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Basic tasks performed by an SEO consultant.

18 march 2023

Basic tasks performed by an SEO consultant.

Search Penalties

At the rate at which Google's algorithm evolves, a useful practice a few years ago can lead to penalties today. Therefore, this is one of the main tasks for an SEO consultant because no matter how good your strategy is and how many actions you carry out, if your website has a penalty, it will not position. Therefore, having this information is essential to correct and eliminate the error that caused the penalty.

Website audit

Knowing the state of the page is the best way to set the starting point. From this scenario, a strategy can be designed to continue improving organic positioning. The work will not be the same for a website with a low domain as for another that has been done with a certain authority. This action requires exhaustive work, reviewing content, optimizations, products, descriptions, etc. In short, look for any issue that could be improved.

On-page SEO optimization

It is now time to put into action the solutions that we have found to the problems that we have found following the discovery of web errors. 

It will not be possible to improve the website's organic positioning in the search results if optimization of the website does not come first. 

At this point, we are working on issues such as improving the speed at which pages load, adapting product and service sheets, optimizing content, optimizing the web code, and optimizing titles, images, labels, and meta-labels things. Specifically, we are working on improving the speed at which pages load. 

More specifically, we are working on accelerating the rate at which pages load in the browser. 

To be more specific, we are working to speed up the process by which web pages load in browsers. 

To be more specific, we are working to speed up browsers' process of loading web pages.

Study Keywords

One of the basic keys of an SEO strategy is the study of keywords. This task allows us to work on terms that generally define the business that users tend to search for on the Internet. To carry out this study, the<!--td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->seo services guide consultant will use professional tools that are not affordable at the user level.

Analyze the competition.

The tools that we use in OptimizaClick allow us to conduct an exhaustive analysis of the competition, assessing how it has been positioned in Google. The first will be to detect those companies that are direct competition and then analyze what keywords they are using, how it works for them and what SEO strategy they are carrying out.


Last but not least, analyzing and monitoring what works for us and what actions do not bring us the expected results is necessary. We can only correct the course and take you to the top of the ranking.