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‘Man in Crisis’ Klinsmann, The Asian Cup is the Test

30 september 2023

‘Man in Crisis’ Klinsmann, The Asian Cup is the Test

  • ‘Man in Crisis’ Klinsmann “The Asian Cup is the Test… Criticism Comes Later”

Abandoning plans to ‘work outside Europe’ and suddenly returns home… “I came because you asked me to come.”

“The test bed is the Asian Cup.

It is not too late to criticize afterward."  카지노

Jürgen Klinsmann (Germany), the coach of the Korean national soccer team, said this about the public criticism directed at him.

Coach Klinsmann met with reporters as he entered the country through Incheon International Airport on the afternoon of the 14th after playing an away friendly match in England and said this.

Appointed in February Coach Klinsmann had 5 consecutive draws, including a 0-0 draw against Wales, the first game of this away friendly match, and only achieved his first win, 1-0, in the 6th match against Saudi Arabia.

His grades were already poor, and contrary to his promise to stay in the country, he spent a lot of time abroad on vacation and 'working outside,' which even sparked a 'sabotage controversy.'

Regarding this, Coach Klinsmann said, 'It's all a process of preparing for the Asian Cup.'

He cited the German national team, which failed to get eliminated in the group stage at the 2022 Qatar World Cup, as an example and appealed to the national team to give strength to achieve good results at the Qatar Asian Cup to be held in January next year.

Coach Klinsmann said, "Germany, where everything surrounding the team was negative, ended up being eliminated and suffered the humiliation of going home.

Our players representing their country should receive the energy formed by positive public opinion," adding, "If we do not get the results we want, “It is not too late to criticize, blame, or criticize at that time,” he said.

“In the end, the Asian Cup is our test,” he said. “If the results are not good, then we have no choice but to be a real test.”

“That is the director’s destiny,” he said emphatically.

Coach Klinsmann initially planned not to return to Korea right away, but to check on the European players who were the main players of the national team and then return to Korea.

I was planning to watch the match between Kim Min-jae's team, Bayern Munich, and Leverkusen on the 16th.

When asked why he changed his schedule and returned home with the national team, Coach Klinsmann smiled brightly and said, "I came back right after you told me to come."

He continued, "I heard from many people, including the Korea Football Association, that when the players return home after an overseas expedition, the coach usually returns home together," and added, "So, I thought about the schedule again."

Coach Klinsmann said, "There wouldn't be a big problem if we changed the schedule (to watch Kim Min-jae's game) right away," and added, "We will meet you all at the K-League site this weekend."

Coach Klinsmann said he would continue to personally check on players in Europe.

He said, "First of all, we have a schedule to keep going back and forth.

There are games to observe in foreign countries such as Europe. However, there is not much time left until the international match in October.

We will analyze the next opponents with the coaches."

Coach Klinsmann also provided his own explanation for reports that he had asked Wales player Aaron Ramsey for a jersey to give to his son.

He said, "I did it because the (Welsh) physiotherapist on my son's team asked me to do it," and added, "I was a little sad because there were a lot of critical comments on my son's social media."

On this day, about 50 reporters gathered at the airport, similar to when the national team returns home after a major competition.

Major broadcasters even broadcasted it live on YouTube, reflecting the public's 'hot' interest in Director Klinsmann.

Coach Klinsmann said, "It is a new experience for me to have so many people come and welcome me even though I am returning home after a friendly match like this.

This is also one of the reasons why I changed my schedule."