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Bowles Mark

Boston ERISA lawyer

Boston ERISA lawyer. Skilled ERISA Lawyers In Boston, Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts is one of the most densely populated cities per square mile in the United States. It has a rich history and unique cultural traditions. Unfortunately, disability affects working Bostonians in much the same way as Americans from anywhere else in the country. Many Boston residents work in full- or part-time jobs that provide short- or long-term disability insurance (also known as ERISA disability insurance) as a perk of employment. Unfortunately, this benefit doesn’t always guarantee you’ll remain financially sound in the event of disabling sickness or injury.

An expert Boston ERISA lawyer at DarrasLaw can help you if something like this happens to you following a claim denial. What Is ERISA? Chief among these challenges is the mandatory and time-specific ERISA disability appeals process. This administrative record is vitally important. Individual vs. When & How You’ll Receive Boston ERISA Benefits.