. This course reflects the best when it comes to proven, reproducible communication techniques that empower your team members to make every interaction a productive and successful one. With these proven communication skills, your team will learn to transform customers into loyal and enthusiastic advocates for your company. Using customized, real-life examples that go beyond theory, your team will learn how to apply these techniques to any situation.

By integrating them quickly and easily into their daily routine, they’ll see immediate results your customers will notice and appreciate. With Customer Service Essentials, your team will know how to transform every interaction into a positive customer service experience. They will learn to talk to customers in a relatable, authentic and professional way. Virtual Customer Service Training | Bonfire Training. Management Essentials Course | Leadership | Bonfire Training. Empathy Training for Customer Service - Bonfire Training. Research has shown that frequent exposure to the hardships of others can lead one to become detached, apathetic and numb to the feelings of others.

This is known as Compassion Fatigue, which is a condition characterized by a gradual lessening of compassion over time. The two most common reactions amongst workers who begin suffering from Compassion Fatigue are cynicism and emotional exhaustion. Cynicism is characterized by a general distrust of others and their motives. Emotional exhaustion leaves you feeling drained and tired. This creates employees who are about as caring as a robot. Obviously, having robots interacting with your clients isn’t a recipe for customer satisfaction.

In this course, we will identify the warning signs of Compassion Fatigue and explore the techniques to rebound and build resiliency. When pockets of Compassion Fatigue emerge, employee engagement and morale are negatively impacted. Remote Customer Service Training - In-Person Training - OnDemand Training. Customer Service Leadership | Call Center Soft Skills Training | Bonfire Training.