What is energy with elastic potential?
Elastic potential energy is the energy stored in compressed or stretched objects, elastic potential energy is used in calculations of mechanical equilibrium.
The energy accumulated as a result of applying a force to bend an elastic material is elastic potential energy.
Until the force is extracted, the energy is retained and the
object springs back to its original form, doing work in the process.
Compressing, bending, or rotating the material
could be involved in the deformation.
For example, several objects are explicitly designed to store elastic potential energy, such as:
A wind-up clock's coil spring
The extended bow of an archer
Right before the diver’s leap, a bent diving board
The twisted band of rubber powering a plastic airplane
A bouncy ball compressed off a brick wall at the time it bounces.
There would usually be a high elastic limit for an object built to hold elastic
potential energy, but all elastic structures have a limit to the load they will bear.
The material can no longer revert to its original shape when deformed past the elastic limit.
In earlier years, coil springs were operated by wind-up mechanical watches p p
What about the real materials of elasticity?
In our article on the law and elasticity of Hooke, we discuss how actual
springs only follow the law of Hooke over a specific spectrum of applied force.
Some elastic materials can act as springs, such as rubber bands and flexible plastics, but also have hysteresis; this suggests that the force vs extension curve takes a different direction when the material is deformed relative to when it relaxes back to its place of equilibrium.
Fortunately, the simple technique of applying the job description we used
for an ideal spring still works in general for elastic materials.
The elastic potential energy, irrespective of the form of the curve, can
still, be found from the field under the force vs. the extension curve.
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