A student named Joseph belongs to Egypt and he has come to study in England. From his childhood, he used to write essays but nobody told him about the major types of essays. He almost failed the final exam of a course because he wrote a descriptive essay instead of a narrative. If needed you can always search, “I need assignment help?” to get help from professionals.
In the following lines, we will take a look at the major differences between these two types of essays to help the students in writing these essays.
Many students face the same problem as Joseph because they are not familiar with the differences between different types of essays. There is a solution to this problem in the form of online help in writing the essay. A student can simply type “write my essay” in google and get many appropriate services. These students can ask for a free outline or summary of different kinds of essays. This will allow them to analyze whether the service can provide the desired content or not.
Narrative and descriptive essays are two distinct types of essays. The major difference between these two is the objective of the writer to compile them. In a narrative essay, the main objective of the writer is to tell the audience about certain experiences. On the other hand, a descriptive essay provides a descriptive account of a happening or personality to the audience. These two essays may be written about the same thing or event, but their style and content will be different.
What is a narrative essay?
A narrative essay can be considered an explanation of an individual experience. Personal experience should have a considerable impact on the life of an individual. An essay writer can share something special with the readers through a narrative essay. This kind of essay is generally written in chronological order of the happenings.
Another characteristic of this essay is that it can be written in the first-person pronoun. The readers can comprehend a point of view or perspective from the narrative essay. The reader will also get to know the personality of the writer by reading the narrative. A narrative can state the first day at school, the first interview, or a frightening encounter.
What is a Descriptive Essay?
As opposed to the narrative essay, a descriptive essay is used to describe or explain an event, person, or place. The major characteristic of such an essay is that sensory information can be used to describe the subject. The writer has to use very extensive and highly descriptive diction for such an essay.
Some descriptive essays cannot completely explain the information and remain focused on one or two dimensions. A good essay writer service will have separate writers for descriptive and narrative essays. This will ensure that any piece of work is handled by the experts. The topics for the description may include a cricket match or an antique object owned by you.
A narrative is defined as a story of a personal experience stated by the individual whereas a descriptive essay provides a detailed description of a personality, place, or movie. The narration is a personal experience stating what had happened in the past during some experience. A good description will create a three-dimensional picture of the subject. This allows the reader to experience the subject in greater detail and with a higher interest. The description may focus on only one sensory aspect according to the audience targeted.
The narrative essay tells the experience in the form of a story and is written in the first person. However, a narration may not always be a personal experience because a book report can also be a narrative as it spells out the plot within the book. The descriptive essay is not written in the first person because it is meant to be a highly descriptive account. It is not necessary that the writer has personally experienced or met the subject described in the essay.
Point of View
The narrative essay is written from a personal point of view of the writer whereas the descriptive essay is written to present the image of the subject. This difference is important because it will directly affect the mindset of the readers.
The narrative essay tells a story so it is full of action for the reader whereas there is minimal or no action in the descriptive essay because the writer doesn't need to have himself met with the person or experienced the place. This means that it is easier for the writer to retain the attention of the readers. The secondary tone or the lack of action in the descriptive essays may make it harder for the writers to retain the reader’s attention.
The narrative essay is written in a logical order which is normally chronological. The descriptive essay does not necessarily follow the chronological order. However, while describing a personality, it is necessary to maintain a chronological order so that the readers know exactly how things move ahead. Similarly, the description of a certain event can be confusing if there is no chronological pattern.
Characters and Plot
There is a specific plot of the narrative essay and all the characters revolve around it. These characters have specific parts to be played in the story. Stories are narrative and they have a similar purpose to narrate things to the readers. There is no specific plot or characters in the descriptive essays.
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