Charles W. Cushman Photograph Collection >> Project Information. Planning Grant Proposal Our successful grant proposal funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
Slide Preservation Report (PDF file)A report outlining recommendations for preserving the original slides in the Cushman collection. Press. Avant Garde. UC Berkeley Library Social Activism Sound Recording Project: Black Panthers. Introduction The UC Berkeley Social Activism Sound Recording Project is a partnership between the UC Berkeley Library, the Pacifica Foundation, and other private and institutional sources.
The intent of the project is to gather, catalog, and make accessible primary source media resources related to social activism and activist movements in California in the 1960's and 1970's. Some recordings have been slightly edited for purposes of sound quality and continuity. UC Berkeley Library Social Activism Sound Recording Project: Anti-Vietnam War Protests - San Francisco Bay Area. April 15, 1967 Spring Mobilization to End the War, San Francisco (API) Year: 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 1970 | 1971 |1972 |1973 |1974 | 1975 | After the War About This Project Sources Cited.
Vietnam War Era Ephemera Collection. Home » Vietnam War Era Ephemera Collection In 1960 a small group of young people formed Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and adopted The Port Huron Statement, written by student leader Tom Hayden.
The manifesto urged participatory democracy, or the idea that all Americans, not just a small elite, should decide major economic, political, and social issues that shaped the nation. It also criticized American society for its focus on career advancement, material possessions, military strength, and racism. By 1968 some 100,000 young people around the nation had joined SDS. Library: Utah Peace Activist Oral History Project. Antiwar and Radical History Project. Aquatic "invasion" of Fort Lewis, July 13, 1969, copyright (c) Steve Ludwig Antiwar movements have never been separate from movements for civil rights, union recognition, and social change.
In the Pacific Northwest, labor unions and socialists played a large part in the movement against World War I, while civil rights activism paved the way for the growth of the antiwar movement during the Vietnam era. Vietnam veterans and soldiers saw their antiwar struggle as part of a larger one involving black power, anti-racist, and student activism. These Vietnam-era antiwar activists, in turn, helped develop Seattle's women's movement in the 1970s and organized against nuclear weapons in the 1980s. Vietnam Era Oral History Project.
Vietnam War Index. The Vietnam Center and Archive: Virtual Vietnam Archive. Untitled. Documents. The Nixon Library has almost 50 million pages of documents and is working toward making more of this massive collection available to the researcher via the Internet.
Presidential Daily Diary The Presidential Daily Diary is the official record of President Nixon's meetings and telephone calls. Documents in this digital copy of the PDD include daily appointments calendars, lists of attendees at official functions, and passenger manifests for Presidential transport. View the Presidential Daily Diary online H.R. This collection consists of seven handwritten diaries, 36 dictated diaries recorded as sound recordings, and two handwritten audio cassette tape subject logs. View transcripts and listen to the H.R. National Security Memoranda. Pentagon Papers. For more background information, please see our Press Release.
Larger Version Joint Chiefs of Staff meet at the LBJ Ranch, 12/22/1964 National Archives Identifier 192566 The Pentagon Papers, officially titled "Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force", was commissioned by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in 1967. The LBJ Library Reading Room is open to researchers interested in President Lyndon Baines Johnson - LBJ Presidential Library.
Documents Textual records are available for viewing in our Reading Room.
If you would like to visit the library, please contact us to schedule an appointment with an archivist who specializes in your area of interest. When you come to the library, the archivist will conduct a brief orientation interview, and then you will be able to review boxes of documents at your own pace. Laptops and digital cameras are permitted in the Reading Room, but we do not allow scanners. Free lockers are available. Please bring a government-issued photo ID. Before you come to the library, we also recommend that you review the relevant subject guides and finding aids available online, and you may find our citation guide useful as well.
If you cannot come to the library, you can contact a local independent researcher. Film, photographs, audio and video Audiovisual materials are available for research in our audiovisual research room. Calisphere: Japanese American National Museum. American Archive of Public Broadcasting. Photogrammar. Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training. Research Projects. NOTE: Due to high traffic overwhelming a Dropbox account, I have shifted the files to another available here: HOLC MAPS.
Here is the current selection of digital HOLC maps I have available. I oversaw the digitization of the majority of these and make them available for public use. In addition, I include a few maps for other cities (also available through ARC, the NARA catalog) that were scanned at medium resolution. The Vietnam Center and Archive, Texas Tech University. Baltimore '68: Riots and Rebirth.