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Colleen Sparks

Colleen is a preeminent Southern California Family Law Attorney in Riverside advocating for clients in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, and Los Angeles counties.

The Ultimate Guide to California Spousal Support. California Spousal Support FAQs – Understanding Alimony in California Love it or hate it, spousal support is alive and well in California.

The Ultimate Guide to California Spousal Support

Understanding your rights or obligations regarding spousal support is necessary for any spouse thinking about divorce in California. Learning why support is ordered, how long it will be paid, and exactly how much support will be paid will help you be better prepared for what to expect. What is Spousal Support? Spousal support, also known as alimony, is payment from one spouse (“payor spouse”) to another (“supported spouse” or “payee spouse”). Temporary support is spousal support that is ordered while a divorce is pending, or pre-judgment. The Purpose of California Spousal Support It is the policy of the State of California that both parties become self-supporting within a reasonable amount of time. Duration of Spousal Support The duration of support also depends, in part, on the length of the marriage. How Much Spousal Support Will be Ordered? The Role of a Child’s Preference in California Custody Cases. Child custody is decided on what is in the child’s best interest but not necessarily on the child’s preference.

The Role of a Child’s Preference in California Custody Cases

However, this does not mean that a child does not have a say in where he or she is to live and with whom. How Old Does a Child Need to Be to Choose Which Parent to Live With? It is a common misconception that when a child reaches a certain age he or she can decide which parent to live with after a divorce or separation. When parents cannot come to a child custody agreement, judges decide child custody – not kids. The fact is that until a child reaches the age of majority, 18 years old, the only individuals who can determine custody are the child’s parents, and if the parents can’t decide, a judge will. The Problem with Child Support in California. What is the Problem with Child Support in California?

The Problem with Child Support in California

Ask any parent with a California child support order this question: Are you happy with your current child support order? You may hear many different answers, but “yes” will not be among them. Whether you ask a parent receiving child support payments or making support payments pursuant to a California order, they are not happy with their child support order. Parents receiving child support invariably feel they are entitled to a higher support amount, and parents paying support invariably believe they are paying too much. Why is that? Plenty of family law litigants are content with their child custody orders, marital settlement agreements, property division orders, and even spousal support orders.

How to Get More Visitation Time With Your Child. Whether you and your child’s other parent have been sharing custody and co-parenting without a court-ordered child custody arrangement for years, or you are in the middle of a contentious custody battle, arguing over how much time you get to spend with your child is emotional and stressful.

How to Get More Visitation Time With Your Child

Many parents who want to have more visitation time with their child go about it in a way that makes that goal less likely. This isn’t because they are bad parents, they just don’t understand what steps they need to take to meet their goal of getting more visitation time with their child. If you want more time with your child, no matter what the current circumstances are with your child custody case or co-parenting relationship, this checklist can help you understand what you need to do to get more visitation. Be an Excellent Parent No eye rolling! The Difference Between Legal Custody & Physical Custody.

The Difference Between Legal Custody and Physical Custody of a Child in California Before entering into the arena of family law and custody battles, people tend to talk about “custody” in very general terms.

The Difference Between Legal Custody & Physical Custody

You hear about someone having “custody” of their kids or parents “sharing custody” of their kids. When parents first find themselves in front of a child custody attorney, family court judge, or child custody mediator, they often still use these general terms, vehemently advocating for “full custody” of a child. These parents often find themselves frustrated, feeling like no one is understanding or listening to them. Guide to Emergency Child Custody in California - Talkov Law. Secrets to Winning Child Custody in California - Talkov Law.

How to Win Child Custody in California In California child custody disputes, family courts are ultimately concerned with one thing: the best interest of the child.

Secrets to Winning Child Custody in California - Talkov Law

That means the court is tasked by the law to make their best decision about what custody arrangement would be best for your child. Knowing the court is going to make a decision regarding who your child lives with and how often you see your child, it is important to understand what kind of behaviors judges look for in a “good” parent.

Marital Settlement Agreement [Divorce Judgment] - Talkov Law. Detailed Marital Settlement Agreement Free Template – Divorce Judgment Sample Form Example Are you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse trying to come up with a marital settlement agreement that works for both of you without involving the family court?

Marital Settlement Agreement [Divorce Judgment] - Talkov Law

Sometimes it can seem like there is an endless supply of help out there for spouses who can’t agree on how to resolve their divorce, but finding resources for spouses who are actually compromising and cooperating can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. If our marital settlement agreement (divorce judgment) template does not help you reach a resolution in your divorce case, the next step is seeking the help of a skilled family law attorney for help determining what your rights are in dividing your marital property, spousal support, and more.

Oftentimes, having a divorce attorney help draft an agreement that meets the needs of both spouses can prevent confusion and controversy later on. Child Custody Agreement [Free Template] - Talkov Law. Detailed Joint Child Custody Agreement – Practical Sample Template Are you and your co-parent trying to come up with a custody arrangement that works for your child without involving the family court?

Child Custody Agreement [Free Template] - Talkov Law

Sometimes it can seem like there is an endless supply of help out there for parents who can’t agree on sharing custody of their child, but finding resources for parents who are actually compromising and cooperating can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Are "Father's Rights" Really a Thing? - Talkov Law. Ultimate Guide to Child Custody Mediation - Talkov Law. Everything You Need to Know About Child Custody Mediation in California Whether you like it or not, anytime there appears to be an issue involving setting or modifying a parenting plan in California family law, Family Code 3170 (a) requires that the parties participate in mediation.

Ultimate Guide to Child Custody Mediation - Talkov Law

Family Code 3175 states that mediation is required to take place prior to the hearing on child custody and visitation. If the parents are able to work out an agreement, the mediator helps the parents write a parenting plan that may then become a custody and visitation order if it is signed by a judge. In some counties, mediation is simply a forum in which a neutral third party helps the parents to work out a custody agreement prior to their hearing. However, there are some counties, including Riverside and San Bernardino, where the mediator makes a recommendation to the judge if the parents don’t reach a full agreement during their mediation session. Successful Step Parenting 101 - Talkov Law. 4 Common Child Custody Arrangements in California - Talkov Law.

10 Tips to Make Joint Child Custody Work - Talkov Law. How to Avoid Pissing off a Family Court Judge - Talkov Law. Attorney Colleen Sparks - Talkov Law. Colleen Sparks is an Attorney at Talkov Law in Riverside, California with a focus on family law and civil litigation.

Attorney Colleen Sparks - Talkov Law

Prior to joining Talkov Law, Colleen worked as a family law attorney at a Southern California-based law firm representing litigants in California Superior Court in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, and Los Angeles County. Colleen is a native of the Inland Empire of Southern Californian who attended Northern Arizona University and went on to earn her Juris Doctorate from California Southern Law School in Riverside, California. Prior to becoming an attorney, Colleen gained invaluable knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of the court system and insight into the judicial process during her time as a Superior Court Clerk for the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside.

Grandparent's Rights Attorney, Riverside Inland Empire Southern California Talkov Law. Experienced Grandparent’s Rights Attorney Law Firm Specializing in Grandparent’s Rights Cases Filed in the Inland Empire of Southern California Parents can always choose to allow grandparents visitation with their children, without a court order. For various reasons, however, some parents stop allowing their children time with their grandparents. California law provides that a grandparent may request the court for reasonable visitation with their grandchild under certain circumstances. However, certain requirements must be met before you will be granted such visitation.

Grandparent’s Rights in California. Guardianship Attorney Riverside Inland Empire Southern California Talkov Law. Experienced Guardianship Attorney Law Firm Specializing in Guardianship Cases Filed in the Inland Empire of Southern California Oftentimes, parents who are unable to care for their child but don’t want to put their child up for adoption decide to leave their child with a close friend or family member. This can become problematic because those individuals do not have the legal authority to make decisions on behalf of the child.

Legal Separation Attorney Riverside Inland Empire California - Talkov Law. Experienced Legal Separation Attorney in Riverside, California Law Firm Specializing in Legal Separation Actions filed in the Inland Empire of Southern California A legal separation is a legal action filed by a married person or domestic partner who may want to stay married or in the domestic partnership, but also wants to resolve all other issues, such as child custody, child support, spousal support, and complex property division. A legal separation separates the property and debts of the parties so that they are no longer legally responsible for each other. A legal separation will not terminate any life or health insurance. A Legal Separation is one of the options that are available for couples who are not ready to terminate their marriage but want to be considered separate for legal and tax liability purposes.

Same-Sex Divorce Attorney Riverside Inland Empire Southern California - Talkov Law. California Same-Sex Marriage and Divorce Laws On June 16, 2008, California began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples as a result of the Supreme Court of California finding in In re Marriage Cases 43 Cal.4th 757 (2008), that denying same-sex couples to legal right to marry violated California’s Constitution. The issuance of such licenses was halted from November 5, 2008 until June 27, 2013 (though existing same-sex marriage licenses previously issued and legally issued elsewhere continued to be valid) due to the passage of California Proposition 8—a state constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage. California Proposition 8 was challenged in federal district court, and later in the United States Supreme Court on various grounds, however. Ultimately, the United States Supreme Court restored the effect of a federal district court ruling overturning California Proposition 8 as unconstitutional (on unrelated, ancillary grounds) in Hollingsworth v.

Dissolution of Domestic Partnership Attorney Riverside Lawyer - Talkov Law. The Evolution of Domestic Partnerships for Same-Sex Couples in California On June 16, 2008, California began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples as a result of the Supreme Court of California finding in In re Marriage Cases 43 Cal.4th 757 (2008), that denying same-sex couples to legal right to marry violated California’s Constitution. The issuance of such licenses was halted from November 5, 2008 until June 27, 2013 (though existing same-sex marriage licenses previously issued and legally issued elsewhere continued to be valid) due to the passage of California Proposition 8—a state constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage.

California Proposition 8 was challenged in federal district court, and later in the United States Supreme Court on various grounds, however. Ultimately, the United States Supreme Court restored the effect of a federal district court ruling overturning California Proposition 8 as unconstitutional (on unrelated, ancillary grounds) in Hollingsworth v. Annulment Attorney Riverside Inland Empire Southern California - Talkov Law. Family Law Contempt Attorney Riverside Inland Empire Southern California - Talkov Law. Initiating Contempt Proceedings – How to file for Contempt in Family Court. Property Division Attorney Riverside CA Inland Empire Lawyer - Talkov Law. Domestic Violence Attorney Riverside CA Lawyer Inland Empire - Talkov Law. Experienced Domestic Violence Attorney. Divorce Attorney Riverside Inland Empire Southern California - Talkov Law. Experienced Divorce Attorney in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Riverside, Palm Springs, San Bernardino, & Silicon Valley.

Adoption Attorney Riverside Inland Empire Southern California Talkov Law. Paternity Attorney - Talkov Law, CA. Family Law Attorney Riverside Inland Empire Divorce Lawyer - Talkov Law. Move Away and Relocation Riverside Inland Empire Southern California - Talkov Law. Child Custody and Visitation Attorney Riverside Inland Empire Southern California - Talkov Law. Experienced Child Custody Lawyer in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Riverside, Palm Springs, San Bernardino, & Silicon Valley. ColleenSparks. Colleen Sparks Experiences. Colleensparks - BubbleLife Sites - BubbleLife Connect Sites. Colleen Sparks. Free Classifieds Website - , Classifieds. Custody Lawyer Riverside. #custodylawyerriverside - Custody Lawyer Riverside. Connect with colleensparks for Projects, Phone Consults and Jobs. ColleenSparks (@colleensparks) Colleen Sparks. Colleensparks (Colleen Sparks) Colleen Sparks.

Colleen Sparks. Custody Lawyer Riverside. Custody Lawyer Riverside. Business Card. Custody Lawyer Riverside. Custody Lawyer Riverside - Family Attorney Colleen Sparks - Child Custody and Family Attorney Serving the Inland Empire of Southern California. Custody Lawyer Riverside on CreativeGuild. Custody Lawyer Riverside. Child Custody and Family Attorney in Riverside, California – Family Lawyer & Custody Law Firm in the Inland Empire. CUSTODY LAWYER RIVERSIDE - Home. Colleensparks. The colleensparks’s Podcast. About us Custody Family Attorney Riverside. Colleen Sparks, Legal Services. Colleensparks.bcz. Mysite. Colleen Sparks - Web development Mentor. Colleen Sparks. Custody Lawyer Riverside. Colleen Sparks. Custody Lawyer Riverside is one of Southern California's... - ColleenSparks. Custody Family Attorney Riverside Coupons near me in Montreal, QC H3A. Custody Lawyer Riverside. Colleensparks (Colleen Sparks) Colleen Sparks on Vimeo. Colleen Sparks.

Colleen Sparks. User Account. Custody Lawyer Riverside. Colleen Sparks (@colleen0859) — Ask me anything. About Our Riverside Family Law Firm. Colleen Sparks. Colleensparks.bcz. Colleen Sparks - Web development Mentor. Colleen Sparks. Colleen Sparks - Expert. Custody Lawyer Riverside is one of Southern California's... - ColleenSparks. ColleenSparks. Colleen Sparks. Public Figures and Organizations That Signed the Pledge - Pro-Truth Pledge. ColleenSparks. Colleen Sparks - Family Law - Legal. ColleenSparks. ColleenSparks (@colleensparks) Colleen M Sparks. Custody Family Attorney Riverside - Law Firm in Riverside, CA 92506. Colleen Sparks Shop. Custody Lawyer Riverside. Custody Lawyer Riverside on CreativeGuild. Colleen Sparks on CreativeMornings. Colleen Sparks - Riverside County, CA, Custody Lawyer Riverside, California Southern Law School, Northern Arizona University.

Zillow. Custody Lawyer Riverside - 6216 Brockton Ave Riverside, CA - Adoption Services, Attorneys - (951)-888-3100. - Local info, reviews, maps & more. Custody Family Attorney Riverside in Riverside, CA - Lawyers - Adoption Divorce & Family Law by Yellow Pages Directory Inc. Custody Family Attorney Riverside - Request Consultation - Divorce & Family Law - 6216 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA.