Three Strategies for Decolonizing Nonprofits from a Black Queer Feminist Orga... I’m critical of nonprofits, but only because I know we can do better.
I began volunteering and working at nonprofits after becoming disenchanted by the Great Recession; politicized by gender studies courses; and inspired by former Pres. Barack Obama, whose life story introduced me to the term “community organizer.” Obama made being a community organizer seem like one of the most meaningful jobs in the world. For the past eight years, I’ve been a part of nonprofits in the Southeast and the Pacific Northwest, often being employed as an organizer.
Chart of the Week: Male Nurses Outearn Female Ones Every Which Way. By Lisa Wade, PhD, 1 day ago at 08:48 am According to the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, fully employed women earn $0.81 for every dollar men make. Some of this discrepancy is due to women working in male dominated occupations, but when men work alongside women in female-dominated occupations, they still earn more. Nursing is this week’s example. According to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, male nurses out earn female nurses in every work setting, every clinical setting, and every job position except one. On average, male nurses make $5,100 more a year than female ones. The Ladies Vanish. The most magical innovation of the app economy is making the female workers it depends on mostly invisible.
Andrew Norman Wilson was fired from his contracting job at Google for interacting with what he called a different “class of workers.” He had been watching them for months as they exited the office building adjacent to his. Everyday they left at 2 PM (he later learned that their shifts began at 4 AM). “They were purposefully kept separate. They carried yellow badges that restricted access everywhere besides their own building,” Wilson said. They were mostly black and Latino—a rare sight on Google’s predominantly white campus.
Of course books don’t digitize themselves. Fuck yeah sex education. Are Female Scientists on TV Inspiring Girls to Pursue STEM Careers?: The Conversation. Tuesday, 10/29/2013 at 6:30PM by Tanya Edwards Contributing writer.
Lover of Tibi dresses, kitchen dance parties, pink wine and the Howard Stern Show. Firm believer in handwritten thank-you notes. What gets girls and young women interested in computer science? According to Girls Who Code, a national nonprofit organization that provides computer science classes for middle school- and high school-age girls, most of its applicants actually aspire to have careers in forensic science. The New York Times Magazine reports that many Girls Who Code applicants didn't really understand what computer science was when they applied, and they don't know any computer scientists in their own lives. It is interesting to consider how gender roles in television and films are divided. But over the years, there have been some fantastic female scientist roles, and we'd like to call out a few of our favorites. Dr. Dr. Pourquoi les femmes gagnent-elles moins que les hommes?
Malgré les progrès remarquables que les femmes ont réalisés en matière de scolarisation, elles continuent d'afficher un revenu de travail inférieur à celui des hommes.
En 2011, le salaire horaire moyen des femmes qui travaillaient à temps plein au Canada représentait 87 pour cent de celui des hommes. Au Québec, ce ratio était de 90 pour cent. On doit se réjouir que l'écart salarial entre les sexes se soit atténué au cours des récentes décennies, mais pourquoi un écart persiste-t-il ? Female academics pay a heavy baby penalty. Photo by Cristi M/iStockphoto/Thinkstock In 2000, I greeted the first entering graduate-student class at Berkeley where the women outnumbered the men.
I was the first female dean of the graduate division. As a ’70s feminist I cautiously thought, “Is the revolution over? Have we won?” Hardly. Our Berkeley research team has spent more than a decade studying why so many women begin the climb but do not make it to the top of the Ivory Tower: the tenured faculty, full professors, deans, and presidents. The most important finding is that family formation negatively affects women’s, but not men’s, academic careers. The early years are the most decisive in determining who wins and who loses. Before even applying for the first tenure-track job, many women with children have already decided to drop out of the race. Then there is the job interview. There is some good news for women. La discrimination positive (1) : définition, concept et visées. La discrimination positive à l’embauche, également surnommée action positive, fait partie de ces politiques dont les mises en application semblent générer beaucoup de frustration chez certains.
Assurance autonomie - La persistance de la dévalorisation du travail des femmes. Par Louise Boivin, professeure au Département de relations industrielles de l'UQO, membre de l'ORÉGAND et du RéQEF-UQO Les économies sur le coût des services de soins à domicile que promet le ministre de la Santé Réjean Hébert avec son projet d’assurance autonomie risquent de se faire sur le dos des employées qui dispenseront les services.