Philosophy & Stuff
> Clarelucy
The Conscious Universe - NOEMA. Thomas Kuhn — Paradigms, Incommensurability and Kuhn Loss. Philosophy/ Psychology. Animals wrestle with the concept of death and mortality. When the Virginia opossum feels threatened, she plays dead.
Lying on the ground, curled up into something resembling the foetal position, with her eyes and mouth open and her tongue hanging out, she stops responding to the world. Her body temperature drops. Her breathing and heart rate are severely reduced. Her tongue, usually pink, takes on a blueish hue.
Corn Tastes Better on the Honor System – Robin Wall Kimmerer. Corn production today uses more natural resources than any other crop.
Around 90 million acres are planted in corn, and the last remaining remnants of native prairie and grassland are being plowed under for corn every year. Corn is a hungry crop and a thirsty one. Vast amounts of water are consumed, and a staggering amount of fertilizer. Corn not only consumes a great deal—it produces a huge amount of waste.
The Red Hand Files Issue #158 - clareluxor - Gmail. Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media.
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The Inner Voice. ‘I think, therefore I am,’ the 17th-century philosopher René Descartes proclaimed as a first truth.
Racism is baked into the structure of dialectical philosophy. It is by now well known that some of the greatest modern philosophers held racist views.
John Locke (1632-1704), David Hume (1711-76), Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), G W F Hegel (1770-1831) and many others believed that Black and Indigenous peoples the world over were savage, inferior and in need of correction by European enlightenment. No serious philosopher today defends these explicitly racist views but, with good reason, they continue to study the writings of these authors. In order to hold on to the philosophical insights, scholars tend to make a distinction between the individual racism and the philosophical systems.
Buddhism: 11 Common Misunderstandings and Mistakes. People believe many things about Buddhism that simply are incorrect.
The Doomsday Doctrine. Thinking Across the World. (1) The Map of Physics. There is no middle ground for deep disagreements about facts. Morality of the Tribe. How philosophy helped one soldier on the battlefield. When I attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 2002-3, the leadership training was excellent.
It included discussion of the British Army’s values and the laws of armed conflict. However, I received no ethics training for the occasions when neither values nor laws would fully prepare me to make complex moral decisions in faraway fields populated by people with very different cultural norms. The then prime minister Tony Blair spoke at our pass-out parade just weeks after the invasion of Iraq. Dignitaries usually stop at every third or fourth person on parade to have a few words.
Sublimation. Meaning of life. Questions.
Jungian archetypes. Archetypes are universal archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious According to Jungian approach of psychology, some highly developed elements of the collective unconscious are called "archetypes".
From the classroom to the frontline – schools must be careful what they teach kids about the army. By Jonathan Parry *reposted from Dinner time at Harrogate’s army foundation college.
Harrogate Army Foundation College Facebook When you think of child soldiers, it might conjure up images of young children far away, taken from their homes and forced to take part in war and fighting, often held against their will. It may surprise you then to learn the UK employs child soldiers – about 23% of army personnel were recruited before their 18th birthday.
This policy has earned criticism from humanitarian organisations – including the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. And yet this is something the UK government arguably wants to see more of. Given that the number of children signing up has declined over the last two decades, three of the report’s 20 recommendations implore the government to increase efforts to promote military service to young people. This includes teaching children about the armed forces as part of the national curriculum and expanding cadet units in schools.
The Trick To Thinking Clearer and Better – Personal Growth. The late historians Will and Ariel Durant spent four decades of their life studying, compiling, and writing the history of Western civilization. The product of their efforts, The Story of Civilization, went on to fill four million words, across 10,000 pages, divided into 11 separate books.
After finishing the last one, they then took on an arguably more daunting task: to summarize all they had learned into a 100 pages in The Lessons of History. It’s an incomplete and generalizing attempt, no doubt, but it is also one of the most densely-packed sources of modern wisdom available to us.
Library. Philosophy can teach children what Google can’t – and Ireland knows it. At the controls of driverless cars, on the end of the telephone when you call your bank or favourite retailer: we all know the robots are coming, and in many cases are already here.
Back in 2013, economists at Oxford University’s Martin School estimated that in the next 20 years, more than half of all jobs would be substituted by intelligent technology. Like the prospect of robot-assisted living or hate it, it is foolish to deny that children in school today will enter a vastly different workplace tomorrow – and that’s if they’re lucky. Far from jobs being brought back from China, futurologists predict that white-collar jobs will be increasingly outsourced to digitisation as well as blue-collar ones. How should educationalists prepare young people for civic and professional life in a digital age?
How to improve your Critical Thinking skills: Interview with Dr. Gerald Nosich – Life Lessons. In this article I interview an expert on Critical Thinking, Dr.
Gerald Nosich from the Foundation for Critical Thinking, who has been teaching Critical Thinking since 1977 to find out how we can improve our Critical Thinking skills. In this article you will learn:
Why Study Philosophy? 'To Challenge Your Own Point of View'
When did your formal education in philosophy start?
10 Predictions About The Future That Should Scare The Hell Out Of You. THINKING. Corrupt the Youth: a philosophy outreach program. Existentialistball. True AF : pics. Why Plato Said Not To Slouch. The influential Confucian philosopher you’ve never heard of. A man is hiking in the countryside when he suddenly sees a toddler about to fall into an abandoned well.
This Is Water: David Foster Wallace on Life.
How To Be a Systems Thinker. Allegory of the Cave. Learn Philosophy, from the Ancients to the Moderns, with 350 Animated Videos. Introduction to Philosophy/The Branches of Philosophy. Chronological List of Published Entries. If Philosophy Won’t Diversify, Let’s Call It What It Really Is. Oxford's Free Introduction to Philosophy: Stream 41 Lectures.