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Internet Archive: Wayback Machine. Help needed in desperation. - Legal Junkies Forums. Court Funds - Defending The Truth Political Forum. Thanks pana8, for your feedback it is appalling to see the interests paid, cheating the helpless, something that we would not have expected from our society.
Well the end game for us has been horrific, this is when lawyers tend to clamp up. My scenario is my wife and I was involved in a horrific accident, unfortunately she came out the worse for it. Sign In. Empathy and consideration. Help needed in desperation. - Legal Junkies Forums. I don't really know which area would you classify it in.
We went shopping at Costco's 8 washing machine was stacked on the highest wrecking reaching up to 30 feet, they fell apart, 2 washing machines hit my wife causing her a brain injury and fractured three vertebrae. I wanted to take the case to court, but my solicitors would not have it, they called in an official solicitor to take the position of my wife and ended the case, as if we did not exist. since then my wife have been extremely ill and have taken all my time, I do not have a minute to myself. our barrister told me the money is there in court funds, take it or leave it, and we have never heard from them again. When we went to the office of Court funds, they told us they could not talk about it, and send us on our way.
Empathy and consideration. I was told to obtain a guardianship order for my wife. I don't have time with all of her care. Is there a way around this?
Bad Accident at Costco's. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) How do we fight White Collar Criminals? Waking up to Terrible Realities and learning about Exposure, Exposure, Exposure… Accident at Costco's. Pleading for justice. (1) Pleading for justice.
Injustice involving a horrific accident. If anybody is wondering why I am turning to the police, and claiming this case is fraudulent. The 1st solicitor we had, never knew the meaning of CPR rules, took 3 to 4 months to answer our letters, never saw the plaintiff till 8 months after the accident. The Law Society said that they could no longer be involved, the next step for us to take is to sue the solicitor for professional negligence, could you imagine a person that badly injured have to start a 2nd case suing her solicitor for professional negligence. To obtain is bundled of files the firm wanted 15,000 but we had to pay £5000 +VAT. My opinion of the 1st solicitor, a child that has been given a sweet shop for Christmas. Our 2nd solicitor, failed to turn up at the hearing, had the case dismissed. Little we know about our legal system.
What the devil earns in a years bonus, my wife Mary has a brain injury and fractured 3 of her vertebrae has not receive her compensation 9 years this April, the mine boggles what the devil thinks of us. 17 Mar. 2012.
The current position on this case; 03 March 2011I have asked my MP Andy Love for help several months ago he has not even bothered to answer my e-mail I went to his surgery and spoke to his secretary and have returned every fortnight and have been fogged off every time I go with excuses like they have not had any reply yet from Costco's. But this matter should be dealt with accordingly by the human rights act. a company had breach the health and safety regulations and injured a woman fractured three vertebrae causing a mild brain injury and lost her job her husband had to close down his business to take care of her. WARNING DO NOT USE THIS SOLICITORS. James Millar Craig » Royds. Jill Greenfield - Our team - Personal Injury Compensation. Andrew Morgan - Our team - Personal Injury & Medical Negligence Solicitors - Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP. Andrew Morgan is a partner in our asbestos and personal injury departments.
With more than 20 years experience, Andrew’s claims cover many areas, including: The leading legal directory, the Legal 500, says that Andrew is ‘clever, hardworking and respected by opponents’. Recently, Andrew recovered a substantial amount for Caroline Wilcock in a groundbreaking case against Cape Asbestos. The case settled less than a week before trial. Andrew extended the Court of Appeal authority of Chandler v Cape PLC to argue that Cape owed a duty of care to the neighbours of its subsidiary company, Universal Asbestos Manufacturing (UAM), that operated the factory.
Andrew successfully concluded another substantial claim against a teaching hospital brought following exposure to asbestos as a student or newly qualified doctor or dentist. YouTube colinberry1. Please take a look at my hub for updates.
Click the link below. The current position on this case; 10 February 2011I have asked my MP Andy Love for help several months ago he has not even bothered to answer my e-mail I went to his surgery and spoke to his secretary and have returned every fortnight and have been fogged off every time I go with excuses like they have not had any reply yet from Costco's. But this matter should be dealt with accordingly by the human rights act. a company had breach the health and safety regulations and injured a woman fractured three vertebrae causing a mild brain injury and lost her job her husband had to close down his business to take care of her. New comment on your post #7676470 "Bad Accident at Costco's" ____ All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing....
View topic - Official Solicitor. Yes John, I do realize that some kind of mental capacity act was around dating from the Tudor period.
Going by earlier marriage laws in England, I believe that a husband and wife was treated as one person, in some earlier cases I believe that husband's had ownership of their wives. But the whole reason for me publishing our case is that a person was badly injured the legal and judicial system had let the patient down severely, like a bird falling from the sky and left to die. Even though the claimant had a spouse but he was prevented from taking part in her claim, because the legal and judicial system was collaborating together in preventing the spouse and family in having any say in the outcome of the claim.
Single Mild Blast Exposure Can Cause Brain Injuries Similar to Alzheimer’s Disease. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Repeated concussions and injuries less serious than concussions ("sub-concussions") incurred during the play of contact sports over a long period can result in CTE.
In the case of blast injury, a single exposure to a blast and the subsequent violent movement of the head in the blast wind can cause the condition.[1] Epidemiology[edit] CTE is a neurological degenerative disease found in individuals who have been subjected to repetitive traumatic brain injuries[2] by way of the acceleration of the head on impact and the subsequent damage to axons. While repetitive brain trauma is thought to be necessary to cause CTE, it is not sufficient, meaning that not everyone exposed to repetitive brain trauma will get the disease. Pathology[edit] The primary physical manifestations of CTE include a reduction in brain weight, associated with atrophy of the frontal and temporal cortices and medial temporal lobe. Signs and symptoms[edit] New Tests for Brain Trauma Create Hope, But Is It Premature? - Clearwater Personal Injury Attorneys. Thousands of former professional football players have claimed they incurred severe brain trauma from injuries on the field.
Since these claims and the lawsuits that followed, several medical professionals have seized the chance to develop assessments for brain damage. Many experts say the validity regarding such claims of accurate brain damage assessment techniques are premature and as such, unfounded. Previously, it was widely believed that chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or C.T.E. for short, could only be diagnosed posthumously from analyzing brain tissue.
Concussion's Damage to Brain Lingers After Symptoms Fade: Study. Official Solicitor. Dr Mark Porter. Tuesday September 10 2013 THE TIMES body&soul Jack Kerouac and the lethal time bomb that can be caused by a head injury Dr Mark Porter Speculation in yesterday’s Times that the death of one of America’s foremost writers may have been hastened by long-term complications of head injuries sustained on the football field got me thinking.
At first glance the exact nature of Jack Kerouac’s premature demise more than 40 years ago may not appear to have much relevance today, but if brain trauma did play a role then his story is far from unusual. About a million people with head injuries are seen in A&E departments every year in the UK and there is growing concern that doctors are missing a common complication that may not become apparent for months, sometimes years, after discharge. High Prevalence of Chronic Pituitary and Target-Organ Hormone Abnormalities after Blast-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis. Wednesday, October 9, 2013.
Post-traumatic hypopituitarism recognising the signs - Articles - Pharmaphorum. Joanna Lane raises her concerns over the under-diagnosis of post-traumatic hypopituitarism and how pharma can help to increase recognition of the disease. In 2010 Alex Butler used social media to transform patient experience in his ground-breaking Psoriasis 360 campaign.
In 2012...Joanna Lane raises her concerns over the under-diagnosis of post-traumatic hypopituitarism and how pharma can help to increase recognition of the disease. Sports Related Brain Injury aka Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy(CTE) It is now almost common to hear about athletes who suffered a number of concussions over their careers having some difficulties later in life. Post-traumatic head injury pituitary dysfunc... [Disabil Rehabil. 2013. Caption, translate, subtitle and transcribe video. Ever think you picked the WRONG LAWYER for your case? Tune in Wed Nite... Is your judge right for your case? One Question Every Attorney Needs to Ask a Potential Expert Witness. Brain injury mentalillness. Man with head trauma With parents’ and players’ concerns about concussions and other head traumas, mental illnesses such as depression or bipolar are shown to be more prevalent than in someone without head injury.
Scientists in Denmark have been studying the connection between TBIs and mental disease have determined that during the length of the study to be more than 400 times more likely for survivors compared to non-injured individuals. Sonja Orlovska, MD, of the Psychiatric Centre Copenhagen, spearheads the study, and wrote about it in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Mental and Physical Health. Fight for justice. Sign Up.