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Woori Card Manager Shin Young-cheol, “Let’s do it with Confidence”

28 april 2024

Woori Card Manager Shin Young-cheol, “Let’s do it with Confidence”

If you Win, You go Straight to the Championship Game... Woori Card Manager Shin Young-cheol Says, “Let’s do it with Confidence”

Spring volleyball crossroads' Hyundai Capital's ace Jeon Gwang-in is out due to injury

Men's volleyball Woori Card took the opportunity to secure first place in the regular league four years after the 2019-2020 season.

Woori Card will advance directly to the championship game regardless of points in the visiting match against Hyundai Capital to be held at Yu Gwan-sun Gymnasium in Cheonan on the 12th.

Woori Card, currently in first place with 69 points (23 wins, 11 losses), will widen the gap with second place Korean Air (22 wins, 13 losses, 68 points) by just 2 points by adding 2 points. 카지노사이트

Even if the two teams have the same points in the final game of the season, Woori Card is ahead of Korean Air in terms of wins.

Woori Card, who took first place in the regular league four years ago but missed the opportunity to win the first championship since the season ended early due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), took a golden opportunity this season.

Shin Young-cheol, coach of Woori Card, who we met ahead of the game, said, "I told the players to be confident and not be afraid of making mistakes.

In the last game (KB Insurance match on the 9th), we were greedy and made many mistakes.

“I said, ‘Let’s not do that,’” he explained.

Ahead of the opening of this season, there were many evaluations that Woori Card was in the bottom tier.

Coach Shin said, “Except for Libero, all the members have changed.

I think that's why they classified us into the lower class.

“It’s thanks to the players’ skills improving as they come this far,” he said.

For Hyundai Capital, the Woori Card match is the last opportunity to revive spring volleyball hopes.

Hyundai Capital, currently in 4th place with 50 points, must win at least 1 point in today's game to advance to the semi-playoffs in the final match against 3rd place OK Financial Group (57 points).

In professional volleyball, a semi-playoff match is only possible if the point gap between 3rd and 4th place is within 3.

If Hyundai Capital does not score even one point on this day, it will automatically be eliminated from spring volleyball.

The problem is that Jeon Gwang-in, the team's mainstay, cannot play due to injury.

Jin Sun-ki, acting manager of Hyundai Capital, said ahead of the game, "Jeon Gwang-in developed symptoms of phlegm on his back while training yesterday (11th).

I think we will have to decide whether to play in the next game after checking his condition."

Acting manager Jin Sun-ki predicted, "We are not the only ones feeling the pressure.

If our card does not win today, we may not be able to secure first place in the regular league.

The level of tension will be similar, and it will depend on how we control this."